Night Changes

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Ship: Valdangelo

Leo exhaled, exasperated. He was on the closing shift at his local cafe, but he actually kind of liked it. All day, he had to put on a fake smile, make jokes and be abused by rude customers. But when he got to close off, he had the whole shop to himself, the night sky dark in contrast to the bright moon, his worries running away as he let his mask fall.

Nico, on the other hand, didn't follow rules. He didn't care when night shift was or what was going on. He opened the door before Leo had locked up, walking inside.

Leo looked up, "Hey, dude. Sorry, we're closing-"

"I'm not here for coffee."

With an aura that scared Leo, Nico walked all the way up to the counter, looking into Leo's eyes.

"Are you busy after this?" he asked politely.

Leo crinkled his eyebrows. "Are you- are you asking me out on a date?"

Nico shrugged, "Better to be polite."

"What's your name?" Leo asked. He smiled a little, wanting to laugh. This was ridiculous.

Nico smirked, "Nico."

"I'm Leo," he responded, looking back down and wiping the counter. "And no, I'm not busy. You just walk up to random strangers and ask them out on dates?"

Nico shrugged again, "Not exactly a date, but yeah. I like doing that."

Leo glanced back up, lifting an eyebrow, "What do you want?"

Nico relaxed his shoulders, not replying. He stared at Leo, waiting for Leo to meet his eyes again. Once he did, there was a flash of red in his eyes, and Nico smiled, showcasing two fangs at the top of his gum.

Leo faltered a bit, but he wasn't scared, just surprised.

"You have sharp teeth, dude," Leo said.

Nico nodded, "Good for sucking."

"Sucking?" Leo did laugh that time, cackling out loud. "You want to suck my dick? I don't do that for fre-"

"I want to suck your blood."

Suddenly, it dawned on Leo. Whoever this guy was - Nico? - was a vampire. And Leo, lucky Leo, had caught Nico on a night of bloodlust.

No, vampires weren't a thing people really believed in, but Leo wasn't shocked. He didn't care about much, and figured anything could be real if you believed in it hard enough.

Leo glanced back up at Nico, who's eyes were twinkling. He hadn't realized it, but Nico had begun to lean forward above the counter, face inching closer to his. Leo let a light blush spread across his face.


At that, Nico smiled lightly. He never drank blood without permission, he was a gentle vampire. It was rare when people would let him - usually, he had to go on one of those kinky chat websites and find someone into bloodplay or roleplay. Nico gently reached his arm across the counter, feeling confident, "Then I'll wait for you in the parking lot."

"Yessir!" Leo smiled, pulling out a piece of cake. "You want some? I get it free."

Nico hesitated, shaking his head, "You're all I need."

Leo nodded, "Alright." He took out a fork and took a bite, humming, then put it away in a to-go box. Nico shifted into the shadows (which Leo found cool as hell), and Leo made sure he had all of his belongings.

Welp... he thought. Guess I'm going on a date with a vampire now.

What a way to end the night.

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