Ch.22:The Final Battle Pt.3

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Amalgam began lurching forward.

Kitty:Look alive people, this isn't over.

Jenny:Everyone, open fire!

The heroes who had fire arms began shooting at the enormous creature. However, it did nothing to it. Amalgam began firing fire and ghost energy from it's hands.


Everyone ducked out of the way. Some of them tried to run up Amalgam's arms, but the creature knocked them off.

White Panthera:It's too powerful!

Sid:Okay, new strategy:SCATTER!

Everyone did so.

Amalgam:Run all you'd like, but you will never win!

Timmy:Cosmo! Wanda! I wish we had a shield to protect us!

They poofed up a shield around everyone.

Timmy:What are we gonna do?! With all those powers, they're pretty much invincible!

Spongebob:We can't give up! There has to be a way we can beat them.

Amalgam:We will destroy everything you hold dear. Including the FAIRIES!

Everyone was a little caught off guard by the sudden burst.

Jimmy:Think! Think! Think...Brain Blast! Guys, I know how we can beat him!

Aang:Well tell us fast! He's almost through the shield!

Jimmy quickly told them just as Amalgam burst through the shield.

Miko:Amalgam, it is true that you have all the villains strengths and powers.

Amalgam:That is true.

Miko:But, there's one little thing you didn't think about.

Amalgam:And what would that be?

Miko:You also have their weaknesses!

Amalgam was a little taken aback.

Dudley:For instance, Snaptraps allergy to cheese.

Wanda poofed up cheese and Dudley threw into Amalgam's mouth, making him puff up.

Timmy:And, Crocker's obsession with fairies.

Cosmo and Wanda flew in front of Amalgam's face.


Amalgam began spazzing out and hurting himself.

Ronnie Anne:It's working!

Amalgam:Impossible! You shouldn't be able to beat us!

He blasted ghost energy at them but Danny caught it in the Fenton Thermos. They began shooting away at the enormous beast. It then began to shrink.

Hanshee:He's getting weaker!

Amalgam:You can't defeat us! We are the most powerful entity in the multiverse!

He got weaker still.

Amalgam:You can't do this to us! Who do you think you are?!

Annie:Heroes. Who are doing what's right.

Sam:I believe you all deserve the final finisher.


The main Nicktoons rush towards Amalgam, each one landing a hit. Amalgam began to spark.


The power within him was starting to overload.

Amalgam:No! NO! NO! This can't be happening! This was supposed to be our big moment! Not yours!

Spongebob:That's what you get for messing with our homes!

Amalgam:Gah! Ah! YOU'LL ALL PAY FOR THIS!!!

With that, Amalgam's body overloaded and detonated.

Miko:We...we did it. We did it! We won!

The Nicktoons, their friends, and the citizen of their worlds cheered!

Maria:That's my girl!

Razinski:Well done!

Gerorge:Yes! Those are my kids, right there!

Fowler:We're not gonna die!

After the dust cleared, the unconscious villains were scattered all over the place. Only Cygnus remained.

Cygnus:No! No no no! This wasn't supposed happen! Evil was finally supposed to win!

He charged at them, however, a wall of magic trapped him. It was Estella.

Estella:He always was a sore loser.

Cygnus:Release me now!

Estella:Quiet, brother! I cannot believe you would stoop so low.

She then turned to the heroes.

Estella:The multiverse owes you all. Thanks to you, balance has been restored. Your worlds are quite lucky to have heroes like you protecting them.

Raph:Eh, it was nothing.

Pony:So what's gonna happen to him?

Estella:You shouldn't worry about my brother. I will make sure he's punished for his actions. Especially after I tell our mother what happened.

Cygnus's face dropped, She opened a portal up and he chased her.

Cygnus:Wait! Mother doesn't need to know about this! Sister, this isn't a big deal! Please.

The portal than closed.

Lincoln:So...that happened.

Annie:Yeah...ya know. I'm gonna miss you guys. This was really fun.

Jenny:Well, it doesn't have to be goodbye forever. It could just be goodbye for now.

Jimmy:Agreed. Maybe when the universe needs us, we can all join up again. Besides, we can still visit each other from time to time.

Ronnie:For now, I don't know about you guys, but I'm starved. I could really use something to eat.

Spongebob:Perhaps I can be of assistance.

He pulled out his spatula.

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