17. Before School Hours

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Michangelo was outside his father's mansion standing next to a car. He was leaning on the car boot and was looking at his watch after he had taken the engine apart and put it back together. This was his idea of killing time. This was a good distraction. Ever since he was young, cars were his passion.

It was pretty early for school and he had done his morning exercise. Now he just had to kill time and wait for breakfast trying to avoid his father at all costs who was somewhere inside the mansion.

Machangelo was reluctant to stay in a house where his father had all but declared him a prisoner. Living under his roof was a prison sentence now. His father was overdoing it. This was all to teach him a lesson. He had taken his mother's side and his father hadn't liked it one bit in the divorce court room. Now it was pay back time. His bedroom had security systems attached that he couldnt get through. He tried once to get out of his room before he was allowed to and there were guards falling from the roof and jumping through window wanting to disarm him. His father was just making a statement that Michangelo was now to do as he was told. He had to earn the right to have control over his routine. He hadn't dared even mention his mother and her whereabouts. She was being treated for her illness in a building behind the woods in front of their mansion but he wasn't allowed to visit unless he was told it was time.

A guard walked upto him "Sir. There is a phone call for you."

Michangelo nodded and walked inside the house. His father was not out of the house so as long as his father was not on the other side of the line, he was going to be fine. He didnt trust himself when it came to confronting his father. He didnt want to make things worse. But he wanted to tell him to stop showing power. His father had already won. Why was he adamant on making his life a prison. His father insisted on the guards being strict with him. He was not allowed to have any flexibility with the exact timetable and routine given to him. If they reported his lack of discipline the worst his father could do was to banish him... He didnt want to end up in boarding school in the middle of no where with no means of communication."

Michangelo went to the phone and picked it up "Hi."

He heard Natalia's voice "Hi."

Michangelo was surprised "Are you sure you called the right house?"

Natalia asked "Yes. Why?"

Michangelo said "Why would you call my house? The phone lines are controlled... by my father."

Natalia said " It's not like I am trying to help you break out of your house or anything. I am just calling to check if you are Alright. Yesterday I was absent because of student council duties off site. I just found out from Nathan about what happened. I am glad you sound alright."

Michangelo said "I am safer here than I will be anywhere else. Why would you think I won't be alright?"

Natalia said "Your Father is pretty angry."

Michangelo said "He is. Pretty angry. I don't blame him. He still insists on making me pay even though he now has what he wanted all along. The annulment of his divorce is all done. My parents are back to married life."

Natalia asked "Nathan told me you are going to be under 24 hour watch for weeks with all your privileges taken away. Is it true you don't even have rights to watch TV?"

Michangelo said "I have no privileges for the same length that I took my mother's side in the divorce. He quoted the exact number of days and hours that I need to atone for."

Natalia asked "What were you meant to do? Just abandon your mother?"

Michangelo said "Yes. So my father could end the divorce faster. Me being on her side made this a family show too. He could end the divorce battle earlier if I didn't take my mother's side. He didn't want to come across as forceful. But he has now annulled the divorce."

Natalia said "He at least lets you talk on the telephone." She then raised her voice as her voice faded "Nathan. I am talking."

Nathan's voice came "Hey. Can you inform your father that we  have night practice for football in the next few days. We have a big game on Friday."

Michangelo said "What? No. I am grounded. Remember. No privileges."

Nathan said "It's no privilege. I am sure your father doesn't see physical training as privilege. You have to come. Attendance is compulsory. Can you tell him now? So you can tell me in school if he said no. Then I can ask my father to talk to him."

Michangelo sighed "Do you have any idea how little this game of football means to me?"

Nathan said "Yes. I do. Enough for you to want to throw away all scholarships you could be getting just by playing your average game."

Michangelo said "I am glad we have an understanding. So here is the deal. I don't care about your game on Friday."

Nathan said "If you don't show up..."

Michangelo said "You will do what exactly? Will you report  me to the sports discipline committee for missing compulsory training prescribed by the captain or rather acting captain since your big brother is meant to run the show. You are just his temporary replacement. Don't even think about giving me ultimatums Nathan... I have bigger things to worry about..."He stopped as he heard Natalia clearing her throat.

Natalia's voice came "Ignore him. Michangelo. This football game means a lot to Nathan. If his team loses it will make him look bad with Nicandro."

Nathan objected in the background "No it don't... what are you saying?"

Natalia said "Fine. Let's be honest... Nicandro will kick Nathan's backside if the team he left in his care loses any game. He will do it publically too. He said he would."

Nathan said "Natalia ...."

Michangelo chuckled despite his mind being occupied. He found it amusing. Natalia was telling the truth. He didn't think of it this way. Nathan was under a lot of pressure. No wonder he had called upon michangelo to help and had put aside their differences. Michangelo fancied Nathan's sister so it must have been hard to endure him as much as Nathan didn't show it. But there was some tension.

Michangelo said "Then in that case I am not joining night practice. I like to see Nicandro kick his backside."

Nathan said from the background "He just declared war... I will show him..." Michanglo then heard the sound of a door.

Natalia said "Actually. You won't be laughing much when you hear your brother is going to join Leandro's school since I am blocking his application. If our team is weak your brother will win the league. We can stop them..."

Michangelo said "He is coming back? He hasn't graduated yet."

Natalia said "He will. Very soon. When Lavinia gets her promotion he is leaving. He will join Leandro's school because Lavinia has to go back there. Anyways I understand you have a lot going on. So fine. If you don't want to help our school... I have to go..."

Michangelo could tell it mattered a lot to Natalia. He sighed "Fine. I will do it."

Natalia said "You mean it. Let me tell Nathan..." She then by the sound of it put down the phone and there were sounds of door opening and closing as well as words spoken in the background.

Eventually Michangleo heard Nathan say " You will come to all the training sessions? Is that right?"

Michangelo nodded "Yes."

Nathan said " You won't regret it. I will make sure the guys dont give you the baptism of fire. I will call it off."

Michangelo sighed. Nathan seemed to have already been giving orders against him. He said "What is a baptism of fire? What a peculiar term?"

Nathan said "Its Leandro's favourite. Its his style. If you dont know what it is, it means you have never been subjected to it. I have to go, for breakfast. See you in school."

Michangelo had an unlikely alliance with Nathan. They had alot in common. Neither got along with their big brothers. He couldnt believe he actually compromised with Nathan. He was no friend of his despite a few common grounds. But it was because Natalia made him reconsider. Natalia cared about her twin. Obviously she wanted to make him feel guilty. "Bye." He put the phone down.

When he came out of the room, he was faced with his father's men who reminded him what time it was. He made his way up to the dining room and was faced with the silent room with a dining table already set up. His father was sitting at the head of the table with his newspaper in front of him. He said "Good morning." He did not expect a response. His father was not happy with him. He had so much making up to do.

Michangelo slowly made his way to the table and sat down not looking up at his father. There was the tension in his body and the feeling of anticipation mixed together that made Michangelo holding his words back. He had to play nice. He had to do his time and maybe his father was going to let it go about how he had complicated everything by taking his fathers side. In his father's view, their mother needed no protection as he was an honourable man being trusted to handle his wife's infidelity that was found to be now staged.

Michangleo asked "How is mother? .... You told me I can ask you how she is."

His father said "Your mother is in better health than she was yesterday. Doctors are giving her the best treatment available... Thats all you hear today."

Michangelo felt abit more keen to eat now. He buttered his bread and took a bite as he heard his father's voice "Your aunt sent me a message."

Michangelo's expression hardened. He was ready to defend himself against his aunt who had most likely ratted him out about yesterday. He was ready to say he got himself sent out and want sent out to isolation. He didn't need his house arrest extended because he couldnt stand his aunt sometimes and felt like avoiding her so he didnt do something he regretted.

His father said "She said you have been doing quite well in school. I didnt expect to hear a good report from your aunt. She asked me to cut your sentence... in half..."

Michangelo tried hard not to laugh. His aunt was a cut throat woman who stopped at nothing to control the life of her nephews and neice. But she feared one thing, Arc's wrath. She didnt need to worry. Michangelo was not going to report her to his big brother. He was not that cruel. Arcangelo was like Leandro in some respects when it came to their family. Arcangelo was loyal to their father and couldnt stand their mother betraying their father but she was sacred to him. There was no way Arcangelo would have let her insult their mother. He would have forced aunt Rafaela to wash her mouth with soap and water most likely in the best case scenario. Aunt Rafaela had every reason to worry for her slip up. There was a boundary she was not meant to cross.. ever... Arc didnt show mercy when it came to defending their mother's honour. 

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