Rules: Let's Let The Good Roam By Leaving The Bad Behind

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I hate rules.
So do you.
But seriously, think about it: rules are around to hold back the bad things so that the good things can run wild and free!
You like good things, right?
You should...I do!
So yes, rules are your friends.
Friends are your rules.
Yea, that doesn't work.
Alright, here are the rules! And to make it entertaining, I place bad examples (@badexample as Bob) and good examples (@theexampleyoushouldfollow as Joe) and the victim (@AShruinger as Eddie).
Here we goes:

Official "NHL Role-Play" Rules*
. Obey all rules.
-Bad Example:
@badexample: I'm not gonna follow any rules haha!
-Good Example:
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: I'm gonna follow the rules so that I won't get kicked out and experience public shame and humiliation.

1. Do Not Miss An Adventure. The only exception is if you PM me with an excuse PRIOR to the start of the adventure! If you sign up and you miss an adventure, I'll hunt you down and hand you a strike (unless it's your first time, then I'll just remind you and withhold the strike). If you miss three (3) adventures with no excuse in a row, not including the one with no strike, your hockey player will be up for grabs. Meaning, you will still be part of the role-play, but if a newcomer comes along and wants your player, I'll give him to that person. I'm sorry, but that player's got to do something!
-Bad Example:
-Good Example:
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: I'm here!!!

2. You are not allowed to RP until I approve your form!
-Bad Example:
@badexample: Hey, I'm RPing now, even though I hadn't received a reply yet!!!
@AShruinger: (And who are you???)
-Good Example:
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: I got approve, so I'm gonna RP now! :D

3. No full-on swearing. I'll accept words such as 'screw' 'hell' 'dang' 'darn' 'heck' 'stupid' 'fricking' 'freaking' 'shoot.' Nothing over that. I don't speak/read trash, sorry. I am SUPER aware that hockey players curse, so if you REALLY need to let out your/your hockey player's garbage talk on here, PM me for permission.
-Bad Example
@badexample: @%$ &*$ @#$% @*&%$#@!!!
-Good Example
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: Oh dang it, you freaking piece of paper!

4. Only type in 3rd person. I don't wanna see any 1st or 2nd person! It's okay if you trip up once in a while, though.
-Bad Example
@badexample: I skated over to Joe.
-Good Example
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: Bob skated over to Joe.

5. Use proper paragraphing and wording. It's okay if you trip up once in a while, though.
-Bad Example
@badexample: idk im @ the rink w eddie
-Good Example
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: I don't know, I'm at the rink with Eddie.

6. No dirty talking/actions A.K.A. smut. Implying is fine, don't be so vulgar, though!
-Bad Example:
@badexample: ████████████████████████████ (CENSORED FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR EYES AND INNOCENCE!)
-Good Example
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: Let's take this off-stage, shall we?

7. Control only YOUR hockey player. Don't do other people's jobs! Your hockey player does not have Mind Control, last time I checked!
-Bad Example:
@badexample: Then Joe scored on Eddie and Eddie did not like it, so Eddie chased after him and Joe skated away from him.
-Good Example:
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: Then Bob scored on Eddie.
@AShruinger: Eddie did not like it, so Eddie chased after him.
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: Bob skated away from him.

8. Do not bully, taunt, harm, hurt, hate, smack-talk, etc. other hockey players unless you gained permission from the person behind the hockey player and me, the referee, to do so.
-Bad Example
@AShruinger: (Ummm...I don't remember asking for this???)
-Good Example
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: (Hey, is it okay if I mock your character?)
@AShruinger: (Sure, he wouldn't mind! Thanks for the heads up!)

9. One person per hockey player. If all goes well, I'll extend it to two per one.
-Bad Example
@badexample: "Hey, I like tacos," Joe said.
@badexample: "Me too," John said.
@AShruinger: (Whoa, there!)
-Good Example
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: "Hey, I like tacos," Bob said.
@AShruinger: "Me too," Eddie said.

10. Don't Go Off And Do Your Own Thing. In other words, do not separate from the group and start making up your own little adventure. We're a group here, we do things together! No one's a lone ranger! With that said, also do not exclude others!
-Bad Example:
@badexample: "Hey, I'm gonna go guys, bye." Joe wanders away from the group and starts a rock band with random citizens.
-Good Example:
@theexampleyoushouldfollow: "Wanna start a rock band?" Bob asks.
@AShruinger: "Oh yea, I'd love to!" Eddie exclaims, whipping out a guitar. "Come on, Joe, join us!"

NOTE: I will give you a warning if you break any of these rules (except for #5-6). If you break a rule 3 times in one adventure, you will be SENT TO THE PENALTY BOX!!! In other words: 3 strikes and you're out of the current adventure! And if you get kicked out of adventures 3 times, then you're out of the role-play. Okay, that's baseball, but it's a good method to use.
Only if you miss three adventures in a row will I only put your hockey player up for grabs.
If you break #5 and/or #6, I have no problem with it because it's not TOO bad.
Y O U H A V E B E E N W A R N E D . . . ! !      !

-AShruinger (Referee Katt)
*Rules are subject to change without notice

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