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"I'll be back with drinks" Tyler spoke as he disappeared into the crowd of party people

"So what are the chances he doesn't come back" You yelled over the loud music playing to your friend

"Slim to none" She laughs as you two make your way through people

You were currently at a party, in which you brought your two closet friends. Promising to stay by each others sides. You knew as soon as you walked in Tyler would separate himself from the group. Which he'd already done so.

You two walk up to the table where all the drinks were. As you mixed your drinks you stop to look around for Tyler. He's no where in sight.

"Why did I even bother inviting him" You say as you look around

"Because you're in love with him" Mackenzie, your friend, says as she shoves her face into her cup

You sigh as you grab your cup she held out for you.

"Drink up so that you can forget about him tonight" She started to walk over to the dancing crowd

"As if that'll ever happen" You mumbled to yourself

You've had a crush on Tyler for as long as you can remember. You came close to telling him a couple times. But instead you were faced meeting a new girlfriend each time. So you just didn't bother anymore. You saw a lot of girls come and go in Tyler's life. He'd say the same thing about each one, how perfect they were for him and that they could be the one. But as soon as he found almost all of them were there for the money he'd dump them right there and move on.

You were the only consistent girl in his life.

"Let loose girl. You're not his babysitter" Mackenzie told you as she started to dance around

You finally started to loosen up and dance around with everyone. Just as soon as you did so you spotted Tyler with a couple girls practically sitting on top of him. You couldn't take the picture out of your head and left the scene. Mackenzie following.

"Kenzie I don't understand. What do they have that I don't? Why won't he look at me like that?" You say frustrated

"Mmm, it's the hair. They're blonde, you know how hockey players love their blondes" she states "Just bleach your hair" she shrugs at her own suggestion

"I'm not bleaching my hair but thanks. I just don't understand I've done everything with him. I've watched him get drafted, win the Stanley Cup. He took me to the parade in Boston not one of his bimbos. I also took care of his drunk ass after the parade and for the rest of that week. I was there when he got traded and I helped him pick a house in Dallas. But yet he doesn't see anything I'm putting down. Am I that bad? Am I that bad at showing him how in love I am with him. God, What's wrong with me?"

Kenzie was about to speak up but you were on a roll with your rant. You just spoke louder stopping her from interrupting.

"You love me?" You hear an all too familiar voice say from behind you

Your heart stops as you look at Kenzie, who has her hands up in surrender mouthing the words 'I tried to tell you'

You slowly turn around, face glowing red with embarrassment. Tyler expression was soft with curiousness in his eyes as he looked at you.

"How long have you been standing there?" You managed to say

He licks his lips "Long enough to know that my best friend is in love with me"

"And that's my cue, I'll just be over there somewhere" Mackenzie said as she squeezed passes you two

"Tyler I-"

"I'm in love with you too" He blurted out

"Wait what? You are?" You question

He nods his head. "Probably since the 2011 playoffs" He says as his face goes red, he scratches the back of his neck as he looks to the ground

You stood there in shock not believing what you just heard. You didn't even know what to say.

"But what about all those girls"

"Some of them I actually liked and others as bad as it sounds were just hook ups that I used to try and distract myself from you but that never worked. The only reason I never said anything was because I thought I was never good enough for you. I didn't think you wanted to be with someone with my kind of life style"

"Ty, I don't care about your life style. Hockey player or not, money or not, partier or not it doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me as long you are you"

"I'm so in love with you, Y/N" Tyler came right up to you pushing you against the counter behind you

Before you could say anything he leaned down to your height and softly pressed his lips to yours.

You both break away to catch your breath.

"I'm so in love with you too, Tyler"


requested by @CindyHernandez957

Thank you for the request <3

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