Nico goes to school

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A/N: Ok, so you know how head canons are like mini fanfics? So, I figured that I could try to make one of my fav head canons into a fic! It's going to have the head canon as, like, the base, and I'm just going to elaborate on it, make an actual story out of a head canon. I have this one shot on my FanFiction.Net account, but I might change some things up a little bit. Please enjoy, comment, and vote.

I don't own anything that you recognize from the books.

Nico POV

I'm fuming by the time I walk into the big, stucco monstrosity that is my new school.

"Go back to high school," Hades had said.

"You need the life skills," he said.
(Picture above is what I imagine nico feeling like when Hades told him he needs to go to school!)
Of course my stupid dad wanted me to go back to stupid school in the middle of the stupid school year after the stupid second giant war where my stupid great-grandmother, stupid Gaea, tried to take over the stupid world.

Well, at least if I go, I'll make an impression on these stupid mortals. I woke up in the morning, as some people would say, on the wrong side of the bed. I was in a gloomier mood than usual, so I put on my favorite black shirt with a grey skull on it, my blackest jeans (one of many), my fuzzy jacket, and my pitch black converse. I wanted them to know to stay away from the 'gloomy goth kid'.

At school, the mortals got one look at me and tried to stay away, even trying to become 'one with the walls' to avoid me. Smart. I go to the office to get my schedule. From Percy's stories, I've heard how monsters hide in schools looking for demigods to terrorize. I should try to avoid them. I hope that I can see them through the mist.

"-r. di Angelo?" The lady speaking to me is a little 50-ish woman with grey hair in a messy bun on the top of her head. She is sitting at her desk holding out a piece of paper for me to take. I assume it was my schedule, but I don't know where any of my classes were. Ugh. AND I can't actually read it. Great. Stupid dyslexia.

"Hey, mrs-"


"Mrs. Jones, do you happen to have a map I could use? And if you don't mind, could you please tell me what my classes are? I have dyslexia."

"Why, of course, young man."

I almost laugh at that. 'Young man'. Ha! This fifty year old woman thought I was young! Yes, I do have the appearance of what, a sixteen year old? But I actually spent at least seventy years in the Lotus Hotel Casino, so I would technically be, like, over eighty.

Well, in any case, I need to get to class. I thank Mrs. Jones. I'm pretty sure that I'm late, but who cares! My dad is the god of the underworld, so I'm sure he doesn't. My sister and mother are dead, so I'm sure they don't. Sigh. I miss my other sister, Hazel. She's still at camp Jupiter with Frank. Wow. That was depressing, even for m-DAM ADHD.

I walk and look at the room numbers on the doors, when I finally find the room I'm looking for.

Room 175.

I enter the room and skulk to the very back of the class, glad that it seems I'm not that late if the teacher's not here yet. As if the gods heard my thought, the teacher chose that moment to walk into the room as soon as I sit down.

"Good morning class" she has an happy, excited voice that reminds me of Bianca's old teacher. At that thought, I almost start crying.

Keep I together di Angelo.

"Good morning Ms. Husser." The class replies automatically.

"Today we have a new student," the newly proclaimed Ms. Husser said. I inwardly groan. For sure she was talking about me.

"Nico di Angelo, would you please stand up and tell us three things about yourself?"

Seriously! Why is this woman so happy?

I stand up.

"Ah, ok. My name is Nico di Angelo. Uh, I live in New York most of the time, my favorite color is black," at that, I hear a lot of "pshhh"s and "duh"s. I even hear some laughter.

"and I'm from Italy, so my first language is Italian."

"Thank you, Nico. You may sit down now."

I comply with her order, slumping in my chair. The mortal girls in the class lean over and whisper about me, no doubt about my choice of clothing. I can hear them with my demigod hearing. Halfblood senses are only a little bit better than mortals', but to be fair, they were whispering really loud.

"Ok, class! Since you recently finished your Indian mythology unit, we are starting Greek mythology unit!"

At that, I sit up a little straighter. Huh. So dad actually put me in school at the right time so that I won't fail.

"Does anyone know anything about Greek mythology? For example: gods,"

"And goddesses," I mutter.

"What was that Mr. di Angelo?"

Oh. Oops. I guess I said it a little louder than I was planning.

"Well, I just realized that you forgot to say goddesses. I think they would be kinda mad if you forgot most of the others."

Ms. Husser gives me a peculiar look.

"Thank you for your opinion, Mr. di Angelo. Now back to the question."

A girl at the front of the class who has been raising her hand since the first time the question was asked, said,

"There are twelve main gods, Zeus, Aphrodite,Dionysius, Hera, Hephaestus, Are-"

I'm guessing she's the class know-it-all and teacher's pet.

"Thank you, Miss Rancer. Maybe you could let some other people answer."

At the girl's dejected look, Ms. Husser quickly says,

"Oh no, don't be sad. I'm still very impressed by all you know."

At that, the girl smiles.

Nobody else raises their hand. Ms. Husser's eyes scope the room, looking for her next victim. Her eyes land on, drum roll please, little old me. Yay!


"Ah. Mr. Di Angelo. Do you know any of the Greek gods?"

Psh. Lady, don't even start with me.

Oh. Well. Now everyone's looking at the back of the room where I'm sitting. Great.

"Hades," I mumble.

"What was that?" Ms. Husser asks me. Ugh. Now I'm really regretting thinking that this would be a good day.

"Hades." I open my mouth and said louder.

A few other kids snicker. One even dares to say,

"Of course death boy knows that one!"

I jump to my feet and say,

"First of all, I'm not goth, or emo, I just really like the color black. And second of all, I KNOW ALL THE GODS. I've even met some." I say that last part with a smirk on my face. I then proceed to have jaws smacking the floor.

(A/N: you don't have to read the next mini history lesson.)

"Big three: Zeus, king of the gods, husband of Hera, God of lightning, Poseidon, God of water, earthquakes, and horses, and Hades, husband of Persephone, god of the underworld, the dead, and all the riches under the earth. Their sisters are Hera, queen of the gods, wife of Zeus, goddess of marriage and women, childbirth, and family, Demeter, goddess of agriculture and the harvest, and Hestia, goddess of the hearth and home. Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, wife of Hades, goddess of the underworld. Artemis, goddess of the hunt and moon, archery, and maidenhood, and her twin brother, Apollo, God of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, medicine, plague, and the sun, are the children of Zeus and the titan Leto. Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, created out of the blood of Ouranous mixed with water, wife of Hephaestus. Ares, boyfriend of Aphrodite, God of war, and Hephaestus, husband of Aphrodite, god of masonry and the forge, are Zeus and Hera's sons. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war strategy, is the daughter of Zeus and the titan Metis. Dionysius, the demigod-turned-god son of Zeus and a mortal, is the God of wine and partying. Finally, Hermes,son of Zeus and the titan Maia. He's the guide to the underworld, messenger of the gods, god of thieves, travel, and athletes. And then there are thousands of minor gods, including Hebe, the goddess of eternal youth, daughter of Zeus and Hera, and many, many more. Don't even get me started on all the monsters, titans, or nature spirits."

I say crossing my arms over my chest.

(Mini Nico rant is over)

I stare at the rest of the class with a smirk on my face.

"Th-thank you, M-m-mr. di A-angelo." Says a now flabbergasted Ms. Husser with wide eyes, making her look like a owl.

I sit down with a smug look. I feel a lot better after my mini-Nico rant.

Just to ruin my happiness, I hear a biting female voice call out,

"What's goth boy gonna do now, speak Greek?"

I look over to the girl who spoke, and it's the girl who answered the question earlier.

"Απλά ζηλεύεις, θνητός"
I smirk at her, feeling happy that I could make these idiots freaked out.

And then, the bell rang.

Yay! Tell me what you liked, didn't like, think that I should improve, and if you want me to continue it as a story, not just a one shot. If I do continue it, the updates will be EXTREMELY SLOW. Just a heads up. Vote, comment, and enjoy!

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