A Precaution - Auston Matthews

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The puck dropped on the final period. My heart was racing, in the best way possible. I glanced up at where Auston was sitting. He smiled and gave me a wink. That was all I needed, his smile gave me all the support, encouragement and motivation that I needed. It was the final period of the women's Canadian Hockey Championship and the buzz that was going through my body was something unreal. There was no feeling that even began to match what it feels like to step on that ice.

The time was winding down and for an instant, everything became a blur. I knew I was hit from behind, I knew I went down but I couldn't remember actually falling to the ice or the fact that I went head on into the boards first. The trainers were near me in a heartbeat. I couldn't put the words together they were saying, I had no idea what was going on and before I knew it I was off the ice being evaluated.

There was talk of taking me out the rest of the game, sending me to the hospital. Usually, it wouldn't be a huge deal to me health was more important but this game...this game meant more and there wasn't much of it left.

"Please, after the game? It's almost over, please" I begged against my better judgement. Everyone examining me glanced at each other. I could tell they were battling with whether or not to let me play given the circumstances.

"Please" I managed to get out lowly one more time.

Before I knew what was happening I was back on the ice. What little that was left of the game went by in a blur and in what felt like a blink of an eye, the game had ended. For whatever reason once the adrenaline of playing the game was gone, I hit the floor. I didn't even know the outcome.

I woke up in the hospital, Auston next to me with my hand placed in his.

"Hey," He smiled at me "You're up, she's up!" He yelled out of the room to no one in particular. "You scared me, you're safe now I'm here ok?" he kissed my forehead.

"What happened?" I asked seriously, I was confused.

"You passed out after the game, they think its from when you hit your head but they haven't told me much. The doctor should be in soon just rest sweetheart" he explained rubbing my hand.

"You stayed with me? How long was I out?"

"Not long and of course, I would have stayed with you forever" he kissed my hand.

Even under terrible circumstances, he knew how to make me feel loved and supported.

"I heard someone is up" The doctor stated brightly walking in.

"That would be me" I smiled.

"The good news is, there is no immediate damage and you'll be released soon" the doctor explained looking at his chart.

"And the bad news?" I asked cautiously, earning a look from both the doctor and Auston.

"Bad news?" Auston asked.

"Well he said the good news is... people don't start a sentence like that unless there's bad news that follows"

Auston looked between myself and the doctor before the doctor spoke.

"You have to be cautious from now on" He started slowly. "Although there's no immediate damage, there's signs of long term damage"

"Wh-what does that mean?" Auston asked confused.

"It means any little thing goes wrong, she could have serious drawbacks...maybe even become brain dead. It'll be touch and go for a bit and we'll have to see you for regular checkups but this is a worst case scenario, it's just a precaution ok? I'll go get your discharge paperwork" and with a smile he left the room.

I turned to Auston, apparently the fear on my face evident.

"It's just a precaution, you heard him. We'll get you through this just fine ok?" He comforted pulling me into a hug.

"But what if-?" I started before Auston cut me off.

"No what if's, we're going to get through this and once you're clear we're going to celebrate like we've never celebrated anything before" He smiled pulling me in for a hug and rubbing my back.

"Just a precaution" I took a breath.

"You got this" Auston smiled brightly before kissing me softly. "I'm going to make sure that you have all your favorite clothes, food and movies at my place and I'll be back to pick you up by the time you're discharged ok? You're staying with me and I'm going to take care of you" he smiled.

"You don't have to I-"

"Nope, no fighting. I'm taking care of you every single second" he smiled kissing my forehead one more time before walking out of the room.

"Just a precaution" I breathed to myself.

I knew Auston was right, he was always right. He would never know how much his comfort and support meant, especially at a time like this but I knew as long as I had him by my side I would get through it.

Requested by: @_that_hockey_girl_

Thank you for requesting! I hope you like it❤️❤️❤️

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