2. Enrolment

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Natalia was sitting in the school hall waiting for students to come out of enrolment office alongside other volunteers. She had volunteered to help students settle so she was to be a buddy. She was a student council president so she was to set an example by giving up her time. Her twin brother, Nathan was the student congress president. His group did specialise in other areas. Her specialty was improving student experience. Nathan maximised profits of the school that was put back into the resources of the school. He had done well with organising events and getting external parties involved. Some thought it was thanks to the contacts their family had mostly but she knew there was no better businessman and negotiator at their school. Her brother was intelligent in everything. It was a shame he was quite arrogant.

Just as she was waiting, she heard her name being called. "Natalia. We have a student for you. His subjects matches yours and his first language is Italian  which you speak fluently." The head masters assistant announced.

Natalia smiled. She was glad that her hard work in linguistics had become useful. She walked to the enrolment office that was next to the hall. She walked past the waiting room where many students gwere sitting and waiting to be seen. She smiled at the new additions of students. She heard the head master assistant said "He is standing at the door, right here...

Natalia said thank you and then turned. She then found herself face to face with the tall boy standing in front of her. She froze and turned around to object to the lady. But it was too late. She had gone. His voice made chills run down her spine "Hello Natalia."

Natalia took a deep breath. Of all the people she had to be paired with someone she knew from before who she didn't like to have near her. His name was Michangelo Rossi. He was half Irish and half Italian. The Rossi business empire was mainly based in Europe but now was taking over the Wall Street too... She didn't think he was going to be living in New York. It was not ideal at all. He was the silent and deadly type. She was always wary of him. The last time she had seen him it was at a charity dance event in the summer. He had asked her to dance but she had refused. He hadn't liked how she had opted to dance alone. He had made some promises. He had vowed to make her his one day. That had made her wary. She didn't like boys, especially boys with dark minds like his. She had seen him around enough to know he was not an ordinary type. Unfortunately for Natalia she saw him a lot. She refused him time and time again. The last time she had refused him, he had vowed that the next time they met he was going to make her his girlfriend. He was not her type. He just was not. He had a dark side to him that she didn't like.

Natalia was no coward so she decided to face her biggest challenge. She turned around "Hi Michangelo. May I ask why you joined our school? Your parents don't even live near to the school...."

Michangelo asked "Isn't it obvious why I am here?"

Natalia said "No. It's not. Actually let me help you. Follow me. I will get you a managed transfer to some school closer to your house... That is in your best interests."

Michangelo raised an eyebrow "Wow. I am so flattered that you have my best interest at heart."

Natalia turned and started walking away "The office is this way. I will get you to another school."

He followed her silently which surprised her. He didn't object. But then his chilling voice interrupted her thoughts "You know I will always chase you until I get you. Right? You can't avoid me. But the harder you try to get rid of me, the closer I will get to you... This is no threat. It's a promise. You rejected my hand to just have a dance for charity... That hurt... The harder you try to avoid me, the harder I work to get you... No one has ever escaped me when I wanted them in my grasp. You are no exception."

Natalia swallowed hard. He was speaking the truth. He was not ordinary. He was a genius. He was a master mind. How on earth could she take him on if he used his super powers which were his knowledge of coding. He was a computer expert. Advanced computers were new in the market and he was an expert in them when she knew so little. Knowledge was power as she was always taught. He had knowledge. He was a master in electronic principles and could write all kind of computer programs to destroy systems to destruct data systems. He was actually in a syndicate of some kind. Some kind of cult who were active in underground crime. She didn't want  to know what they did. But it was dark. She knew it. Michangelo has done a very dark mind.

She tried to shake him off her thoughts and walked into the office. She said "This student is commuting too far from his house. It's miles away. Michangelo Rossi needs a managed move."

The secretary looked up "I just received their file today .... Unfortunately Mr Rossi can not apply for a transfer until the end of this academic year. They are here on an exchange program."

Natalia gasped and turned to him "You... did this..."

Michangelo nodded.

Natalia sighed in defeat. Of course he had flying colours on his report card from his previous school. So he was hard to get rid of as it was but this exchange program made him untouchable. That program was strict and all exchange programs had to be completed with no option of release. Natalia sighed "Thank you." She then walked out of the office.

As she stepped outside out of earshot of the secretary, Michangelo said "Nice try. You tried to get rid of me... I won't forget this you know."

Natalia turned to him "Are you threatening me?"

Michangelo said "I won't forget this. Just be informed. You can't avoid me forever Natalia. Stop running because I will catch you.... I will find you if you try to hide. So don't try it. The longer you keep me waiting the harder I will fight. I am patient for now but if you keep refusing me, I will have to just come after you with ... more force... You won't like it Natalia."

Natalia sighed and shook her head "I don't want to deal with you right now. I really don't. If you don't like it, then I show you not to mess with an O'Neil. I won't call upon my brother or family. I will stop you from chasing me. Enough is enough."

Michangelo said "I am not chasing you right now. I am assigned to you as a new student... It's within my rights to be supported as a new student by the student council president. How did you get elected again? What was your motto? Every body is welcome? Really Natalia? I don't feel welcome."

Natalia argued "You are not everybody. You are a real pain. You are my pain."

He retorted "You are my delight."

She said "Let's get this over with. It's time to get to business. I don't want to be late for the first class ... Come with me on a tour of the campus. It will be fun." She then whispered "One day I will make sure you get caught in a matter. You will be expelled I hope."

He smiled darkly as he leaned closer "I might get expelled or might make you mine ... Catch me.. I dare you... I challenge you to catch me. I challenge you to defeat me in this chase that I am undertaking to make you mine... If you do defeat me and don't let me catch you, then I will change my school."

Natalia raised an eyebrow "It sounds tempting. I will consider if. I say start applying now and reserve a place elsewhere. It can make the transition easier."

Michangelo said "I am waiting for my tour. I like a full tour or I am taking your lunch time. I have read your rule book that you wrote actually. I know my rights." He then waved the rule book in front of her as he produced it from his pocket. "Failure to meet my induction needs can result in a penalty. I love your penalties. They are hot. Buying the new student lunch ... for a week..."

Natalia gasped "You dare use my rules against me..."

He raised an eyebrow "Yes. What are you going to do. Clock is ticking. You need to give me a tour or I will make you pay... This penalty for you is reward for me..." He then winked.

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