Twelve Hours: Matthew Peca

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Hey everyone!  So, this is not a request on the list, but this is however, a preview for an awesome new story idea I have and will hopefully write over the summer!  Hope y'all enjoy!


I wait patiently for Matt to contact me on Skype in about an hour. Our Skype sessions (sadly) have been getting shorter and shorter, but that's why I was chatting with Newfie, Berto, and Ricky. They have no idea I'm with an AHL player.

"So, Tina how's that guy you're with?" Newfie asks.

I hesitate, "I'm kinda worried, because I don't know if he likes me as much anymore."

The older man looks at me and smiles, "He still does, but if not, Newfie's got your 'Plan B'."

I roll my eyes, "Newfie! I wouldn't be with you, jeez! You're such a dork, Dad!"

Someone starts buzzing into the call: Matthew Peca. I quickly say goodbye to my pals and answer his call thinking This never happens, ever! Maybe he wants to try something new.

I answer his call with my usual greeting, "Hi Matt!"

No one replies to me right away. Dead silence is all I hear across the line. I see a familiar face pop up on the screen, and it was someone I would never expect: Bobby and his little 'princess' Brittany. I gulp and look in the background and see Matt tied up with a few stray tears running down his face. His pale blue eyes shine with rays of hope that quickly dance away and fade from his life.

My throat constricts as I lose my breath because this seemed to be so bizarre. Sure, the only hint I gave on NHL Fans 365 was that my boyfriend was up in New York for a long time and that's why I did not get the chance to see him all that often. I didn't say a peep about him being an AHL superstar for the Crunch, or doing funny lip-sync videos, or anything that would've given his identity away.

Brittany laughs from the background as she caresses her hand over Matt's face, "Thought you could keep your little secret, huh Tina?"

"Why are you doing this to him? Why?" I respond as I fight back the tears.

Bobby stares the webcam straight down as if he could reach through the computer and yank me into this scene, "You speak out against the way I run this page, make fun of my girlfriend, and think you can get away with it? That's not the 'new era' of 365 we look for, the new era is one where we keep rogues like you in line. Good luck finding your precious sweetheart in the next twelve hours, or he'll be gone forever."

I yell as if I could reach through and save Matt by yanking him through my screen, "No! Why are you doing this? Matt! I'll find you!!"

Too late as the regular old Skype screen returns and I am left in shock. Matt, my boyfriend, is trapped by these two dummies somehow, and I have no idea where to begin. Let alone, I have twelve hours to do said mission. I start to tear up a little bit, but I realize that Matt needs a hero.

Newfie and the gang call me as I say out loud, "Twelve hours, two idjits, I like these odds."

Berto replies, "What happened?"

I reply, "I have to go save Matt!"

Newfie retorts, "So, now we get the boyfriend's name!"

"Not now! What is the closest airport to Syracuse?"

Newfie, Berto, and Ricky all start to type on their computers to look up what is the quickest route from Nashville, Tennessee to Syracuse, New York.

Ricky begins to type on the Skype chat, "You didn't know that Syracuse has a major airport eight miles from the center of town?"

"They do?" I blurt out in shock.

"Yeah, the flight time from Nashville to there is about four hours with one stop. There's a flight leaving in one hour..."

I book my ticket for the four hour flight and as the boarding pass prints out, I mumble, "I'm on my way Matt."

I hang up the Skype call just as soon as my sister walks in with the car keys, "We need to go to the airport, now!"

I didn't have a moment to spare as she quickly walks out the door as I jog behind her, "What's your issue, got a date or something?"

"Matt is in trouble, Sam! Bobby and Britt have him, and I don't know how they found out about him being my boyfriend. I've only twelve hours, heck less than that now, to save him!"

Sam, or Shannon, nods her head slowly, walks back to the dorm room, and unplugs my laptop and puts it in my case, "Okay, maniac, let's make sure you're prepared to go. I'm assuming your flight leaves soon, but let's make sure you have the bare necessities ready to go."

I grab my backpack, which is a Syracuse Crunch one that Matt sent to me when he found out I was still in college. I throw a sweatshirt, black pants, some paper and a pencil in the bag, zip it close as I throw my wallet in there at the last minute, and bolt out the door with Shannon following behind me.

We make it to the car and she starts it as the sun starts to fade from a beautiful orange to the darkness of the night. The engine revs as we speed out of the parking garage to make our way towards Nashville International Airport. I glare down at my phone as I see time slowly starting to tick by. I only had forty five minutes to make my flight as Shannon drives onto I-440 East towards the airport. She drives as quick as she can, and it was about fifteen minutes later that I jump out of the car with my laptop and the mighty 'Cruncher' AKA my backpack from Matt.

I bolt towards security, and for once a line was non-existent with the TSA. The security officer looks at my boarding pass, "Syracuse eh? Pretty town this time of year."

I reply, panicked, "Yeah, it's quite beautiful."

Not that the beauty isn't a priority right now. I need to save him.

He signs the pass, hands it back to me, and I join the few passengers waiting to be scanned by the TSA. Five more precious moments slip away from me and I finally load Cruncher and my laptop on the X-Ray machine so they can be scanned as well. I play the TSA's little scan and go game, retrieve Cruncher, my sneakers, and my laptop and put the laptop inside Cruncher.

I then dash towards Gate B-13, and I heard the booking agent calling my name as a last resort to get me on the plane. I holler as I run, "I'm coming! Please, just hold on for two more minutes!"

I make it to Gate B-13 as the agent scanning the boarding passes goes, "Hello there Ms. Sullivan! You made it just in time!"

I nod and smile as she scans my ticket and states, "Don't worry, this flight will continue onto Syracuse after our stop in D.C. You won't have to change seats at all."

She smiles at me as I adjust Cruncher on my back and make my way down the tarmac towards the plane, and there was one seat left on the flight: right in the very back.

At least you have a seat on this flight. Just move up once you land in D.C.. It can't be that hard, right?

As soon as I slide Cruncher underneath my seat, the door to the plane slams shut as I glance at my watch again.

"Eleven hours and eleven minutes...not too bad," I mumble to myself.

I put my phone on airplane mode and hope for mercy for Matt. He doesn't deserve to be in this drama. It made me wonder why I even went back to 365 in the first place. I didn't need to be there in the first place if they didn't believe me that I know folks on the inside of hockey.

You can't help it if your boyfriend is on the Crunch.

As soon as I can have my phone legally on as we approach an altitude of ten thousand feet above Nashville, a message pops through my Skype account. I dig out Cruncher and grab my headphones out, and plug them into my phone. There was a minute long video from Matt's account, but I knew the darker origins of the footage.

Hesitantly, I hit the play button on the clip, and Matt springs to life on the screen as someone, presuming Brittany here, whacks him across the face with a board wrapped with barbed wire. Red blood spills from his face as a male voice comes across the clip, "Eleven hours, and Matty is ours. Enjoy our hourly updates, sweetheart. Hope you learn your lesson."

Tears start to roll down my face as Matthew is tortured by these idjits. I can't help being four hours late, but I remember that the clips they send me can be a clue to where they hold him hostage. Knowing those two, they wouldn't think to go far at all from the War Memorial Arena. But where would they hide him in there that no one would be able to find them?

One hour passes by on the flight and I twitch as I wait for their next little 'update' to come in. Sure enough, as soon as the second hour passed and midnight crept closer, another video pops up on my Skype messenger account. This time, Bobby is in the frame as Matt watches in horror as Bobby tosses something around in his hands.

Matt whispers out, "Just, let me go. I don't know what Tina did to make you all so mad, but please stop."

Bobby purposely grabs the area where the barbed wire struck Matt an hour prior, "See, we can't do that, and in exactly ten hours, well, let's just say you don't want to know if dear ole Tina doesn't show up."

Matt flinches as Bobby grips the wounds tightly in his hands, and Bobby slaps Matt and he screams as the camera fades to black. I fight back the tears and start to 'cross out' locations in the War Memorial Arena where they would hide Matt. Right now, I know for sure that he is not in the public eye or anywhere near the rest of the 'Baby Bolts'.

As the flight attendant starts to announce that we are a half hour away from Washington D.C., I start to shake even more because I don't want them to hurt Matt anymore. I start to flip through my phone's pictures as I look at the many screenshots I have of Matt on my phone. Some of his teammates (and these were my favorite pictures of all time) sent some when he was doing the Syracuse Crunch Lip Sync videos.

There's one of him holding a stick with a pair of sunglasses pulled down as he attempts to wink towards the camera. His teammates never let him live that photo down, and they always tease him for flirting with everyone in sight. I don't care, I find it funny that he does that, he just loves people.

I hear the attendant ask us to turn electronics off as we land in Washington D.C.. I comply, and look at my watch to see that we went ahead an hour.

Nine Hours and thirty minutes. I like these odds.

I stay put until almost everyone leaves the flight and then I grab Cruncher and move up front so I can get off the flight quicker in Syracuse.

The flight attendant smiles at me, and she knows that I want to be in Syracuse already. Other passengers file on the plane, and before I can process what is going on, we're back ten thousand feet above on our way towards Syracuse.

My heart beats as soon as my phone connects to the airplane's WiFi and another Skype message pops up with a closeup of Matt's face as the main picture.

The video begins with Bobby saying, "We want to let Matt be for now, but of course he's still 'sleeping' from the last hour. Once he wakes up, he has a message for you."

Brittany takes a bucket of ice cold water and dumps it on his face, and Matt wakes up screaming! I can't handle them torturing my boyfriend like this! He doesn't deserve this treatment at all.

"Got anything to say to your hero, Peca?" Brittany sneers out.

Matt's pale blue eyes look up at the camera, "Kristina, I will always be there for you. No matter what these two did to you, I support you. Please don't worry about me."

Brittany slaps him as she spits out, "How cute! Good luck making sure he's injury free, Tina!"

A rubber mallet is handed to Brittany from the cameraman/Bobby and she smacks Matt's wrist with all her fury. The cracking and screaming I never wanted to hear again.

"See you in an hour, sweetheart," Bobby states as the video ends.

I bounce my foot up and down, because I just wanted their torture to end and Matt to be safe and sound. An eighty-five minute flight would never feel longer, but I needed to prepare a plan.

I pull out Cruncher from its' hidey hole on the plane, and I grab a pen that always remains in the bag. I use a napkin I found in the seat pocket and start to write down all the possible areas where he would be hidden.

The List of Places to Look

1.  Concession Stand

2.  Merchandise Stand

3.  Janitor's closet

4.  Visiting Locker Room

5.  On the ice?

6.  Somewhere in the tunnels

7.  Anywhere in the War Memorial

Well, that list was SO helpful. I sigh to myself, and I wait for the next video to creep into my Skype Account. I didn't want to see him being hurt, but what other choices do I have to make to save him?

Four hours since they had Matt in their possession. Four hours ticked by, and I still didn't know where he was located at. I hoped I could find him quickly, but as I thought that through, their next message was delivered.

Bobby and Brittany pulled up two chairs next to Matt, and they stare into the camera. They both are there, and the camera was leaning against something! And they had chairs!

"Four hours, Ms. Sullivan. I'm surprised you aren't already here, waiting for Matthew Peca to give in and give up the fight early. But, he is still holding on to his fleeing hope that you will appear," Bobby states to the camera.

Britt chimes in, "I thought you were going to be here as fast as you can! No, instead we were wrong! We underestimated you, but that's why we give to you eight more hours as a gift so you can figure us out, that is if you can find us."

She gets up, turns the camera away from a wooden structure next to many others like it and has the mallet in her hands once again. She whacks Matt's ankle with it, and his screams are muffled by a newly placed gag on his mouth. The video clip ends just as they announce to turn off all electronics as we descend into Syracuse.

I'm almost there Matt.

Lucky for me, his captors are as dumb as previously thought, and they gave me some vital clues to where he is located inside the War Memorial. He is either in the Crunch's locker room, the visitors locker room, or in the tunnels somewhere. Now, how to get there in the first place.......

We land and I quickly throw Cruncher on my back as I shoot out of the seat. I was the first person off the plane, and I run towards the baggage claim, thank goodness for small airports here!

I go to the taxi cab line, and there is a person in a Syracuse Crunch jersey holding up a sign for me to get into his cab.

He asks, "Are you Kristina Sullivan?"

I pull out my ID, "Yes, yes I am."

The man smiles at me, "I'm Tye McGinn, and I'll be taking you to the War Memorial. Please help Matty."

I gently place Cruncher in the back seat, and it clatters as it hits the seats. I ask Tye, "How did you know about Matt being kidnapped?"

Tye smiles, "Wednesdays, after he gets done Skyping a certain girl in his life, he calls me and rants for like an hour. He's so in love with you, you've got him whipped into shape."

I smile and I feel my face blush, "Really? He does that?"

"Like clockwork," Tye states as he begins to drive towards their home arena.

"Is the War Memorial where he is going to be at?"

"Well, that was the last place the whole team saw him. We knew it was 'Skype Night' and we teased him for it, but he laughed. Most of us left, but then the power went out as I walked out of the building, and I heard people laughing. Thought it was the maintenance crew, but oh well!"

Tye pulls onto the interstate that leads to the War Memorial Arena and I feel my heart skip a beat, because I know where Bobby and Brittany have him at!

We eventually pull in front of the arena, and it was 3:30 in the morning. We were the only souls in sight in the ghost town of Syracuse. Tye pulls up the car just as I receive another video from Bobby and Brittany. He stops the car, and I grab Cruncher and bolt out of the car yelling, "Thank you Tye!" as I run towards the player's entrance.

I run smack into the doors, on accident, but I stumble back for a moment. That hurt, but I need to be inside. I stop for a moment and open their latest message, "Well, well five hours down seven more to go Tina. Matty here is getting desperate for his girlfriend to show up, or is she already here?" Bobby points the camera at Brittany, who kisses Matt on the cheek that isn't injured.

She then removes the gag and kisses him on his lips. Matt clearly did not enjoy that, and tries to move away in resistance to their wicked ways.

"Good luck finding us, Tina. You're screwed," Brittany spit out as she begins to make out with MY boyfriend again as the video ends. Only this time, I see Matt's face slowly blush as the clip fades away.

My lungs feel like an elephant just stepped on them. Did he actually enjoy that moment with her? No, she's just trying to mess with me and get me distracted.

I yank at the door handles, and they are locked. I think what can I use to pick the doors open, but I give them a tug one last time, and they start to break open. Bobby and Britt underestimate my strength, and they only put a few measly chairs in my path to get into the War Memorial Arena.

I keep pulling at the doors until there is a gap wide enough for me to go through with Cruncher, which pretty much means I freed the doors open. I run into the arena, and I start to look for the Crunch's locker room. I see two doors that are shut, and I hear laughter on the inside.

I know those voices.

Matt was in there with Bobby and Brittany. I quietly pull on the door handles, but I feel tension from the other side, as if someone is trying to get out.

"Bobby, I'll be right back. I need to make sure I look fabulous for this next clip," Brittany opens the door and meets someone important: my fist.

I punch her in the gut, and she gasps out, "How did you find us!"

"Don't underestimate me," I say as I begin to pin her up against the wall.

I hold her against the only empty wall in the locker room as if she was a demon, and I was the Winchester looking for the kill.

I feel someone tap my shoulder, and that person gets greeted by a Cruncher to their left side. Bobby tried to distract me so Brittany can land a blow or two on me. Bobby falls to the ground and I drop Brittany as sirens start to scream out from around the arena. I hear footsteps falling towards our location. I drop Brittany just as the police run towards Matt. They cuff Bobby and Brittany as the paramedics get to work on freeing Matt from his rope trap.

I dart to his side, "Matt, I'm here. You're going to be okay."

He didn't respond, and his body collapses towards the ground. Was it too late?

The paramedics slowly put him on a stretcher, and they wheel him out of the arena. I follow as best as I can with Cruncher on my back.

"Who are you in relation to this man?" One of the paramedics asks me as we load him up into an ambulance.

"I'm Kristina Sullivan, I just flew in from Nashville to save my boyfriend," I response.

The sun starts to rise as we speed towards the nearest hospital. A ten minute drive never felt so long in my life, but it does drag on thanks to Matt being unconscious.

My phone begins to ring, and it was Sammy calling me, "WHERE THE HECK DID YOU FLY OFF TO?"

"Syracuse. Matt, he's in really bad shape. Can you let my teachers know where I am at?"

She sighs, "Okay. Is he going to be alright?"

I sniffle, "I...don't know."

Shannon sighs, "I hope he's okay."

Someone starts to beep into my conversation, and it was another Skype call from my friend, Evelyna. She is the ultra-Bolts fan, maybe she knows more information!

I quickly hang up on my sister and answer Evelyna's Skype call, "I can't really talk right now..."

"Why are you in Syracuse?"

"How did you know that I was there?"

"It's all over Tampa's website that Matthew Peca was injured, but someone saved him. I looked at the footage, and I figured it was you. You've got a story to tell, Tina!"

I look at the waiting room as the sun starts to shine through the windows, and I sigh, "I'm at the hospital waiting for him. I won't leave his side until he gets better."

I tell her my story, and when she heard Britt's name, she sighs out, "Of course. She's gonna try to take the only good thing you got going for you."

I nod and I send her the clips Bobby and Brittany sent me prior. She gasps in horror, and I close my eyes as I watch their torture of Matt again. It still feels like he is in their clutches. I can't handle it for much longer. Matt needs to be diagnosed soon so I can see him again. I need to know he's okay.

Evelyna sighs, "I am so sorry you went through that, but at least he's in good hands with you by his side."

"I hope he awakens soon."

As soon as I said that, a doctor frantically waves me towards the back of the emergency department. I follow him with Cruncher on my back. That pack got heavier and heavier as the night rolled on, but only now did I feel its' true weight.

We arrive to where Matt is hooked up to what looks like a heart rate monitor, some oxygen, and his right arm and left leg are in casts to keep his fractures from moving. Seeing his chest move up and down soothed me instantly, because I knew he would be okay.

Matthew Peca is alive and so am I. I vow never to let anyone hurt him off the ice or on the ice on purpose again.

Believe that, Bobby and Brittany. Don't come near my guy, or I will CRUSH you once again.

Anyways, I turn on the television in the room while Matt rests and recovers. The news pops on, and I see Matt's icy blue eyes pop up as the news anchor says, "Forward Matthew Peca is in the hospital right now after a successful kidnapping, however the two perpetrators Bobby Hansen and Brittany Kavanagh were arrested on scene of the crime and are being held without bond. Peca's condition is critical but stable as he suffered from multiple injuries including a severe concussion, a fractured ankle and wrist,and sustained blows to his head and back which could be infected. No one knows if he'll ever return to the rink in his career."

Tears start to fall down my face, "Never?"

I look over at Matt's resting body and I whisper to him, "I won't ever leave your side again."  


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