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You sat happily with Katie, Jamie Benn's girlfriend, watching your boyfriends play the game they love. Second intermission had just started. You two decided to stay in your seats and just scroll through your social media. Intermission was about half way through when Katie tapped your shoulder.

"Ugh Y/N, I think you need to see this" she said not waiting for an answer and just shoved her phone in front of yours

You built up with anger as you saw the photo of Tyler kissing another girl in LA on their last road trip.

"That's it" you said before you got up from your seat

Before Katie could do or say anything you were already down the stairs and in the hallway to the dressing room.

You didn't even hesitate as you approached the doors you just pushed the doors open not caring about seeing any half naked guys. You walked up so fast up to Tyler and slapped him across the face. He looked at you confused and a little embarrassed as the room fell silent.

"I hope you and your little LA girl have a great time together because WE'RE THROUGH!"

"Babe what are you talking about" Tyler said still confused

"You know exactly what I'm taking about" you said as you pulled the photo up on your phone

"I didn't kiss her! Even ask Ja-"

"I don't wanna hear it and don't come home tonight either cause I don't wanna see you anymore" You said before running out of the dressing room sobbing

You called an Uber to pick you up from the arena to take you home.

You were still crying when you got into your apartment. You just couldn't believe Tyler would do such a thing. You two have been through so much and this is how it had to end.

You had crawled into bed and slowly drifted off to sleep as your crying can to a stop.

***One Week Later***

You took a deep breath as you started packing up all your belongings. You decided to move back to Toronto for a new start.

You came across an old scrap book you made for Tyler when you two first started dating. You began to cry a little as you flipped through the pages. Suddenly you heard the door to the apartment open and then close. You quickly threw the book back where you found it and wiped away your tears and continued to pack.

"Y/N? What's with all the boxes and luggage?" Tyler said as he stood in the door way of the bedroom

You looked up at him. He didn't look too good, his eyes were all red and puffy, he looked like he hasn't slept in a days and even though he wore his hood up you could tell his hair wasn't washed or combed.

"I'm leaving Tyler" you said holding back tears

"What, no you're not" He started to beg

"I have no reason to be here anymore" you said as you slowly packed your clothes

"You have me" Tyler said as he walked closer towards you

"You chea-"

"No Y/N, I didn't and I know you aren't gonna listen to me or even believe me but I was with Jamie that whole night and he can tell you exactly what happened that night" He said as he clicked Jamie's number and started to call him

"Hey Segs what's up" you heard Jamie on the other end of the phone

"Hey ugh, could you do me a favour and please explain what happen that night in LA to Y/N" Tyler asked

"Oh ya, of course"

With that Tyler handed you the phone and you waited for Jamie to start talking as you took a seat on your bed.

"So what happened was that we went out to the bar with a couple of the other guys on our off day in LA. And just saying Tyler didn't even want to go cause he wanted to call you before you went to bed but we ended up dragging him with us. Anyways we were just chilling at the bar when this random girl came up to us and as soon as Tyler turned around to face her, she grabbed his face and kissed him. He pushed her off of him but it was too late and her friend got a picture of it. We asked them to delete it but they just laughed at us and walked away. We couldn't really do much at that point. Tyler started to freak out about it but we all told him it would be fine and not to worry. And if you don't me believe after all that. Y/N, Tyler really loves you and I'm not just saying this because he's my friend. I'm saying his because this is what I see and what I know. Just before all that crap happened Tyler was saying how he missed you so much and that he's 110% positive that you're the one for him. He spent all last week here with me and Katie because he respected your choice of not wanting to see him. He barely slept through the night, he was crying a lot and I'm pretty sure he hasn't showered since he last saw you, he's a mess without you. Y/N I just want you to know how much Tyler really loves you and to just re think your decision"

With that Jamie hung up without another word.

You looked up at Tyler, who was already looking at you.

"Tyler I'm so sorry that I never believed you. I should've just let you explain yourself that day but I didn't and I'm stupid for that. I love you so so much Ty and I hope you still feel the same way" You said as you walked up to Tyler and started to hug him

"Of course I still feel the same way. Y/N I love you with all my heart and nothing with ever change that" He said as he hugged you


hoped everyone enjoyed this one, i enjoyed writing it for you guys. I'm still a little rusty on writing but i think this one is pretty good.

if you'd like an imagine written for you just request one and i'll have it up for you.

love you guys

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