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Good evening, my fellow roleplayers!

Long time, no see—or should I say "read"?—I hope every single one of you is doing well.

I post this because I bear significant news: I am stepping away from my referee position of the roleplay.

Oh no, you might think, what does this mean?

Well, it means that I will no longer be looking over the role play or maintaining it.

So, who will? you might wonder.

A good friend and roleplayer of mine, Nikky_HasNoLife, has offered to take on the honourable roll of referee for the NHL RP. I am collaborating with her regarding the rules and transferring and whatnot.

And then a thought might cross your mind: So now what?

With the transferring, this book itself will become dormant. All of the role playing activities will be continued in the new book that Nikky_HasNoLife has published on her account. Therefore, hop on over to her account, place her book in your library, and read the post about a question she has for you guys. A link to the new RP book will be commented on this post.

Disclaimer: the rules are still the same in the new book, minus one rule. That's the question she has for you.

I believe that is all.

It was wonderful refereeing this roleplay with you guys. I would've loved to continue, but with my college studies and other things, I cannot. Yet I will be role playing on the new book still, so I'm not going to completely fall off the face of the earth.

So long and ask if you have any questions!

-Katt (former referee)

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