Make Them Believe It - Auston Matthews

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"Auston please" I begged.

"Y/N, I'm not sure it's a good idea" Auston trailed off.

"Please! It won't be weird, I promise. Please  just be my date" I looked at him hopeful.

"Fine, but you owe me!" He laughed.

"My life, Matthews! You're the best" I threw my arms around him.

My sister was getting married. Usually it would be a happy experience, if it wasn't for my parents...more specifically my mom. She had been hounding me for months now to find someone and settle down. My sister getting engaged really screwed me over.

When I had had the plan to take someone as a fake boyfriend to the wedding festivities, I didn't think of anyone else but Auston. He was the only one I would feel comfortable pretending with.

The ride to my parents was filled with a comfortable silence even though my anxiety was building the closer we got to my parents house. When we got there my mom ushered us to our room and instructed us to meet in the backyard with the rest of the family when we were settled.

"I can sleep on the floor" Auston said unpacking his bag.

"Why would you sleep on the floor? I'm the one who got us into this mess, I'll sleep on the floor"

"I'm not letting you sleep on the floor Y/N"

"I'm not letting you sleep on the floor Auston"

"We could share the bed, nothing weird I promise" he laughed.

"I trust you" I smiled and finished unpacking. "I don't want to go downstairs" I whined.

"Look, we have the rehearsal dinner tonight and the wedding tomorrow. After that we can leave as soon as you want to" Auston explained making his way to me and rubbing my arms.

"Thank you for doing this, I couldn't imagine doing this without you" I hugged him.

"We better get downstairs before they send a search party up" he laughed against my hair.

"It's like you've known them forever" I joked.

We made our way out of the room and as I closed the door I felt him take my hand. I looked up at him with confused eyes.

"Let's make them believe it" he smiled. My skin felt warm and my stomach got a strange tingle. I gently squeezed his hand mostly to ease my own panic that was creeping in.

"Make them believe it" I smiled.

Aside from the scattered questions and glances at Auston and I, most of the focus was on my sister and her fiancé. Going over the rehearsal dinner was the main topic and I felt relieved the focus wasn't on me for once.

I sat on the bed in our room putting off getting ready for the rehearsal dinner as a sense of dread washed over me. I didn't want to go to this dinner but I was glad I would at least have Auston with me.

"You going to get ready anytime soon?" Auston smirked from the attached bathroom door. I looked up to meet his eyes.

"Look at you all handsome" I half joked. I had seen him cleaned up before but something felt different. He slowly made his way over to me leaning down.

"Get ready" he laughed tapping my nose.

I rolled my eyes at him and got up quickly doing my hair and light makeup. I threw on my dress and reached back to grab the zipper. I kept grabbing at what felt like nothing until I finally gave up.

"Auston, can you help me please" I called him over.

"What's wrong?" He seemed worried.

"I can't reach" I laughed pointing to the back of the dress in the area of the zipper.

"Turn" he laughed. He zipped up my dress rather slowly before running his hands over my shoulders and down my arms. His touch made my skin tingle with goosebumps. I slowly turned to him unsure of what I was feeling inside. "You look amazing" he almost whispered.

"You smell amazing" I said before I realized what had come out of my mouth. I internally shook my head at myself as he let out a small chuckle.

"Are you ready to go babe?" He asked reaching out a hand. I smiled and took his hand. I knew it was all for the act but whoever  ended up being with him would be one lucky girl. I took his hand as he grabbed his keys and led us to the car.

After rehearsal I sat in the car looking at the restaurant. The rehearsal at the church had went fine because everyone was so focused on making sure things were set for the wedding. But at the restaurant things would be different. The car door opened and Auston stepped in front of me.

"We have to go in sometime" he laughed as I pulled myself out of the car. He grabbed my hand gently. "Make them believe it" he pulled me to him and placed a small kiss to my forehead. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and a smile spread across my face. The moment was broken when I looked up and saw my sister and her fiancé walking past, my sister giving me a smile.

Oh right, the act. Make them believe it. I couldn't explain what was going on, why I was feeling the way I was. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

I sat next to Auston, his arm gently laying around my waist as we talked to people. We actually made a believable couple from what it seemed like.

"So tell us" the sound of my sisters voice pulled both of our attention to her. "How did this happen?"

"Well we were friends first" I started, holding in my nerves. We hadn't practiced answers to questions...this is where it all could unravel.

"But like, when was the moment you knew it was more than friends?" My sister pushed.

"I got this" Auston whispered in my ear brushing a kiss against my cheek. I felt my face fill with color and my palms start to sweat.

"We had went out with some friends" Auston started while turning to my sister. "Y/N was in a particularly clumsy state" his words earned a chuckle from my family. "She knocked over my drink at the table. She was frantically trying to clean it up when she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers in a panic and said 'I'm sorry Auston, I'm a mess'" he turned and looked at me as the realization hit me. This was something that had actually happened.

'Don't read too much into it Y/N'

"As she spoke those words to me I realized two things." He continued having the full focus of my entire family. "That she was in fact a mess...and that, more than anything, I wanted her to be my mess" he turned and looked at me.

The family aww'd as I felt my heart rate speed up.

"That is so sweet" my sister beamed as Auston pressed his forehead to mine.

"Well done" I mouthed to him with a smile.

He leaned over and whispered in my ear softly sending shivers down my spine. "Maybe this time it wasn't a lie"

Please feel free to send in requests! I love you writing for you guys!

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