Ch.12:Viceroy City

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(A/N Since the City in Invader Zim never had a name, I just made one up)

The storm spat the heroes out into the next world.

Spongebob:Now where are we?

Zim:It looks like Viceroy City. The place I call home.

The others looked around and saw a lot of heavy industrial-esque buildings

El Tigre:Uh Zim, don't take this the wrong way, but your Earth is a dump.


Zim:No no...I admit my Earth is far from perfect. But, it's home. To me at least.

They all readied their weapons.

Zim:It's unusually quiet.


They all turned to see a small group of Irken soldiers.

Soldier:It is the traitor, Zim!

Soldier:By order of the Almighty Tallest and the Syndicate, we order you to surrender immediately!

Danny:Yeah, not gonna happen.

???:I suggest you heed, ghost boy.

Out of the soldiers stepped Tak.

Zim:Tak. No surprise you're a part of this.

Tak:Unlike you, I've remained loyal to the empire.

Zim:The Tallest must be scraping the bottom of the barrel if they picked you to be one of the generals.

Tak was taken aback by the comment.

Tak:Excuse me?!

Zim:Remember how you could barley make it over the climbing wall at the academy?

Some of the other Irkens laughed.

Tak:Enough laughing! Get them!

The other Irkens opened fire. Danny used his powers to shield all of them.

Danny:Think we're gonna need firepower for this world.

Jenny whipped out a gun from her arm and blasted a few of the soldiers. She threw the guns to some of the others.

Spongebob:Okay, so how do we...

He began accidentally firing, shooting at almost everyone.

Timmy:Watch where you're firing!


Jimmy was amazed by the blaster.

Jimmy:Such incredible technology. Perhaps if I could deconstruct it, maybe I could-

Raph:Stop gushing over the enemy and help us!

Jimmy picked the blaster and fired away. Zim was dealing with Tak.

Zim:I see you've trained since we've last encountered.

Tak:It's paying off quite well.

Zim pushed her back.

Zim:You were saying?

Tak growled.


She and the remaining Irkens retreated.

Spongebob:Ha! We won! Good job, guys!

He then accidentally shot the blaster again. El Tigre too it.

El Tigre:Okay, you should not have a blaster.

Just then, someone jumped on Jenny's back.

???:You will not invade this planet any longer!


When they got a better look, it was Dib and Gaz Membrane.

Zim:Dib, stand down!

Dib:Oh, Zim. Finally, the one Irken I like.

Zim:It is alright you two. These are friends. Everyone, these are my friends/allies, Dib and Gaz Membrane.

Dib:Any friend of Zim, is a friend of mine.

Gaz:For me that might be a little different.

Dib:Ignore her, she's always like that.

Zim:Dib, has the empire gotten any of my equipment?

Dib:Not that I know of. I did see a few enter your base, but I didn't see any leave.

Zim:Well that's good...I think.

They made it Zim's house and inside. Zim led them all to his base.

Jimmy:Incredible. How did you create this?

Zim:Irken technology is capable of many things.

When they got down to the main base, they were surprised to see Irkens, littered all over the place.

Lincoln:Woah, what did this?

Zim:I believe I have an idea...

From the shadows stepped GIR, Zim's assistant.

Danny:Least now we know what kept the other Irkens form steal your tech.

Zim:Everyone, this GIR. My faithful robot assistant.

GIR:Hello! Who are you? Do you have germs? What are your eating habits like?

He was zipping all around.

Leo:Quite the energy ball.

Zim:GIR...has a few screws loose. But he is loyal to the bitter end.


Zim:Also he really loves tacos.

Miko hugged GIR

Miko:Can we keep him?!

GIR:Unauthorized contact.


His eyes suddenly went red and a huge gun came out of his head. Miko dropped him.

Zim:Apologies, his combat protocols tend to flare up when that sort of things happen

GIR returned to normal.


Zim began typing away at his monitor. The others began looking around. Mikey found where Zim kept his human disguise. He then put the mask on and scared Raph and Ronnie Anne. They jumped back. Mikey laughed. 


The two began pummeling him.

Zim:Easy with the mask! That's not cheap to fix.

Lincoln came up to Zim.

Lincoln:Say Zim, I heard those other Irkens call you a traitor. What's that about?

Zim sighed.

Zim:My empire is infamous for conquering countless planets. The almighty tallest Red and Purple enjoyed the chaos. But the other two tallest, Spork and Miyuki began to...I believe the Earth term is "get cold feet"

Lincoln:So they tried to stop them.

The two tried to convince Red and Purple to stop, but they were then seen as traitors. So Red and Purple...killed them.

Spongebob:That's horrible!

Zim:Indeed. Thankfully I learned of their actions. However, they caught me. And they made me their fall guy. They labeled me a criminal. So I fled to Earth. I vowed one day I'd free my people and expose The Tallest.

Jenny:I'm sure you will one day.

Zim:Thank you. Alright, I've managed to track The Tallest to where their draining energy.


Zim:Each Irken Pak is designed with a tracker. Just put in the coordinates in and...Presto!

Annie:The Perpetual Energy Generator?

Dib:It's one of my father's inventions. But he shut it down.

Gaz:Honestly, I'm surprised they went for it.

They went over to the generator. To their surprise, they found the Irken soldiers holding Dib and Gaz's father, Professor Membrane at gunpoint.

Membrane:I did what you asked. Now let me go!

Soldier:Sorry, our Almighty Tallest want to make sure you don't do anything funny.

Dib:It's dad!

Danny:Looks like those aliens won't let 'em go!

El Tigre:I'll deal with them.

He calmly walked up to the two Irkens and tapped on their shoulders.

El Tigre:Excuse me, you two have something on your faces.

He then bashed their heads together.

El Tigre:Pain!


Membrane:Kids! Thank goodness, you're alright!

Zim:Professor Membrane, where are The Tallest?

Membrane:On the other side of the building! You must move quickly!

The Tallest were sipping on smoothies.

Purple:Ah...this is the life. Aiding other villains, syphoning energy, and enslaving a planet.

Red:You do know Zim is still alive.

Purple:Please. Like he and the other heroes would be dumb enough to take on the Irken empire. I'm sure Tak has things handled.

Leo:Oh, really?

Purple spat his drink out.

Red:Tak, has things handled?

Ronnie Anne:Alright Tallest, save yourselves a pounding and give up!

Red:Grrr! Soldiers, Attack!

The Irken soldiers opened fire. Ronnie Anne threw her bat, knocking several Irkens out. Leo used his blades to block the blasts. The rest of the group took out the soldiers.

Jenny:Where's the Tallest?

They then heard loud thumping footsteps. From the corner, they saw the two aliens...floating?

Purple:Now you'll know the true meaning of suffering! Let's see how well you deal with opponents who are invisible.

Pony:Um, why are you two flying?

Purple:What? We're in the cockpit of our mighty battle mech! Complete with cloaking device!

El Tigre:Than why can we see you? can't see us! We're covered by the cloaking device.

Jenny:Actually, we can see you. The device cloaks the robot, but not you two.

Purple:LIES! Now, behold the doom cannon!

Timmy:We can''s invisible.

Red:But you can see us?

Lincoln:That's what we said.

The tallest turned to each other.

Purple:Told you those budget cuts would come back to bite us.

Red:Well it isn't my fault you spend so much credits on an AUTOMATIC BURRITO MACHINE!

Purple:That machine is amazing, and you know it!

They then started slapping each other.

High Five:Your people look up to these two?

Zim:I know, very childish, aren't they?

Red:Ugh...whatever. Just de-cloak and stomp them.

Purple decolaked the robot.

The cannon began firing. The blasts left large craters in the ground.

Zim:I forgot how much firepower that thing has.

Annie:So how are we gonna fight that thing?

Zim:Hmm...Jenny, you have the weaponry to match that machine. You try to damage it's armor. I'll deal with The Tallest. Leo, you take out it's guns.

Leo:Roger that.

Jenny pulled out some of her best weapons and began firing upon the mech.

Red:Pah! Your weapons are nothing! Barely scratching the plating.

Zim:Well then, how does it fair on the inside?

The two turned to see Zim, who had infiltrated the mech.

Red:I thought you locked the hatch!

Purple:I thought you did!

Red:Grrr! Whatever! You're not ruining things for us, Zim.

Zim:My friends and I beg to differ.

Zim began distracting the Tallest. Leo leapt onto the top of the mech and began cutting away at the wires.

Purple:Weapons are offline!

El Tigre launched one of his hands and began to sprint around the mech, wrapping the chain around the mech's legs. Jenny pushed the mech from behind, tipping it over. Danny phased into the cockpit and grabbed Zim. The Tallest crawled out, disoriented. Spongebob picked up one of the blasters and handed it to Zim.

Spongebob:I believe this victory belongs to you, my extraterrestrial aqquantience.

Zim:Thank you, my absorbent friend.

Zim aimed the blaster at The Tallest.

Red:Now Zim, perhaps we could work something out. Maybe we could clear your name.

Purple:Pretty sure we wouldn't.

Red:You really just don't when to shut up.

Zim fired, blasting them into the generator.

Red:You know, we probably could have won this if YOU CLOSED THE HATCH!

Purple:Once again, you expect me to do everything!

The two began fighting each other.

Ronnie Anne:How did The Syndicate let them join?

Zim:Who knows.

They ventured off to the storm.

Ronnie Anne:How much you wanna bet they aren't actually tall but actually using some kind of bio suits.

Zim:Funny you mention that, because theirs a bit of a running joke among my people that that may be the case. Though some actually believe it, unfortunately.

Kitty:Irkens have conspiracy nuts?

Zim:Sadly, even my people are not immune to such a concept...

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