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A/N Hey guys! I cannot wait to get this started, even if that means putting Marichat PV on the side for now. So pumped!

Rouge Cur's POV

Karaoke was kinda uncomfortable for Nick. The bunnies were all pumped up and jumping around while he was... well, not pumped up. His nature wasn't prepared for this.

After it he breathed in the fresh air outside of the house. Gideon notice this and laughed. "Rough, huh? They tend to party hard. I learned that the hard way." Gideon sympathized.

"Phew. I thought I was the only one." Nick chuckled. Judy creeped up behind Nick and tackled him into a hug. "Aww, is the big bad Nickolas Wilde not having that much fun?" She teased.

"Haha, very funny." Nick sarcastically put it. Gideon laughed again. "Come on. It's time to have some real fun." He motioned for them follow him. They did so puzzled. What is Gideon talking about?

"And here my friends, is a place of fun." Gideon pointed to the gardens. Judy jumped up and down excitedly. Nick scratched his head. "Uhh, what's so fun about this place?" He asked.

"Are we doing what I think we're doing?!" Judy asked. Gideon smiled large. "Of course. What else would we be doing?" He asked rhetorically.

Then, Nick noticed an assortment of strange things that he didn't expect to be sitting in the middle of the place. There was a bucket of water with apples in it on a chair, corns attached to strings that are hanging up, and much more.

Still confused, Nick turns to Gideon. "What is this?" He askes. Judy gasps. "It's obviously a game fest!" She says surprised. His face slowly lights up with recognition. He knows what this is.

"Alright! Time to quit the chit-chat and let the games begin!" Gideon starts the having them play games. Stu and Bonnie were already at one of the games and soon all of Judy's sibling came pouring to the games.

Some of the older ones were working at the games while the rest were playing them. It was fun for them all anyways. During a game of apple bobbing Nick accidentally poked his eye.

Judy had a good laugh while Nick grumbled about the pain he was in. "Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want, but someday the same thing is gonna happen to you!" He promised as he poked her in the chest.

"Whatever you say. I'll still win the games! No mercy!" She laughed and started bobbing. Judy kept to her promise of winning the games and did her victory dance.

"Haha! What'd I tell ya? I still won!" She pumped her fists. Then Nick thought of something. "Where are we going to sleep?" He asked. Sure enough, when Judy looked around she realized it was getting dark.

She yawned. This made her realize she was tired. "You're right. We can just go to my old place." She shrugged. Nick silently agreed as Judy led them to her place.

As soon as their police car parked in front of the house she was hit with a wave of nostalgia. "Ahh! I remember this place like it was yesterday!" She 'hopped' onto her bed and relished in it.

Nick laughed. "C'mon, Carrots. Gotta get unpacked. Which room is yours, and which mine?" He asked. "Oh yeah! Mine is this one," she pointed to a door in the hallway, "and this one is yours." She points to the one across from it.

"Thanks!" Nick slipped into the one she pointed to and started unpacking. Judy does the same. When Nick was finished he knocked on Judy's door. She opened it and greeted him with a smile.

"Need any help, Carrots?" He asked. Judy nodded her head. "Yeah, can you help me with this drawer? It keeps on falling out." She asked. "Sure, just need to hold it in place." He answered.

Nick walked over and held it up, so Judy started piling her clothes as Nick tried to make some small talk. "So, you got any stories for me?" He asked.

Memories of Gideon flash being her mind's eye. She shakes her head to get them out and they go away. "Yeah, I do. This one time...." They continue to chat until Judy is finished with her clothes.

After that they start getting ready to go to sleep. The following morning starts with a shouting Judy. "Nick! Wake up, Sleeping Beauty! Time for breakfast!" She yells into Nick's sensitive ears.

"Ahh! Carrots, why did you do that!?" He asks angrily. Judy giggles and starts rolling around. "To wake you up." She says when she's done. He looks at her dumbfounded. "Are you serious?" He asks.

"Yes." She says with a straight face. They just stare at each other, Nick's gaze one of astonishment and Judy's of bubbly excitement. "Alright, I'm up." He says after a while and gets up.

Judy leaves as Nick starts getting dressed. A knock on the front door is heard by Judy. She opens the door to be met with Gideon Gray with a blueberry pie.

"Gideon? A pie? For moi?" She asks. Since the room Judy gave Nick was right by he door he could hear everything they were saying. "Yeah, but you have to share with Nick." He answers.

"Then I don't want it." She pouts and crosses her arms. "And it's to apologize for my behavior when we were kids." Gideon says. Judy starts panicking a little and points to where Nick's room is.

Nick is confused by what he means. "Oh, then I'll take it! Apology accepted! Bye!" She shoos him and he leaves. Nick comes out of his room confused. "What was that about?" He asks her.

"Nothing! Nothing at all! Now it's time to dig in!" She starts cutting the pie until Nick stops her by pushing her arm down. "No. Tell me. Now." He could tell she was lying horribly.

"What are you talking about?" Judy asks nervously. Nick sighs and shakes his head. "I mean there's something you're not telling me." Judy sighs and puts the knife down.

"Alright. You got me. There is something I haven't been telling you." He leans forward, not wanting to miss a word she says. "You see, he story I am about to tell you is similar to your scouts story. When," she takes in a shaky breath, "me and Gideon were kids, we didn't get along that well. I would always dream of being a cop, wearing a little cop outfit and everything. But Gideon wasn't a good kid. He's good now! But not when we were kids.

"He didn't like he idea of a bunny cop and kept telling me I couldn't do it. As soon as I was about to lose hope Gazelle made Try Everything. That re-energized me, made me want to be the best cop there was! After it came out my school had a play on Zootopia. I was in the 3rd grade and, man, was I pumped! We said what we wanted to be and when I came out a cop after I got dressed all he did was laugh and say, 'a bunny a cop? What a joke!' I ignored his taunting and kept going.

"After the play I found him bullying some other students, wanting to take their festival tickets, but I intervened. He punned me down but I kicked him with my back legs hard in the face. That made him mad. He pushed me down and said, 'this might hurt a little.' Then he raised his claws and slashed my left cheek. I still have a scar, but it paled and you can only see it if you lift my fur up. But guess what? I had managed to swipe the tickets back when he went to slash me, and I gave it back to the kids he stole them from. They said I was a hero and that I would definitely become a cop."

Nick sat there amazed. He couldn't believe Gideon did that. Then as it sunk in he started to get mad. "Can I hit him yet?" Judy shook her head. "No! This is exactly the reason why I didn't tell you in the first place! Pretend I didn't say anything!"

She started cutting the pie angrily. Nick shook his head. She's right. I shouldn't be angry about something that happened in the past. He thought.

A/N Hey guys! Yay! I'm gonna go now.

-Rouge Cur

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