Worth It - William Nylander

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Drumming my fingers on my knee while I waited for William to come home was starting to annoy myself. It felt like it was taking him forever to come home, maybe because I was more excited to see him than I ever was or maybe it was because I had something I desperately needed to share with him.

I hadn't been feeling like myself and the more time went on, the more I knew something had to be wrong. When I started getting sick in the mornings I decided to take a pregnancy test, and when that came out positive I took another...and another.

Five tests later I realized I could finally believe it. I was pregnant. We had been unofficially trying for awhile and honestly I'm surprised it took as long as it did. I was beyond happy and couldn't believe in less than a year we would have a little baby that we'd always said we wanted.

As the door opened I did my best to keep my composure so he wouldn't know something was different.

"Hey, babe" William walked over to the couch to give me a quick kiss.

"Hey honey, how was practice?" I asked as he walked next to me and threw himself on the couch next to me.

"It was great, missed you though" he placed a hand on my knee.

"You know what?" I started as I placed my hand over his. "You want to go grab some food or something?"

"Sure...is everything ok?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"Absolutely fine, I'm just getting hungry" I gave him my best smile.

"Ok, where do you want to eat?" He asked taking my hand in his.

"Anywhere, I can eat anything right now"

"Alright then, let's go" he got up pulling me off the couch with him.

The ride to the restaurant was quiet, it wasn't uncomfortable just quiet. I didn't know how to hold a conversation with him without blurting it out. I wanted the timing to be perfect.

I wanted to plan something cute, make something or buy something to surprise him with. But there were two flaws with that, one being I was absolutely no good at planning stuff like that and the more pressing matter being there's no way I would be able to hold in the news for that long.

I had been with him less than an hour knowing that we had a little bundle of joy on the way and I was itching to spill the news. There was no way I could plan a reveal, I would never make it.

"You sure everything's ok?" He asked holding my door open for me to get out of the car.

"Trust me, I'm fine" I smiled placing my hand on his cheek and giving him a quick kiss.

"Ok, I believe you" he smiled wrapping a hand around my waist and pulling me close. "But you'd tell me if something was wrong, right?" He asked curiously.

"I would definitely tell you if something was wrong" I kissed his cheek fast and wrapped my arms around him giving him a gentle squeeze. "Now let's get food I'm starving"

After the waitress left with our drink order I noticed William giving me an off look.

"You ok?" I asked him concerned.

"What?" He appeared to snap out of it "oh yeah, everything's perfect" he smiled.

I didn't believe it. Something was off and it was definitely ruining my excitement to tell him about the pregnancy.

The more our time out passed the more he was worrying me. It definitely seemed like something was bothering him but he wouldn't share what it was.

"Thank you" I said to the waitress as she handed me the dessert menu.

"Hey" William started as he took my hand.

"What's up darling?" I asked him with a smile.

"What if we order dessert to go? We can go home watch a movie and cuddle or something?" He looked at me seriously.

"I love that idea" I smiled widely gripping his hand a little.

When the waitress came back William quickly ordered his dessert and the waitress turned her focus on me.

"I'll take the chocolate lava cake and the brownie sundae to go as well please" I smiled closing the menu and handing it back to the waitress.

"They'll be right out" the waitress gave a slight smile and walked away.

"You got two desserts?" William gave me a curious look.

"Well yeah, I had to" I looked at him seriously.

"What? Wait why?" He chuckled a little.

"Well, my love, the baby needs a dessert too" I giggled a little.

"Baby?" His expression became questioning before his eyes set on my belly. "Baby?!" He looked up at me with a wide smile as I nodded. "Baby!" He jumped out of his seat to give me a tight hug and a few quick, happy kisses.

"I couldn't hold that in any longer" I giggled a little.

"Is that why you've been acting strange today?" He laughed.

"I didn't think I was acting strange" I shrugged.

"Babe, you were acting so strange I thought you were going to end things with me"

"Seriously? Like that would ever happen" I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

"This is the most amazing news ever" he kissed me again quick. "Let's go home and cuddle" he rubbed my belly gently as the waitress approached with our dessert and check.

"Thank you" I smiled at the waitress.

"Thanks, we're having a baby" William grinned at the waitress as she offered her congratulations.

"Have a nice day" the hostess called to us as we were walking out.

"Thanks, we're having a baby!" William screamed happily making me laugh.

He was so excited. I knew he would be.

The entire way home he drove with his hand on my belly rubbing softly as a slight smile decorated his face.

We settled on the couch with our desserts. William laid with his head in my lap as we put on a movie. When we were done with dessert William turned his head to face me and kissed my stomach ever so slightly.

"I love you already little one, your mommy and I waited a long time for you" he spoke to my stomach.

Tears were definitely threatening to make an appearance.

"It feels like we tried forever, it feels unreal that it's finally happening" I smiled rubbing William's head gently and running my fingers through his hair.

"Worth it" he smiled up at me.

"Definitely worth it"

Requested by: Nylanders_Bxtch

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