Lucky - Elias Lindholm

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"Baaaaaaabe" I groaned sitting on the couch pulling the blanket closer to me.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Elias asked sitting on the edge of the couch next to me.

"Everything hurts" I pouted in an over exaggerated way rubbing my belly.

"Let me take care of everything my dear" Elias kissed my forehead before giving me a smile and walking into the kitchen. I didn't even have to tell him I was on my period, he understood me from the second I started talking.

Before I even had a chance to think about it, Elias was back in the room with ice cream , a rice bag and chocolate.

"My favorites" I grinned, motioning for him to come sit with me. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap gently placing the rice bag over my stomach and handing me the bowl of ice cream. I smiled taking a spoonful and shoving it into my mouth.

"I love you" I smiled handing out a spoon of ice cream for Elias.

"I love you more darling" he ate the ice cream off the spoon and placed a kiss on the top of my head. He moved his hands to my shoulders gently massaging them.

"That feels amazing" I closed my eyes and let the relaxing feeling take me over.

"Is it making you forget about your everything hurting?" Elias let out a small laugh.

"Very much so" I smiled.

"Good, my plan is working then" he smirked gently kissing my shoulder. I had completely abandoned the thought of finishing my ice cream, all I wanted in that moment was to be with Elias.

"Y/N?" His voice was low and soothing.

"Yes, my love?" I opened my eyes and looked back at him.

"Can I get you anything, can I do anything for you?" He asked running his hands along my shoulders.

"Two things, please" I played innocent.

"Anything, my dear"

"Can you put my ice cream on the table please" I smiled.

"Sure honey" he said with a small laugh. "And the second thing?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Cuddles?" I beamed hopefully.

"Always" he opened his arms allowing me to cuddle into him. I moved the rice bag to the floor as it had become cold.

I had almost completely forgotten everything that had caused such havoc on my body not long before that moment. Elias always made me feel comfortable and knew how to ease my pain in the best way possible.

"Thank you" my voice came muffled from being pressed to his chest.

"For what?" He chuckled.

"For everything, for helping my pains and making everything better" I breathed deeply taking in his addicting scent.

"No need to thank me, its always my pleasure" he gripped me a little tighter making me smile.

He started rubbing circles on the small of my back, massaging gently to ease the pain of my cramps taking over. I lifted my head and gave him a small smile.

"Everything ok?" He questioned lightly.

"Perfect, that feels nice. I'm a lucky girl"

"You don't feel good" he gave a low chuckle as he spoke.

"I'm lucky because I have you, silly" I laughed nuzzling my head back into his chest.

"I'm the lucky one, my dear" he moved his hands up to my hair to rub my head as he spoke.

I took in the sound of his heartbeat and I knew that, although he could try to convince me otherwise, I was the one that was lucky.

Requested by: @Aimee_Lindholm_Babin

Thank you for requesting! ❤️❤️❤️

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