Stunning (New Title!)

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I begin to sweat with anticipation.


Or no.

Please don't say you'll think about it, it'd kill me.

I take a deep breath, and straighten my tie. It's not or never.

Can I choose never? I remember asking Hazel. She smiled sweetly and shook her head, encouraging me. But now, all I wish is that I was alone, in a dark corner, knowing no one would be thinking about me. Not existing, but still living. Comfortable.

I loomed up at the door, hearing the knob creak. Am I blushing? I feel like puking... Oh, gods, what does she look like? My thoughts swirl, I might feel faint.

The door opens fully. I'm dumbfounded. (Y/N) stands elegantly, beckoning-ly, in a beautiful soft white dress, opening right above the knees and a slit across the stomach. Her hair looms soft and moist, and she wears no makeup. She wears Vans and has a backpack over her shoulder blades, but it's only more perfect.

She's suddenly right in front of me, placing her hands on my waist, smiling slightly in the only way she does.

"You look handsome."

I open my mouth, but no words come out. I'm. . . stunned.

"You look great. Come on, let's go. Piper's waiting for us."

All I can do is nod, stare and follow. My hand slips up to my mouth; am I drooling?

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