Just Us - Steven Stamkos

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I woke up and instantly felt something was off. I turned and reached out for my husband only to be met with a cold bed.

I groaned to myself. I figured he had a busy schedule and I wouldn't see him much for the day. Usually I was really good with keeping track of his schedule, but since the baby was born it became a lot harder to even keep my own days straight.

I took a deep breath being thankful for one thing, I was up before the baby. Waking up before a 9 month old was always a win for me.

I pulled myself out of bed and walked to kitchen, desperate for any kind of caffeine. I knew trying to go back to sleep until the baby woke me up would just make me more tired. I placed the baby monitor on the counter and just started prepping for coffee when the front door opened.

I curiously poked my head around the corner out of the kitchen and saw it was Steven.

"Good morning honey" I smiled as he walked into the kitchen.

"I didn't think you'd be up yet sweetheart" he smiled motioning to the baby monitor.

"I know right? It's a miracle" I giggled before kissing him quickly.

He held out a coffee from my favorite place, it made my eyes go wide and made me kiss him again.

"That's your favorite right?" He asked seriously.

"It is! And..." I started as I read the cup. "This is my exact order to a T" I beamed up at him.

"Good, I'm glad I got it right" he kissed my temple.

"What's with the special treatment?" I asked him curiously.

"I know things have been difficult since the little one was born. I just thought you could use some pampering" he rubbed my shoulders gently.

"You are amazing" I leaned my head over to kiss him gently.

"Well, hold that thought till I tell you this next part" he chuckled turning me around to face him.

"Oh goodness, what did you do?" I asked him cautiously.

"Well do you remember what one of your favorite things to do before the baby was born was?"

"Umm...movies? Sleeping? Oh! Breakfast" I smiled widely.

"Go get ready baby, I'm taking you to breakfast" he smiled kissing me quickly as I ran off.

"Wait" I yelled back coming to a realization before walking sadly back to the kitchen. "The baby isn't awake yet, we can't go to breakfast" I slumped.

"Honey" he grinned at me walking back to me and taking both of my hands in his.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him.

"Ondrej's wife will be here any minute to watch the baby while we grab some breakfast." He kissed my forehead gently.

"She will?" I looked up at him excitedly.

"She will, so you better go get ready" he kissed my cheek as before I grabbed the baby monitor and my coffee and quickly walked down the hall, excited to get ready for the first time going out without the baby since they were born.

I got dressed quickly and as soon as I was completely done I heard the baby wake up.

"Perfect timing" I smiled to myself moving to grab the baby and walk to the kitchen where Steven was already finishing his coffee and his eyes brightened when he saw us walk into the kitchen.

"My loves" he took the baby from my arms, giving me a small kiss before turning his attention to the baby.

I ran quickly to grab the baby a change of clothes and a diaper before making my way back to the kitchen.

"I hate to do this to you..." I started with a giggle. I know how he loved his daddy and baby time.

"I know, I know" he chuckled. "I can do that you know" he motioned with his head to the diaper and clothes in my hand.

"I know, but I want to" I smiled taking the baby from his hands.

"I love you" he kissed the top of my head then the top of the baby's head.

"I love you too baby" I threw him one more smile before taking the baby to their room to change them.

I changed the baby as quickly as they would let me and scooped them back into my arms. Almost as soon as I made it back to the living room, the doorbell rang.

Steven grabbed the door and ran Barbora through where everything was.

"Thank you so much, we won't be long" I smiled as they approached us.

"Don't worry, I know how it is. Enjoy yourselves. Really, enjoy yourselves" she smiled taking the baby from my hands.

"We will try" Steven smiled at her while he rested an arm around my shoulders and gently gave me a little tug to tell me it was time to go. We said bye to the baby and Barbora before walking out the door.

"Everything will be perfectly fine" he rubbed my back once he felt me tense up about leaving the baby.

"I know" I smiled sadly.

"Let's take some advice and enjoy ourselves" he smiled opening my car door for me.

"Deal" I smiled getting in the car.

"They'll be just fine, will you be fine?" Steven chuckled softly as he started pulling the car onto the Main Street we lived off of.

"I'll be fine, a little just us time is very much needed and well deserved" I smiled over at him.

He reached over and took my hand in his, gripping it tightly.

"Just us" he grinned over at me.

I loved that man with everything in my heart. Not only because he was amazing, but because he gave me the only other thing in the world I couldn't love more. As much as we both loved the baby, I couldn't wait for some alone time. It was exactly what I needed. Some time away, just us.

Requested by: @FredTheGryffindork

Thanks for requesting! 💙🤍💙🤍💙

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