The start of school

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(A/N: Ima just add a new song at the top and bottom for you to listen to every chapter for you guys to listen to... Cause I can)

(Y/N)'s POV

After my... Little out rage this morning. I got ready and headed off to my first day at Beacon. I am really excited. I don't know what's in store, I don't know who the hell is the "mistake" but all I know is that this is gonna be great!

... Until the school blows up.

But I don't have to think about that until... like months later! Because I am a "Procrastinator!!!!!!"

Anyway, on the bull head, I do end up finding Ruby and Yang having their little "bees knees" talk, but I decided that the best time to get to know Ruby is right after the dust explosion.

And so I get a first hand look at how big Beacon really is... It's bigger than what I remember.

Goddess: (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!)

(Y/N): (... Really?... Cause technical it'd be "That's what she thought"... Thot.)

Goddess:(Well... Crap, your right since you didn't say it out loud... Wait did you add an extra thought?)

(Y/N): (Sure, that's what I said.)

???: ACHOO!!!!


Well enough talking to God within my own mind. Time to go talk to an anime character while in an alternate universe! ... This is my life now.

I head over to Ruby Rose herself, back to the ground and looking like a sad little Rose bud...

Ok, this will be the first conversation I'll have with her... Let's not screw this up.

(Y/N): Talk about a crash and burn.


Ruby: Oh Uh... You're that guy...

She looks me with a bit of amazement. I can understand why. I took down Roman without really trying all that hard... I wonder how Cinder feels about that.

(Y/N): Oh yeah right. You were there when I... Kinda... Did that.

I extended my hand out too her and she got up.

Ruby: Yeah. It was really cool! I didn't even think you could do that with fire dust!

She started lightly hopping in place with starry eyes and a cute little smile on her face.

(Y/N): (I forgot how cute she was...) Well I won't recommend it, unless you wanna destroy literally everything around you and pay of property damage.

She giggles lightly at this.

(Y/N): So... I saw what happened. You ok? After the Schnee girl told you off?

Ruby: Oh yeah I'm fine!... I just... Wished things would be going better. I've been here for 5 minutes and I've already made an enemy...

She said looking down at the ground.

(Y/N): Well... Let's counteract that with a friend!

I say with a bright smile. She looks up with hopeful eye.

(Y/N): My name is (Y/N) (L/N), but you can call me "Your new best friend!"

AAANNNNDDD Anime like optimism is a check.

Ruby gives me a sweet smile

Ruby: Ruby Rose! Nice to meet you!

Time skip brought to you by Chibi Ozpin looking at (Y/N) and Ruby talk and already is shipping it

(Y/N): You know, I'm pretty sure calling people names is rude.

Ruby: I'm sorry, but Vomit Boy is the first thing that came to my mind when he puked on my sister's shoes.

Me and Ruby have been talking and walking for a bit. Yeah sure, I just kinda threw Jaune to the side lines, but he'll be back... Right?

Ruby: So... I've got this thing.

She than whips pit Crescent Rose just to show off.

(Y/N): Wow! I remember that thing... Where did you even hide that thing?

Ruby: On the back of my belt. So what do you got?

(Y/N): Well after I defeated the biggest crime boss in Vale I was allowed to keep this.

I than pull out Roman's cane. She takes a moment to realize what exactly this weapon is.

Ruby: They let you keep his cane?

(Y/N): Yep. I still don't believe it myself, but yeah.

Ruby: Do you know what happened to him after that? I mean, I know he got arrested, but about those injuries. They looked pretty serious.

... Crap. If I tell her I crippled him for life, she's definitely not going to be happy.

(Y/N): I don't know. Aura probably fixed him up.

I say, trying my best to lie.

Ruby: Yeah, I guess you're... So why'd you help me out back there?

(Y/N): With the robbery or after to you collapsed in the front of the school.

Ruby: ... Yes.

(Y/N): Well... Why not? I couldn't let a cute girl be all alone in times of need.

Ruby then blushes a bit at me calling her pretty and starts to stammer a bit.

Ruby: Uh, I- You- T-Thanks...

(Y/N): *chuckles a bit* ... So... Where are we going.

Ruby: I was just following you.

(Y/N): ... Well we're lost.

Another time skip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) calling Ruby cute and having her whole face go red.

We finally got to the auditorium and it was crowded with people.

And not a second later, Yang was already calling Ruby over.

Yang: Ruby! I saved you a spot!

Ruby then turns to me.

Ruby: Oh, I'm sorry. I've gotta go. See you after the ceremony!

She said that last sentence while running to her sister. I waved to send her off and I'm left to myself.

Well... Let's see... What can I do now...

... Oh there's Jaune! Might was well introduce him into the story.

(Y/N): Hello!

Jaune: Gah! ... I'm mean... *Cough* *Cough* Sup "Dude".

(Y/N): (Oh boy, this is how the conversation starts) I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you.

Jaune: The names Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue. Ladies love it.

(Y/N): ... Do they?

Jaune: T-They will! ... Or, at least I hope they will. I mean my mom always says- ... Never mind.

(Y/N): *Chuckles* I'm sure at least one of them will.


Ruby's POV

Yang: So how's your first day going little sister.

Ruby: You mean since you ditched me and I exploded.

Yang: Yikes. Meltdown already?

Ruby: No I literally exploded a hole in front of the school! And there was fire, and I-I think some ice.

Yang: ... Are you being sarcastic?

Ruby: Ugh! I wish! This morning I tripped over some crubby girls luggage, and then I sneezed, and then I exploded, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me.

Weiss: YOU!

Frightened, I just into my sister's arms.

Ruby: Oh God, it's happening again!

Weiss: You're lucky we didn't blow off the side of the cliff!

Yang: Oh my God, you really exploded.

Ruby: It was an accident! *Gets down form Yang's arms* It was an accident!

Weiss holds out a pamphlet in front of my face that says "Dust for Dummies"

Ruby: What's this?

Weiss: The Schnee dust company is not responsible for any injuries while handling a Schnee dust company product. While not mandatory, we highly recommend our customers to read and familiarize themselves with this easy to flow guide.

Ruby: ...Uh

Weiss: You really wanna start making things up to me?

Ruby: Absolutely!

Weiss: Read this and don't ever speak to me again.

Yang: Look, maybe you two just got off on the wrong off. Why don't just start over and try to be friends, okay?

Ruby: Yeah! Great idea, sis! *clears throat* Hello Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!

Weiss (Sarcastically): Yeah, and we can pain our nails, and try on cloths, and talk about cute boys, like (Tall/Short), (hair color), and (How you would describe your build) over there!

(What did Weiss say about you? Comment here!)

She says pointing (Y/N) while he was hanging out with "Vomit Boy" and another girl who I haven't seen before. She had red hair and a spartan like outfit.

Ruby: Oh wow, really?

Weiss (Dead cold): ... No.

(Y/N): *Cough* Ice Queen *Cough*

This comment causes a few giggle form everyone around us, including me and Yang. Weiss was about to lash out at him, Ozpin steps out on the stage starts speaking.

Ozpin: ... I'll.. Keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose - direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step...

He steps off the stage, letting Glynda speak.

Glynda: You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins.

And with that, we are left to ourselves.

Yang: He seemed kind of off.

Ruby: It's almost like he wasn't even there.

Time skip brought to you by Chibi Glynda prying Ozpin's coffee form his hands.

Ruby's POV

We did all Glynda said and went to the ball room to sleep.

Yang: It's like a big slumber party!

She says, crash down next to me.

Ruby: I don't think dad will approve of all the boy, though.

Yang: I know I do. *purrs*

Yang looks on to see some of the boys who sleep shirtless... And then she saw the Vomit boy himself in footy pajamas and she winced and looked away.

Yang: Hey, where's that boy you were with early?

I look up form my spot and take a quick look around for him.

Ruby: Over there.

I point to him. He was wearing a T-Shirt and shorts, probably cause it's more comfortable thar way. He was also currently looking at ... a weird looking scroll. I've never seen that model before.

Yang: Well why don't you introduce me!

Ruby: Hey, Wait-

Yang then starts dragging me over his to direction.

(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): (So I can use every one of my app, with both information form my world and the information form Remnant.)

Goddess: Yep! Everything you could ever want is right there for you.

(Y/N): (... Except Wattpad.)

Goddess: Are you still on about that?

As I was about to think "Yes" I hear Ruby getting dragged by Yang to come over and talk to me.

Goddess: That's my Que. I'll be watching you. Try not to screw your plan up.

Best pep talk of... Wait what year is it?

Yang: Heelllooooo~!

Eh, forget that. This is happening.

Yang: I believe you two may know each other.

Ruby is upset about being dragged her, so I try to respond as calmly as possible.

(Y/N): Uh... Hey Ruby... Who's your friend?

Ruby: This is Yang. My older sister.

Yang: Sup!

(Y/N): Hi. I'm (Y/N).

Yang: So you're the guy who beat that "Roman Torchwick" guy? That was all over the news.

(Y/N): Oh really? ... What did it say?

Yang: It said that Roman was arrested, and hospitalized. The person that did was kept "Classified" by their own request.

(Y/N): Yeah, I didn't want any attention. I just took him down, got the reward money, and went on with my life.

Ruby: Wait, you got reward money? How much?

(Y/N): One sec...

I use my scroll to check my bank account... After my week retreat... I still have 999,985,000 Lien left.

(Y/N): ... Enough to last me... A while.

Yang: Oooooo, man of mystery. I like that. Thanks for helping out my sister.

(Y/N): All in the days work.... *Yawn* Well, we should get to bed. I wanna have a good night's rest for tomorrow.

Ruby: Sounds good. See you tomorrow.

Time skip brought to you by Chibi Ruby and Yang jumping in the air and high fiving (fiving is not a word, but whatever)

(Y/N)'s POV

Than came the morning. I was awoken by Nora's babbling on to Ren... Which did in fact go on for the whole time until we had to get our weapons. They took their leave and that left me, Ruby, and Yang without any distractions.

Yang: So, you two seem offly chipper this morning.

Ruby: Yep! No more awarded small talk, or getting to know you stuff. Today, I let to get my sweet heart do all the talking.

"Who said that I'd be doing the talking?"

...Is something that came to my mind and I should have said, but it came to my head too late and now Yang kept talking and I missed my opportunity.

Yang: Well what about you (Y/N)? Why do you have that big grin on your face.

I'm still smiling from that pickup line I thought of, but let my try and forget about that and play it off.

(Y/N): Well... This is something that I've dreamed of. Being here, standing in this building... And now that it's actually happening... I still would believe you if you said I was dreaming... But, I know that I have to stop dreaming and start living. And I'm... Living the dream. If you could put it like that.

I feel like every second I spend living in this world, I become more and more like an anime protagonist rather then an actual person.

Ruby stares at me like I gave the the best motivation speech she has ever heard, like my speech had so much conviction and drive too it. She sweetly smiles again and puts her weapon on the back of her belt.

Ruby: Yeah, I feel the way. I'm ready!

Yang: Well remember you two, you're not the only one through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together.

Ruby: UUGGHHH! You sound like dad! Ok, first of all, want does meeting people have to do with fighting?

(Y/N): Creating new allies and or foes.

Ruby: And secondly, I don't need other people to help me grow up. I, drain, milk!


(Y/N): That's for your bones, not height.

Ruby; Stop derailing my argument with facts!

Yang: Well what about when we form teams?

Ruby: I-I don't know. I'll just be on your team other something.

Yang: Maybe to should try being on (Y/N)'s team.

(Y/N): *Thumps up* No complaints here.

Ruby: T-Thanks (Y/N)... But my dear sister, Yang. Are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?

Yang: W-What? Of course I do! But, I don't know, maybe it would well you... break out of your shell?

Ruby: Wha- I don't need to break out of my shell! That's absolutely-


And there goes Jaune.

Jaune: There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday. I would've remembered having to count that high... Oh! Why does this have to happen today!

(Y/N): *sigh* Damnit Jaune...

Ruby: You know him?

(Y/N): Talked to him yesterday, wanted to see the vomit boy was really like.

Anyways, I walked up to him see if I can strike up a conversation.

(Y/N): Having trouble.

Jaune: There is just now way put my Gear, in this lock- ... Nevermind.

(Y/N): Yep, next time actually check before you start worrying.

Jaune then grabs his gear sees Pyrrha talking to Weiss.

Jaune: Wow, who's Pyrrha talking too?

(Y/N): Weiss Schnee.

Jaune: ... I'm gonna try and talk to her.

(Y/N): Pleade don't-

Jaune: Be my wing man (Y/N). I'll show you how an Arc flaunts their charm.

God Damnit.

Goddess: (*ACHOO!*)

Jaune walks up to the two ladies ready to make a fool of himself. As Weiss is having an inner monologue, Jaune leans against lockers.

Jaune: You know what else is great, me, Jaune Arc, nice to meet.

Weiss, being interrupted by Jaune, and not having used him as an example to Ruby, is more confused then anything else.

Weiss: Uh, I beg your pardon?

I walk up along with Jaune and when Weiss notices, she only rolls her eyes.

Pyrrha: Nice to see you two again!

(Y/N): Hey Pyrrha. You excited for infiltration?

Weiss: Wait, you know her?!

Jaune: Well all got acquainted back in the auditorium. But anyways, been hearing rumors about teams. I was thinking me and you we make a good one. What do you say?

He asks, referring to Weiss.

Pyrrha: Actually, I think the teams are comprised of 4 students each so-

Jaune: And there's 4 of us. How about it? All of us on a team. I certainly think that we'd work well together.

He says, still trying to sound flirty talking to both Weiss, and Pyrrha.

... I forgot how much of an ass Jaune sounded here.

But rest assured, Weiss gets in the way.

Weiss: Jaune, is it? And what's yours again.

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/-

Weiss: Yeah, right. Do you two have any idea how important Pyrrha really is?

Jaune: Not in the slightest, snow angle.

(Y/N): I don't really car-

Weiss: Pyrrha, graduated top of her class at Sanctum.

Jaune: Never heard of it.

(Y/N): Good for her, but I still do-

Weiss: Ah! She's won the Mistral Regional Tournament 4 years in a row. A new record!

Jaune: The what?

(Y/N): That's great and all, but I need to say I don't-

Weiss: She's on the cover of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!

Why do I even try.

Jaune: *Gasp* That's you?! They only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!

Pyrrha: Yeah... It was pretty cool. Sadly the cereal isn't very good for you.

Weiss: So after hearing after hearing all of this, do either of you think your in a position to ask HER to be on your team?

Jaune: I-I guess-

(Y/N): Yes I do.

Say I with a smirk. All three of them look at me with a bit of shock, and Weiss has a bit of anger.

Weiss: Excuse me!-

(Y/N): No, you are not excuse. I'm sorry I was born the amount of "privilege" that you were. And sure, me and Jaune may not have gotten here with as high of scores as you two did. But your status as a Schnee and whatever crazily cool thing Pyrrha did, doesn't matter here. We are all first years, and we all and novices compared to what it takes to become a pro. So yes, "Miss Schnee" I do think I'm allowed to at the very least ask her if she would like to be on same team as me.

Weiss was about to retort, but the intercoms went off and Glynda spoke.

"Would all first year students please report to Beacon Cliff for infiltration? Again, all first year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately."

Pyrrha: ... Well I guess we better be off. It was nice to see you two again!

While Pyrrha walks off happily, Weiss storms off. In anger that I had the nerve to even think of saying anything like that.

Jauen: Ugh- Likewise!

Jaune waves off.

(Y/N): Really showed off that "Arc charm" Uh? Really slaughtered all those ladies.

Jaune: We-I ... I can't use the charm properly if "someone" shows me up like you did.

(Y/N): Sure, yeah. *Chuckles* Come on. Let's go and get this over with.

Time skip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) sticking his tongue out at Weiss as she snarls.

Here we are! At Beacon cliff, Let's let Ozpin give his speech and we'll be on out way!

I'm sorry, I'm just so excited! My body could not be anymore ready!

Ozpin: For years, you have trained to become warriors. And today, your ability will be evaluated in th emerald forest.

Glynda: Now, I'm sure many of you have been hearing rumors about teams. Well allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be giving teammates... Today.

Ozpin: These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time at Beacon. So it is in your best interests to be paired with someone with whom you can work well with... That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next 4 years.

Ruby: What!!!

Ozpin: After you partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die. You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. But our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandon temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pare must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. You will guard that item, as well as your standing, and we will grade you appropriately. However, this year, there is an odd number of students. So for the one that doesn't have a partner, we have prepared a special relic just for you. You'll know what it is when you find it. Any questions?

Jaune: Yeah, um, sir?-

Ozpin: Good. Now take your positions.

Alright! Time to get launched off a cliff!!! I have aura, so even if I don't land the way I want too I'll survive and find the relic.

Jaune: Uh sir, I've got uh... A question.

He said "You'll know when you find it"... What does that mean? Is it something he told me that he expected me to remember?

Jaune: So this, landing strategy thing, what is it? You're like, dropping us off or something?

Ozpin: No, you will be falling.

And there's also the problem of me making eye contact with someone. Do I have to find it without making eye contact with someone, or did he rig the launch pad so I'll fall near where it is pick it up and get moving.

Jaune: So did you hand out parachutes for us?

Ozpin: No, you will be using your own landing strategy. 

My launch pad is right next to Jaune's, at the very end. So I don't have much more time to think. So instead of thinking, let's just do!

Jaune: So... What exactly is a landing strate-

And there he goes, flying through the air while screaming... Now it's my turn!...




*Cough* I said! Now, it's my turn!...



(Y/N): ... Oz...

Ozpin: Well would you look at that, your pad seems to be malfunctioning.

(Y/N): Riveting. What's your game?

Ozpin walks up to me and he hands me...

... A Grimm pop figure...

(Y/N): ... What the hell is this?

Ozpin: A Beowolf figure.

(Y/N): Ok, yeah, I know. But why are you giving it to me?

Ozpin: Because it is the Relic of the one person. You have proven that you do have past, present, and future knowledge. And you said that the future isn't looking to be in our favor... So, to put it bluntly if I may. You're just to valuable of an asset to lose.

(Y/N): ... I'm not an "asset" Ozma. I'm a person, treat me as one.

Ozpin: ... My apologies... But I you understand what I mean.

(Y/N): *Sigh* Yeah, yeah. Let's just get this over with.

Ozpin: Are you ready?

(Y/N): I was, then this happened. Give me a-


And before I could get that word out, boom! I was flying through the air.


Ending song

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