Chapter Nine - The End

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Annabeth looked at Thalia, a look of panic in her once gray and now pink eyes. "Don't let him get to Nico," Annabeth said. Thalia nodded. They didn't need Percy going under the curse of the scarf again. Who knows if they'd be able to undo it that time.

Thalia raised her hand in the air and sent a bolt of lightning to come down and land only a foot in front of Percy, almost singing the son of Poseidon's eyebrows off. Of course that didn't work and all it caused was to make Percy angry.

"How dare you keep me from getting to Master!" Percy roared angrily. Of course he didn't have any water to fight with, so he did the next best thing. He turned around and caused the ground to shake, making Annabeth and Thalia fall to the ground. Poseidon was ALSO the god of earthquakes.

Percy smiled happily, turning around to get to his master (who waited smugly and patiently). But before Percy could reach Nico, Annabeth jumped to her feet and charged in with her drakon bone sword, leaping in front of Percy and in between Nico. Percy was just outraged by this action.

"No!" Percy yelled like some two-year-old that didn't want to do what their mommy said. "Let me get to Master! I love him! Let me through!"

"Percy, snap out of it! This isn't you! You don't love Nico... you love me," Annabeth said softly, lowering her sword slightly.

"I would never love a foul human being like yourself! Let me get to Master!" Percy said.

"Yes, Percy, come to me," Nico said with a smirk. Nico saying Percy's name again just doubled the effects of the charm.

Percy blinked. His eyes were now full of absolutely no emotion at all, just blank and empty, but his expression was furious. Oh no, Annabeth thought. Percy let out a guttural roar, swinging Riptide in a wide arc at Annabeth. Annabeth easily dodged it to the side, holding back an eye roll at how vicious Percy had become.

Of course Percy was a an extremely skilled swordsmen, probably the best at Camp, but he was so angry and that was the only thing fueling him at the moment... anger. Usually when Percy fought, he was at least collected and able to properly think and process what was happening. But now he was just angry and thinking about nothing else other then anger. Not tactics or different moves, just the mad desire to get what he wanted.

That gave Annabeth a large advantage, and it showed. As the two demigods fought with their swords, Annabeth was able to land quite a number of strikes. Of course that was still Percy though and she didn't want to actually hurt him, so she just smacked him hard with the flat of her blade. She would need to figure out a better strategy to defeat Percy.

As Annabeth fought with Percy and wondered where the heck Thalia was, she wondered another thing as well. Nico has placed the charm on both Thalia and her as well. So why didn't Nico just say their names too and get this over with? Did he just want to see them get hurt by Percy?

"Thalia, a little help?" Annabeth said in her most patient voice possible. She was beginning to get exhausted by Percy's aggressiveness.

"One sec!" Thalia said.

"What are you doing?" Annabeth said, smacking Percy with the flat of her blade on his legs and knocking him over. Percy just made the earth shake a bit, causing Annabeth to fall over too.

"Grabbing my tranq arrows! They won't kill Percy or Nico, but they'll put them to sleep for a few hours," Thalia said.

"Okay, well hurry up!" Annabeth said, standing back up along with Percy. To be honest, she was glad they had something to defeat Nico and Percy with. Even if it was taking a bit too long for Annabeth's taste.

"Got it! Step out of the way, Owl Head!" Thalia said. Annabeth complied, diving too the ground to the side, out of the way. Thalia knocked her bow with a metal, silver arrow, then let go of it, causing it to fire in Nico direction.

Nico didn't even flinch.

Somehow, his hand shot up and he caught the arrow Thalia had fired at him. It would have hit him in the neck, but no. Somehow Nico had caught it. "What the..." Thalia said, amazed by Nico's quick reflexes.

Nico smirked, taking Thalia's distracted moment as an opportunity. He held the arrow back, then chucked it at Thalia with amazing speed... and nailing her right in the shoulder. Thalia's eyes widened. She looked down at the arrow, at Nico, then back at the arrow. Her eyes were already beginning to droop and she was stumbling around a bit.

"No!" Annabeth screamed.

"S-sorry, Annabeth," Thalia said quietly. "Mmm... I'm going to take a quick nap..." She stumbled around a bit, then fell to the ground in a passed out heap, beginning to snore lightly.

Nico laughed. "Well that was easy! Your turn, Annie!" Nico said.

Annabeth wanted to yell at him not to call her 'Annie,' but Annie was better then Annabeth. She didn't want to fall under the spell of the charmspeak. So she did the next best thing and rolled her eyes.

But unfortunately... there was now no longer anything in between of Nico and Percy. Before Annabeth could jump to her feet, Percy reached Nico. On Percy's way there though, he roughly kicked Annabeth in the head.

Percy put his hand's in Nico's, snuggling his face into Nico's neck and sighing happily. Nico couldn't help but laughing. This was almost too easy. He pulled out Aphrodite's scarf and wrapped it around Percy's wrist. Percy didn't even try to struggle.

Ten minutes passed quickly, but Annabeth didn't even take the chance to run away. Her head was pounding and she didn't want to abandon Thalia. And now, ten minutes later, Percy was permanently in love with Nico. No love goddess could undo it this time.

"What would you like me to do, Master?" Percy said, pressing a soft kiss on Nico's lips.

Nico looked down at the terrified Annabeth on the ground, grinning. He pointed at Annabeth. "Kill her."

Percy didn't even hesitate. He spun around, holding Riptide ready. "Please, Percy," Annabeth begged, tears trickling down her cheeks. She had began to back backwards, but she was now stuck in a corner on the ground. "I'm begging you. Please Percy. I love you. You love me."

A look of recognition crossed Percy's face, but it quickly disappeared. He scowled, raising his sword. "Not anymore, Wise Girl," He said. Annabeth shut her eyes, knowing what was coming, as Percy drove Riptide into Annabeth chest. Annabeth screamed in agony, blood beginning to soak her shirt.

Nico laughed. "Oh, Annie," He said with a smile, "You should know by now... heroes don't get happy endings."

The end! Seriously, it's the end. Please don't kill me... but it's my first completed Wattpad book so yay! Hope you enjoyed the book and please don't kill me. Sorry about the crappy ending too, I've never really written a book so I'm new to the whole writing endings and stuff... :)

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