Yet - Andrei Svechnikov

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I found myself walking up to the bonfire that just two days ago I swore I wasn't going to. Bonfires weren't my thing. The smoke irritated my lungs and I always smelled like bonfire for days afterwards no matter what I did.

I didn't hate them, but they wouldn't be my first choice. When Sebastian asked me to come with him I internally groaned but hearing one of my best friends whine about how much he wanted me there warmed me so much, I couldn't say no.

I knew a lot of his friends and some of his teammates would be there that I knew so at least seeing them was something to be excited about.

It was already cooling down by the time we got there and I was already upset with myself for not bringing a jacket or hoodie. I would just have to make do.

"You ok?" Sebastian eyed me suspiciously.

"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled at him.

"You look cold already" he said on the verge of a laugh.

"Shut it" I shook my head suppressing a laugh as I moved closer to the fire.

"Want anything?" He asked.

"Water please" I looked at him hopefully.

"You got it" he walked to the other side of where the bonfire was and to the drinks.

I found a seat on what looked like a bench that wasn't too far from the fire so I still got some warmth. I was trying hard not to rub my upper arms for heat and talking to one of Sebastian's friends, Mindy, when he came back with my water.

"It's not super cold" he explained handing it out.

"That's perfect" I smiled taking the water from him.

"I should probably find my boyfriend, I haven't seen him in a while, I'll definitely see you guys later though" Mindy giggled giving both of us a hug before leaving.

Soon after, Sebastian left to talk to some people that called him over and I opted to stay where I was, in fear of being too far out of the heat range. I got cold super easy.

"Not in a social mood?" Andrei laughed approaching me.

"It's not that I'm just cold and was an idiot and didn't bring a jacket" I shrugged as he took a seat next to me.

"Your boyfriend should have given you his" he motioned to Sebastian who was talking to some people on the other side of the fire.

"Sebastian?" I rose my eyebrow at Andrei as he nodded his head. "He's not my boyfriend, we're just friends" I held back a laugh.

"No?" He asked confused.

"Definitely not, come on you should know this" I playfully nudged him.

He let out a small laugh before pulling off his hoodie and handing it out to me.

"Here" he said with a smile.

"I can't take your hoodie" I said seriously.

"I'm not cold, please" he insisted.

I couldn't say no to him, the look on his face was too cute. I had been crushing on Andrei for awhile so this gesture made my stomach full with butterflies. We were never the closest of friends but that didn't stop me from being excited to see him every time I got to.

I took the hoodie from his hands returning the smile. I wasn't going to lie to myself, the thought of wearing his hoodie made me as excited as a kid on Christmas morning.

"Thank you" I said gratefully tugging the hoodie over my head.

"Looks better on you anyway" he smiled grabbing at one of the strings.

"I don't think so, it looked pretty damn good on you" I said without even thinking. I instantly wanted to disappear into the earth. I was so embarrassing.

He laughed looking at the ground. Before either of us could say anything else I was pulled from my thoughts by Sebastian yelling my name.

"Y/N, come here a second!" He called over.

"I'll be back" I pulled myself out of my seat and gave Andrei a hug. "Thank you again for the hoodie, it saved me" I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before walking towards where Sebastian was.

I met a few more of his friends and had small conversation until I noticed Sebastian looking at me funny.

"What?" I asked sarcastically.

"Is that Andrei's hoodie?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No" I said flat out. I didn't want to get the lecture or the ridicule or whatever else that was about to follow.

"Yes it is" he said with a smirk on his face like he caught me.

"No, it's not" I rolled my eyes.

"It says 37 right there" he pointed to the hoodie.

"Crap" I said more to myself that anything.

"Go hang out with him" he patted my shoulder.

I didn't want to so easily openly admit I would rather be hanging out with Andrei, I tried to play it off.

"But I just met-" I started before he cut me off.

"Go, Y/N it's fine" he smiled giving me a nudge.

I said my nice to meet you's and made my way back to where I was sitting with Andrei. I was a little disappointed when I realized there were now people talking with him, sitting where I had been and there was seemingly no room for me.

Before I even got to say anything Andrei held out his hand to me. My body seemed to instinctively move on it's own and my hand reached back for his. My insides buzzed as my hand slipped into his and he gently pulled me to sit on his lap.

I was shocked to say the least but I couldn't hide my smile.

"This is Y/N" he said to the other people with a smile.

They introduced themselves and I shook their hands. I noticed Andrei watching me with a smile as I greeted them before his hand fell to rest on my hip. Again, my body seemed to react instinctively as I wrapped my arm around his neck.

"How long have you guys been together?" One of them asked with a smile.

I felt like I had to quickly point out that we weren't together. The thought of hearing Andrei say it would have just made me sad.

"Oh, we're not together" I laughed playfully trying to hide the fact that I totally wished we were.

"Yet" he said casually.

Yet? How was he so nonchalant about that. It looked like it hadn't phased him at all and I was about to completely freak out, probably more from happiness than anything.

"Yet?" I looked at him questioningly trying to hide my real feelings in case that word was a joke.

"We should let you guys talk" one of the people said motioning for the rest of them to follow him.

Once they had walked away Andrei turned back to me a smile on his face. I made no move to get off his lap and he made no effort to get me off his lap.

"You don't like the idea?" He was searching my face for a reaction, I could tell. He seemed to relax when a smile slowly formed on my face.

"No I do, I really do. I just didn't think you liked the idea" I said seriously my hand now rubbing the back of his neck.

"I thought you were with him" he motioned to Sebastian who was still talking with the same group of people. "Everyday sucked thinking you were with someone else. Thinking he got to touch you and kiss you while I wanted to so bad" he explained almost sadly, his gaze falling to the ground.

"Hey" I pulled his chin back up to look at me. "What's stopping you now?" I asked him desperately, my eyes setting a quick gaze on his lips.

I had wanted to kiss him from the first time I met him so his confession took me by surprise. My body felt heavy and my heart was pounding. Before my eyes reached his again his lips were on mine.

I'm not even going to say the kiss was everything I'd wanted. It was so much more. It felt right, like we should have been doing this the entire time.

"Want to get away from all these people for a little bit?" He asked out of breath when we finally pulled away.

"As long as you come with me" I joked with a smile.

"That was the idea, baby" he gave me a few more quick kisses before getting up and pulling me with him. "Ice cream?"

"Perfect" I smiled at him.

We made our way to where Sebastian was, Andrei's hand leading me on the small of my back.

"Hey, I'll be back. Just going to grab some ice cream or something" I explained to him since we had taken my car and I didn't want him to panic when he found out I was gone.

"Just be safe" Sebastian said with a laugh.

"Don't worry, dad" I joked shaking my head and starting to move away.

"Thanks for not dating her" Andrei told Sebastian patting his shoulder before joining me and taking my hand in his.

I let out a laugh. Poor Sebastian looked so confused.

"He has no idea what's going on" I continued laughing.

"Yet" Andrei smirked while giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

Requested by; @THEOGPUCKSLUT

Thank you for requesting! ❤️❤️❤️

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