Chocolate Milk

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Nico was abruptly awoken by a body smashing next to him on his mattress. He looked up to see his very own boyfriend, Percy Jackson, smiling dork-ish-ly, holding chocolate milk.

"What the Had-"

"I got chocolate milk!"

"Yeah, I see that, gods!"

"Nico," Percy whines, disappointed. "Here, have some."

That, of course, Nico couldn't deny. He took it from Percy hand, refusing to let the other boy feed it to him, and he took a small sip. Delicious.

"Hey, aren't you lactose-intolerent?" Percy asks, getting worried.

Nico stared, then laughed. "Hazel, not me." If it were any other day, he would've been offended, but not today. He didn't know why not today, but cut the kid some slack. He can't keep up with his usual attitude every day of his life, no matter how hard he wants to; especially with a goofball like Percy as his bae.

"Nico, you're drinking all of it, give me some!" Percy grabbed at the cup, clumsily spilling some on the floor. He didn't care, just took a sip.

"You're cleaning that up." Nico grumbled, smiling a small grin. Percy shrugged.

Soon Percy had finished the drink off, and was staring at Nico in admiration.

"You're perfect." he romanticizes.

"Thanks, that chocolate milk was good too." Nico smiled mischievously, sending the other boy a wink.

Percy smiled, and dove at the boy. The shared a long, passionate kiss, that tasted somewhat, of Hershey's chocolate.

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