Nico with the Flu

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《 Ship 》》Solangelo
Third Person P.O.V.

Nico returned to his bed in his cabin and collapsed, sniffing his nose and closing his eyes in exhaustion. Will, sitting on the opposite end, looked at him huddling with his sheets, shaking, in a black sweater with a skull on it, and his nose as red as a tomato (which the boy had kept touching).

"Ready to go to the infirmary?" Will persisted.

Nico opened his eyes slightly and shook his head, "I'm not sick."

"Yeah, right. You're as sick as sick can get."

The flu had taken a large sweep over the demigods, around 1/6 of all campers caught it; including Nico.

"I'm fine, Will!" Nico argued. Will sighed.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but. . ." he dug his hands under the boy and lifted him up in his arms. Nico sneezed.

"Pu-put me down, Solace! Now!" Nico demanded, and sneezed again. Will smiled, but didn't listen.

"Will, I think I'm going to puke, set me down!" Nico threatened. Will opened the cabin door, and with a very loud complaining son of Hades, made his way to the infirmary. Most people who saw them didn't look at them strangely, considering Nico never wants to go to the infirmary, and they are dating.

"Wil- Oh, no." Nico rested his head back into his Sunshine's arm. Will found an empty bed and laid Nico in it, closing the curtains around them as he twisted and began regurgitating over the side of the bed.

Will left but returned quickly with medicine. Nico swatted his hand away, but was too weak to stop the other boy from pouring it in his mouth.

"Get some sleep, Deathbreath." Will advised. Nico wanted to decline, but he was tired, really tired, and fell asleep within two minutes. William, however, did not leave the boy's side, holding his hand and rubbing his shoulder when he stirred, until he was certain the boy would be okay without him.

A/N This one-shot has now been edited. If there is a mistake I missed, please comment! I'm a grammar freak, so you won't do me any harm. Thanks!

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