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Don't worry, I wasn't cleaning my keyboard while it was on and became lazy to not change the title--it's an acronym!
You wanna guess what the title stands for?
No? Too intimidating? Don't worry, if I was in your spot, I wouldn't take the chance either!
Okay, it stands for: Questions You Might Ask So I'll Just Answer Them Now.
Because they're not frequent.
And they've never be asked.
So they're not FAQs.

1(Q): If I can no longer keep up with the role-play and have to drop out, is it okay if I do?
1(A): Yes, it is okay to leave the role-play for good if you can no longer keep up with it. But before you do, PLEASE PM me with the news so that I won't take your absence the wrong way and hunt you down.

2(Q): Heeeeyyyyy can I like reply to comments?
2(A): No. Don't. Do not reply to comments, unless you're tagging someone. Just continue commenting, it'll be easier to read it that way.

3(Q): Hi hi! If my cinnamon bun is at a restaurant and wants a waitress to take his order, can I write the waitresses part, even though it's another character...?
3(A): If needed, you are allowed to create an extra, such as a waitress, pizza delivery guy, random citizen, etc. But, other members have the ability to control that same extra as well. With that to say, don't make the extra like a puppet!!! If a member puts in that the extra is a fan of, let's say the Blackhawks, don't type: "I'm a fan of the Blues!" the waitress exclaims.

4(Q): Hallo, Katt! If I wanna change my hockey player I've chosen & write about on here, since I found a more cuter hockey player, can I?
4(A): You're in luck! You are allowed to switch hockey players any time, except not during the writing of an adventure! If you would like to, PM me, and once I approve, go ahead and fill out the form once again with the new hockey player's information and the oath.

5(Q): Hei. What if I want to comment something that is not part of the role-play? Then what?
5(A): If you want to comment something that is not part of the role play for whatever reason, use parenthesis () to do so.

6(Q): Hellooooooooooo what if I don't know a lot about my favourite hockey player and Google doesn't help me?
6(A): Since this is a fanfiction, you are allowed to make up the facts of your chosen hockey player's hobbies, likes, dislikes, and clothing style, and personality of hockey players!

7(Q): Hey! I have to fly to the Baffin Islands every month for hockey tournaments and the wifi's horrible over there and I don't wanna deal with it! Is it okay if I skip a week of role-play?
7(A): For whatever reason you cannot contribute to the current adventure, PLEASE PM me saying that you can't make it, so that I know that you're not going to contribute and that I would not take it the wrong way and hunt you down.

8(Q): Hey, when can I start role-playing?
8(A): You can start role-playing once I approved your form! After that, you can join in on the opened adventure right away! If no adventures are opened, you must wait until I post up a new one. Once I post up the new adventure, you may begin immediately!

9(Q): How would I know when you post up a new adventure?
9(A): By placing this story INTO YOUR LIBRARY. Not only in your reading list, but in your library. You may do both, but you'll only get notifications on the stories that is in your library. I'm not going to email you that the new adventure is up. I'm not going to knock on your door saying that new adventure is up. Library...remember...

10(Q): Can I make a request of an adventure?
10(A): Oh yea, by all means, GO FOR IT! I am open to requests! PM me those adventure requests!

11(Q): I want to be a certain hockey player, but that hockey player is already taken!!! Can I still be that hockey player???!!!
11(A): No. I don't want doppelgängers running around here! Once a hockey player is taken, he's taken and you must choose a hockey player that has not been chosen yet. Now, if the person with the hockey player you want leaves the role-play or switches that hockey player with another hockey player, then by all means, you can take that hockey player!

12 (Q): Is it okay if the hockey player I have dislikes another hockey player that no one has?
12 (A): Yes, it is okay to smack-talk other hockey players that are NOT taken. But be mindful because just because the hockey player is not in the role-play doesn't mean that no one likes him either! Still abide to the rules (talking about cursing) when smack-talking that hockey player. But to be honest, I HIGHLY discourage doing this.

13(Q): Okay, so what if I submit my completed form to you, you accept it and post it up here, and then I realize that I messed up on his hobbies? Can I change/add the information of my form, even though I already submitted it and it's been posted?
13(A): You are allowed to change information of your form despite the fact it has already been turned in and posted! If you would like to do so, PM me or comment on here with the changes and I'll be more than happy to put those for you!

14 (S for suggestion): "We should tag people so they know if their character has been mentioned in a comment." - Nikky_HasNoLife 
14 (A): Yea, great idea! So, if you mention a hockey player someone has while role-playing, tag that person so that they know that they should check out what's going on!

If you have any other questions/suggestions that have not been listed in the QYMASIJATNs AFTER you've read everything up until the adventures begin, then go ahead and ask me through the comments or PM!

-AShruinger (Referee Katt)

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