Confronting Her: Alex Galchenyuk

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This request was sent in by ElliceMacGillivary and if you like this imagine, don't be afraid to send me a message requesting one.  I will get to it as soon as I can.  


(Alex's P.O.V.)

I walked with Ellice out of the Bell Sports Complex where the Canadiennes just won their game against Calgary.  Ellice had a shut out tonight against them, and I was so proud of her.  However, there was something that was occupying my mind during the game.  

The Canadiens tried to warn me when I started to date her a few months ago that these rumors could tear us apart.  Granted Ellice's league only includes a few cities, but still it bothers me that her team would trade away their only shot at the Clarkson Cup.  

Shea said last week, "Oh, they said Ellice could go to Boston you know?  Maybe see if you could follow her."

I laughed him off and went to sit next to Max who also said, "Does Ellice like Brampton or something?  She might go there."

"I doubt that."

I started to get ready for our date later on tonight after her game, but those words haunted me.  I couldn't live without her shinning blue eyes.  They're just like the ocean, and the Ellice Ocean is one I could not bear to live without.  Even during my drive to the Bell Sports Complex, I heard a rumor about her on the radio.  

"In the latest CWHL news, top superstar goalie Ellice MacGillivary might be forced away from her Montreal home due to cap space issues.  Potential new teams include Boston, Brampton, and Toronto.  We'll keep you updated as this situation develops."

I sighed as I parked right next to her car.  I walked into the Bell Sports Complex, and as soon as I sat down the game began.  


(Ellice's P.O.V.)

We won tonight!  I got the first star of the game and a shutout, which is even better!  Alex came, and I saw him during warm ups tonight.  I couldn't be happier to see him there, and I wanted to show him that I was just as phenomenal (maybe even better) as him.  

Once I got my gear off, showered, and got changed into regular street clothes, I walked to find Alex still out in the stands, lost in thought.  

I tapped his shoulder and asked, "Ready to go?"

He shot up and replied, "Huh?  Oh yeah, yeah.  I'm ready to go."

I followed him out to his car, because for some weird reason he seemed lost in thought.  We wandered all the way to the back of the parking lot where both of our cars were.  As he started his car, I threw my gear into my vehicle so I could clean it off later.  Then, I hopped into his passenger seat, shut the door, made sure my seatbelt was fasten, and we were off and running. 

The car was so quiet except for the music that was fading in and out of the radio.  I hope that he wasn't thinking about those rumors.  Trust me, if he thinks I don't know about them, then he really doesn't know me.  

We parked once again outside of our favorite mom and pop diner and walked inside.  A few short moments later, we were sitting down in our normal booth waiting for the waiter to take our order.  Once the waiter got our food and drink orders, Alex started to speak, "Ellice, I got to say what's on my mind?"

"Yeah.  What are you thinking about?"

He hesitated and started to ask, "Are you going to be...."

Of course, being wonderful timing here, the waiter brought our drinks over at the wrong moment.  He quickly dropped them off and dashed away.  

I answered his question, "No, I am not going to be traded."

"How did you know what I was going to ask, Ellice?"

"I know because that's what I wanted to tell you.  I've got some big news to share with you."


(Alex's P.O.V.)

"I've got some big news to share with you," came flying out of Ellice's mouth.  

Is she breaking up with me?

Is she already with her new team?

Is Ellice....gone for good?

I blinked away the tears forming in my eyes and asked, "What's the news sweetheart?"

She smiled and said, "I am never leaving Montreal.  Ever."

Did she just say what I think she said?

"You sure do mumble to yourself a lot, Alex."

I laughed a little bit and got lost in Ocean Ellice again, "Sorry.  Wait could you say that one more time?"

She giggled, "I am signing an extension tomorrow that includes a no-trade cause.  I don't want to leave because I have it made for me in Montreal.  I have the greatest teammates in the world here.  I finally found new friends."

I added in, "Not to mention me, an awesome boyfriend."

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, and the most lovely boyfriend in the whole world."

"Ellice, I want to ask you a question."


(Ellice's P.O.V.)

"Ellice, I want to ask you a question," Alex said as he smiled at me.  

"What's on your mind?"

Alex was about to ask, but the food came.  We kinda forgot about what he was going to ask.  As we ate, we told each other some of the craziest stories from our pasts.  

"And that's why I will never let Gally take me out to the lake when there's a storm coming!" Alex started to nearly laugh at this part.  

I started to laugh hysterically as we finished up our meals.  Alex paid the bill, and we started to slowly walk back to the car.  

Once we were about to leave the parking lot of the diner, I asked Alex, "What were you going to say to me earlier?"

The tension grew, it could almost be cut with a knife.  Alex started to dart his icy blue eyes around the car as he put the car back into park.  

He then started to speak really fast, "Doyouwannamoveinwithme?"

"Alex, I couldn't understand a word you said.  Can you repeat yourself?"

He took a deep breath and asked, "Ellice, do you want to move into my apartment?"

I gasped in shock!  This is a huge step in our relationship and I didn't know what to say.  My mind was in the gutter, but my heart already spoke up for me.  

"Yes!" I heard myself exclaim.  

Alex then kissed me really quick before we headed back to the Bell Sports Complex to pick up my car.  I was so elated because I was ready to begin this new chapter with the love of my life. 

Once we parked next to my car, I got out as I heard him say, "Just follow me."

"I don't have anything packed yet and I need clothes, Alex."

He sighed playfully, "Fine, Ellice.  See you in a hour?"

"I love you Alex."

"Love you too, Ellice."


I know this one was shorter than usual, but this one took me a while to write.  I don't know why, but it took me a little bit longer than I wanted to write, but if you like it, feel free to send in a request!

-Kristina/Kay Lynn 

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