Mine - Jacob Markstrom

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"Don't worry, I will definitely be there. I'll see you then" I hung up the phone with a laugh.

Jacob was way too excited for the event. The Canucks were hosting a skate with the team event after the game and he had managed to snag me a spot for my friend Allie and I.

I had met Jacob randomly about a year prior. He was always the friend that we would randomly text every so often and we would see each other every now and then but when we did, we were like best friends that were inseparable.

The game went well and the Canucks won. Jacob had an amazing game. After the game I ran to my car to get my skates and as I laced them up, the excitement inside me grew. I had decided to just get on the ice and Allie would catch up when she could.

The minute I stepped onto the ice half my excitement turned to nerves. I had never ventured into Jacob's hockey world and I wasn't sure if I was even ready to, but Jacob was so excited about me being at the event I knew it would be a great time.

Before I knew it, I was approached by a male who appeared to be part of the team.

"Y/N?" He asked me cautiously.

"Yeah?" I asked curiously turning towards him.

"Hi, I'm Alexander Edler" he held out his hand for me to shake.

I knew that name. Jacob talked about him all the time. A smile formed on my face.

"Hi" I took his hand to shake it. "Jacob talks about you every time I see him" I giggled.

"Really? He talks about you all the time, seriously all the time" he laughed.

"What? I asked confused "wait, how did you even know I was me?"

"I recognized you from his phone background"

"Phone background?" I said more to myself than anything.

"Hey" I heard as someone else approached us.

"Umm hi" I smiled still confused as to what was going on.

"I'm Thatcher" he smiled with his hand outstretched.

"I'm Y/N" I smiled shaking his hand.

"Y/N? You're not Jacob's Y/N are you?" He asked looking at Edler who was still standing next to us.

He nodded towards Thatcher and my glance shifted between the two. I knew what they were getting at.

"No, I'm actually no ones Y/N" my glance continued between them.

"In that case, hi, I'm no ones Thatcher" he smirked towards me as Edler shook his head.

I was about to roll my eyes at how lame his line was when I felt someone literally pull me away.

"Mine" Jacob laughed while he skated by behind me, wrapped his arms around my middle and pulled me away from his two teammates.

"Jacob!" I laughed wriggling in his arms as we came to a stop.

"I'm so glad you came" he smiled at me.

"I told you I would be here, I wouldn't lie to you" I grinned pulling him into a massive hug.

"What are you doing tonight? Want to get some food or something?" He looked at me hopeful.

"Oh you know what, I was actually going to see what you're buddy Thatcher was doing tonight"

His face fell.

"I'm messing with you, of course my night is set aside for you" I laughed as I nudged him a bit.

"Told you, mine" he poked my nose making me giggle.

"Although Allie has work early tomorrow so it'll just be us" I shrugged.

"Perfect" he smiled wrapping me in another hug.

Throughout the event Allie and I mingled as best we could and met most of the team, they were all so extremely nice I had no idea why I was nervous.

Jacob seemed to make it a point to stay near Allie and I. It seemed like he was doing his best to hide the fact that he was staying near us, but he didn't do a very good job of it at all.

After the event I walked with Allie to where she parked and planned to wait for Jacob.

"Have fun tonight" Allie smirked at me.

"It's not like that Allie, you know that" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know, I think you might be wrong about that one" she gave me a look before getting in the car.

"Text me when you get home please"

"I will, and text me how things go with the love of your life" she motioned to where Jacob was approaching us.

I rolled my eyes again.

"Goodbye Allie" I laughed as she pulled away, her and Jacob sharing a quick wave as she passed him.

"Food?" He asked as he slung an arm around my shoulders.

"Food" I smiled up at him.

When we were seated in the restaurant I looked over at him with a curious look.

"What?" He chuckled with a slight smile.

"Can I see your phone?"

"My phone?" I nodded at him. "Sure"

He took out his phone and slid it across the table to me. I turned it on to see the lock screen. My smile grew when I saw a picture of the two of us from the last time we saw each other.

"That's adorable" I smiled at him. "I just wanted to see if it was true I was part of your phone background" I slid the phone towards him as he gave me a curious look. "Alexander Edler said he recognized me from your phone background" I grinned.

"That's been my lock screen since we took that picture" he smiled at me.

"That's precious" I giggled.

The next time I would see Jacob, everything would be different. We would have not seen each other in what felt like ever, I would be thinking about relocating for my job and Jacob had a new team to call his own, the Calgary Flames.

After Jacob signed with the flames, my heart slowly started shattering. I had barely been able to see him and only got to see him once before he left for Calgary because of my work schedule.

The longer he was gone, the more I was starting to realize maybe Allie had a point...maybe I did love Jacob, maybe he was the love of my life. But none of that mattered now, we lived too far away. Still, that didn't stop us from talking on the phone for hours any chance we got or FaceTiming when we knew we had a bit more time.

There were countless times one or both of us would fall asleep on a call or FaceTime and it only made my fondness for him grow. I loved the man, I just wish I had realized it when he was still here with me. Maybe things would be different now, maybe they wouldn't be but at least he would know.

As luck would have it, my job was thinking of relocating me to Calgary to help run a branch there. I instantly grew excited at the thought of possibly seeing Jacob again. My job had decided to send me to Calgary for a few days for me to meet the people there and see how well of a fit it would be. I instantly jumped on the idea and made the trip to Calgary.

When I was settled I texted Jacob asking what he was doing.

'I'm just going to practice. Nothing after, FaceTime?'

'Perfect' I texted back with a smile on my face.

I generally knew what time his practices were so I decided to wait for him after practice and surprise him. I saw where people were exiting and decided it looked like a safe bet and by chance he went out a different way I could just text him.

It took a little while but when he finally appeared my whole insides burned. Being in his presence again was so overwhelming. He was shocked, you could tell by the look on his face. He dropped everything and half ran to scoop me up in a hug.

I clung to him, truly not wanting to let go. He pulled out of the hug and took my face in both of his hands quickly pulling my lips to his, I didn't even hesitate to kiss him back.

"Mine" he smiled after he pulled away and pressed his forehead to mine.

"I always will be" I said barely above a whisper.

I brought him back down into another kiss.

"I love you, I wish I knew I was in love with you before you left" tears started forming in my eyes.

"I've always known I was in love with you, but I had to leave"

"I know" I placed my hand on his cheek.

"I still love you" he pulled me close to him.

"Enough to be with me?" I swallowed hard.

"We could be on separate planets and it wouldn't stop me from loving you enough to be with you" he looked at me seriously.

"Maybe we don't have to be on separate planets" his look became questioning. "My job might be relocating me...here" I smiled.

"Here?" He smiled widely.

"Here" I nodded happily.

"I love you" he kissed me again "I love you so much"

"I love you too" I hugged him tightly.

"Where are you staying?" He asked still in the embrace.

"They got me a room at some hotel" I refused to let him go. For the first time since he left I felt that warm comforting feeling of being in his arms.

"Do you have to stay there?" He asked quietly.

"Why?" I looked up at him.

"Stay with me"

"I like that idea so much better" I placed a small kiss on his lips.

That night was the night I knew what we had was real and what we had was forever. I slowly started feeling sleepy while I laid in his arms and the feeling was honestly intoxicating.

"Mine" I said softly, running my fingers across his cheek.

"I always was" he smiled turning his head to kiss my palm.

I was glad he wanted me to stay with him. In fact, I only returned home to finalize the relocate and bring my stuff to Calgary. I didn't realize it before, but I would follow him anywhere. He was mine.

For my co-CEO: mitchyymarns

In "celebration" of our boy signing in Calgary ❤️❤️❤️

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