I Kinda, Sorta Like You, Part One

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Nico X Male (Trans) Reader

Y/N was always the odd one out. He was always the one to be ignored, pushed around and used for homework. He had no parents, he had no friends. Besides the lack of confidence he has, he reminds Nico of himself.

Which, all in all, was what started the blushing and the butterflies and the smiles and smirks.

Y/N soon discovered that Nico was the same, except for the one thing Y/N admired; Nico stood up for himself, and others.

Time Skip

Y/N ripped a piece of paper and scribbled down a few symbols. Once class was over, he walked around the halls until he bumped into Nico di Angelo (pretending it was an accident). His books fell, and they both leaned down to grab them. In the middle of the scrambling, Y/N dropped the piece of paper on Nico's book.

"Sorry, bye!" Y/N quickly got up and left, terrified of what Nico's reaction would be if he was still standing there.

Nico looked back in wonder, and picked up his books, not knowing the little piece of paper was stuck between two.

Time Skip

I looked at the paper. It's small, ripped from a white, graph paper notebook. On it in pencil were ten numbers; a phone number. I have a feeling who's it was.

I whipped out my phone after class and saved the number, deciding to text it to make sure my suspicions were accurate.

Nico: Hello, is this Y/N?

Y/N: Who's this

Nico: Nico di Angelo

Y/N *squealing*: Yeah, hi

Nico *chuckling*: Hey

Y/N: so, uh . . .

Nico: Do you like me?

Y/N *six minutes later*: who told you that?

Nico: my brain

Nico: it's ok if u do

Y/N: I um

Y/N: yeah sorta. But it's ok if u don't feel the same!

Nico: lol why wouldn't I feel the same?

Y/N: because

Nico: elaborate

Y/N: idk, I didn't think you were into men, and idk if u know but . . .

Nico: you're trans

Y/N: um, yeah

Nico: it's good, Y/N. You're adorable.

Y/N *dead of happiness inside*: thx, Nico . . .

Nico: sorry, igtg. I'll talk to u later, bye

Y/N: oh, bye

Time Skip

Y/N lays down on his bed, the widest grin on his face.

"What you smilin' for?" his older sister, Lynn, mocks.

"You know Nico?" Y/N asks.

"You're crush, yeah, yeah. You talk about him 24/7." Lynn exclaims.

"Do not!" Y/N argues.

"Do too!" Lynn sticks her tongue out at him, pumping her fists on her hips.

"Whatever. Anyways," Y/N rolls his eyes. "He likes me back."

"Oh, cool! Now, you're like, Romeo and Romeo #2!" Lynn smiles.

"They die."

"Yeah, well, everybody dies at one point."


Lynn sticks her tongue out at him. She leaves his room, leaving him alone with his thoughts; for once, he's not completely alone.

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