Chapter Five

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Nico sat on his new skull throne, staring out at his dozens of toys, bowing before him, and staring up at him with lovestruck pink eyes. They loved him. And he loved that. Nico looked over all the bowing gods that Nico had been able to bend to his will. They really are pathetic.

He always played with his 'toys,' kissing them and making them do embarrassing stuff. And putting more spells on them as well with the help of the gods. But his main toys were Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia, who were the original brainwashed trio. Of course that was over a year ago. Now all his toys were the same in personality.

"Percy, Thalia, Annabeth, come forward," Nico said. The said three stepped forward with happy grins on their faces. They loved to be mentally tortured like this. "You will all do absolutely anything I say, right?"

"Of course, because we love you, Master," The three said in unison.

"That's what I thought," Nico smirked.

"Thalia, come... kiss me," Nico ordered the Hunter of Artemis.

Thalia nodded quickly, then quickly skipped out to Nico where she gave him a quick peck on the lips with a giggle. Nico sighed. "Thalia, Thalia, how many times must we go over this? Give me a long, passionate, loving kiss. Not just some schoolgirl crush peck," Nico said.

Nico didn't quite know why he was ordering Thalia, much less anyone (especially girls) to love him and kiss him. He definitely didn't love Thalia! He was gay and all. His true heart laid with Percy, who had stayed loyal throughout all this. Percy was his favorite out of all them, so fun to play with.

Nico could have had everything he wanted if he had just stuck with Percy. Now though... he had everything he wanted plus more. Life was good to Nico.

"Of course, Master," Thalia said. She leaned in towards Nico again, and began to kiss a lot more passionately, pushing him up against the back of his throne. After a couple more minutes of kissing, Nico told Thalia to go away, which she did obediently.

Nico looked back over Thalia, Annabeth, and Percy, who stood there staring at Nico with loving eyes and waiting for their orders from their master. Those three people were Nico's favorite toys. They also happen to be some of the strongest demigods at Camp. He couldn't have his favorite toys waking up and defeating him, now can he? Once again, he'd need to work some more magic.

"Aphrodite, Zeus, Athena, get over here," Nico said. Aphrodite because she had the power of charmspeak, Zeus because he is (or claims to be) all powerful, and Athena because she was very wise and could help Nico with his question.

"I was wondering... I want to put Thalia, Percy, and Annabeth under a spell that whenever I say their name, they have a need to come to me, their master, because they love me so much," Nico said, "How would I do that?"

"Have Aphrodite charmspeak the demigods," Athena explained, "Then have Zeus cast a spell over them to make it permanent, no matter what."

"Perfect," Nico grinned, "Athena, you're excused. Aphrodite, Zeus, stay. What I'm going to have you do Aphrodite is charmspeak Thalia, Percy, and Annabeth to make it so whenever I say their name, they feel a need to come running to me and be very loving with me. Zeus, when she's done, cast a spell on them to make that permanent, no matter what."

"Of course, Master," Zeus said.

"Anything for you, Master," Aphrodite said, batting her long, dark eyelashes.

"Annabeth, Percy, Thalia, you three stay still. You can't go anywhere until I say you can," Nico said. The three demigods nodded.

"Okay, do the spell, Aphrodite," Nico said.

"Yes, Master," Aphrodite said. She said exactly what Nico had told her to, pouring charmspeak into her words.

"You're up, Zeus," Nico said.

Zeus nodded, stepped forward, then cast a spell over the three demigods, making the charmspeak permanent. Nico was satisfied. "Zeus, go away. Percy, go bring me a big bowl of fresh, delicious, peeled grapes. Thalia, go bring me the finest drink you can - my throat is dry. And Annabeth, I could use some entertainment. Go dress up in a really girly outfit," Nico said. The demigods and god all ran off.

Thalia came back first with a large cup of nectar and a little umbrella floating on the top. Then Percy came back with the grapes, then proceeded to hand feed them to Nico. Annabeth came last wearing a girly outfit like she was told.

She wore a frilly, sparkly, pink dress, pink stilettos, all pink makeup, and her curly hair held back by a sparkly pink headband.

"Good toys," Nico smiled, "Percy, continue to hand feed me. Thalia, continue to bow before me. And Annabeth, only speak in giggles and twirl and twerk around."

"Yes, Master," The three demigods said, then did as they were told.

Annabeth began to giggle and spin around in circles, twerking as well. It was definitely a very... interesting sight to see.

As Nico watched Annabeth and had grapes fed into his mouth, he knew that no one should ever underestimate his power.

Yeah so that last part with the twerking and grapes and stuff was really unnecessary, but I wanted to make the chapter longer. So... yeah. Next chapter Percy will be snapping out of it (late spoiler alert!!!!)

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