Awesome - Mitch Marner

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"Y/N, please just come I promise you'll have fun" my friend Janet pleaded.

"Ok one, if I agree to go will you stop bugging me? And two, promise me that if I'm not having fun I can leave early" I explained.

"Deal" she smiled at me going to the closet and pulling out clothes. "This is perfect, go get ready" she threw clothes at me.

I reluctantly grabbed the outfit and walked to the bathroom. I took an extra long time to get ready figuring the longer I took the less time I would have to spend at the party in case Janet went back on her promise.

"I'm ready, let's get this over with" I grunted walking out of the bathroom and grabbing my bag.

"Don't sound so excited about it" she laughed linking her arms with mine and dragging me out of the house.

"It's so great to see you again" I was wrapped in the arms of one of Mitch's teammates.

"Thanks, you too" I said lowly looking at the ground. I turned my attention to anything that wouldn't make me think of Mitch.

"Y/N, just because you have a huge crush on the dude doesn't mean you have to be a jerk to his teammates" Janet sighed.

I shot her a look that quickly turned sad and caused my head to fall.

"It's more than that, Janet. I...told him I had feelings for him" I explained sadly.

"What?! You didn't tell me this! What did he say?" She asked excitedly.

"Awesome" I smiled ironically.

"Ok, great! But what did he say?" She pushed.

"He said awesome, Janet. He said freakin' awesome" I threw my hands in the air.

"Y/N, just calm down. If he's not into it, he's the one missing out. Get back out there" she smiled handing out a drink.

"Yeah, get back out there" I mocked her causing us both to laugh.

We grabbed more drinks and Janet was determined to make me mingle. I wouldn't have went to the event if Janet hadn't made me. Her boyfriend was on the team and given that I was friendly with most of them, it made it really hard to tell her no when she begged me to come. It hadn't been so bad...until she ditched me.

"It feels like it's been ages" I heard Auston's voice behind me.

"It's been like two weeks Auston" I rolled my eyes turning to him.

"I didn't think you two could be apart for that long" he grinned motioning to Mitch.

My eyes followed to where he was pointing and I quickly looked down when I was met with Mitch's eyes. I could tell he looked away too.

"Can we talk about something less tragic?" I laughed.

"What...happened with you two? You can't even look at each other now?" He asked getting serious.

"I told him I was into him" I half mumbled.

"So what's the problem?" He was confused.

"He said 'awesome', that's it. Just, awesome" I folded my arms.

"He's an idiot, Y/N. You know this" he comforted placing a hand on my arm.

"No, this time I'm the idiot" I laughed sadly.

"He'll find his words soon. Trust me, there's no way he doesn't have feelings for you too. Like I said earlier, I didn't think you two could be apart this long" he chuckled.

"Thanks, it means a lot" I reached up and hugged him as tight as I could, just happy for some comfort and reassurance.

We stayed in the hug a little longer than I had anticipated and honestly, it made me feel better knowing one of Mitch's friends had my back even though he was his friend.

Over his shoulder I could see Mitch glaring from across the room. I chose to ignore it and pull out of the hug. At that time someone started speaking and while they talked I suddenly felt a presence next to me. I looked over, shocked to see Mitch.

When the speech was over Mitch turned to me quickly.

"Y/N?" He asked almost cautiously.

"That's me" I said looking towards the ground.

"I'm so sorry" he said sadly.

"Not a problem, can't help the way you feel or...the way I feel" I kept my eyes anywhere but him.

"Y/N" he started before he was cut off.

"You have kept Y/N away from us for way too long" Auston started as he slung his arm around my shoulders. "You should really hang out with us more you know" he aimed his words at me.

"I'll try" I did my best to muster a smile and turned to leave, I had to get out of there.

As I distanced myself, I heard Auston start to say something to Mitch. I didn't even get to make it very far before I heard Mitch calling after me. I stopped, took a deep breath and turned around, unsure if I was ready for the conversation.

The minute I turned around Mitch's lips were on mine and his arms around me. Shocked at first, it took me a little while to melt into the kiss. When he finally pulled away we were both breathless.

"What the hell was that?" Was the only thing I could think of to say.

"I like you, Y/N. I'm not good with words and I didn't know how to react when you told me you had feelings for me. I should have kissed you then and I'm sorry I didn't but listen" he grabbed both of my hands in his. "I can't imagine you being with anyone else but me, I can't imagine being with anyone else but you. Be with me, choose me"

I glanced at Auston in the distance over Mitch's shoulder who raised his eyebrows in a 'you're welcome' manner and turned to leave with a shake of his head.

I smiled catching on to the fact that whatever Auston did, Mitch was jealous. I pulled Mitch to me and pulled him into a passionate kiss, shocking him and causing him to smile against my lips.

"I don't want to be with anyone else but you, Mitch"

The smile on his face grew even wider and both of his hands flew to either side of my face pulling me into another long kiss.

"Awesome" he mumbled when he pulled away, both of us not being able to contain our laughter.

Requested by: @MeganMarnz

Thanks for requesting ☺️❤️

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