Story 15

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So yeah Skye-chan is alive now to make this NicoMaki oneshots book! This story is about surviving from a zombie apocolypes! The survivors are U's and yes there is much NicoMaki moment! This might be a bit hurt you at the end. Forgot to mention also~! NicoMaki1618 gave me this idea. Thank you~! Lets start!

Update: I got hyper when I was making this story! Also this story has a bit like Attack on Titan.

The u's were running to a safe place, many zombies chased them. Umi was attacking the zombies with a crossbow while Maki was shooting the zombies with a dessert gun as they were following the rest of the members. Nozomi was panting as she said "E-Elicchi..I'm tired, I can't run anymore...". "O-Ok Nozomi, I'll carry you with my back" said Eli. Eli carried Nozomi in a piggy back ride. As Eli started to follow the rest again while she carried Nozomi, Kotori found a compound that's safe from zombies. "Minna! This way!" Kotori shouted. She went to the direction where she saw the compound, the rest followed her.

As they went inside, they locked the all the gate. The same with the windows, doors and etc. etc. They were all panting and sweating from running. Nico noticed a refrigerator, she opened it and saw many food in it. "Everyone, there's food in here. I'll cook it" said Nico. They all nod as Nico went to the kitchen while carrying the needed ingredients that she will cook. Maki followed Nico to the kitchen. "Need a help Nico-chan?" said Maki while she hugged Nico behind, she wrapped her arms around Nico's waist. Nico was blushing a bit as she said "Y-You could cut the onions and the carrots Maki-chan". "Ok" said Maki as she gave a peck to Nico's cheek.
Nico was doing the rest of the procedures of the dish she want to cook while Maki was chopping the onions and carrots. While Maki was chopping she accidently cut her finger a bit "Ouch!". Nico heard Maki as she went to Maki. "Are you alright?" questioned Nico, "You should be careful Maki-chan" she added. Nico grab Maki's hand where it got cut a bit as she licked Maki's blood where it got stream down. Maki was blushing from what Nico did.

Nico got her band-aid from her pocket and applied it to Maki finger. "T-Thank you Nico-chan" said Maki. "No problem Maki-chan" said Nico as she gave a peck on Maki's lips.


The food already served on the dining table in the dining room. Maki called the rest of the members to eat as the rest went to the dining room. As they were eating, they were chatting each other. Hanayo was happy because there's a bowl of rice as usual its her favorite. "Thank you Nico-chan!" she said happily, Nico heard it and actioned her tsunderation in a joke way "Your welcome Hanayo since its your favorite" she said and smiled. When they were done eating, they went to the living room. They noticed that the t.v was a bit big flat screen. They were amazed except Maki since she's rich kid. "The owner of this must be rich since the kitchen is modern style" said Nico. "The rest of the rooms also nya~" said Rin.

Umi noticed a modern style wardrobe, she opened it and noticed many CDs. Honoka noticed Umi as she went to her. "Wow CDs! Lets watch minna!" said Honoka. After that, they were watching movie. Kotori chose a romantic and drama movie. They sat down on the sofas (Refer it to the A-Rise living room where they all met with the u's). Kotori sat down on Umi's lap as Umi blushed a bit and wrapped her arms around Kotori's waist. Nozomi leaned her head on Eri's shoulder. Eri smiled at Nozomi as they continue to watch. Nico leaned her head on Maki's lap as Maki accepted it and they continue to watch. When they done watching, Honoka suggested to play truth or dare. They all nod as they started to play. "Maki! Truth or Dare?" questioned Honoka. "Dare" Maki answered. "Passion Kiss Nicocchi! Infront of us" said Nozomi.

Nico and Maki were blushing, Maki gulped as she looked to Nico. Nico gulped as she ready to get Maki's passion kiss. Maki kissed Nico's lips and slightly it turned to passion kiss. The rest were blushing except for Honoka and Rin. Kotori covered Honoka's eyes and Hanayo covered Rin's eyes. Umi fainted and said "Shamless Shameless" 5x. They stopped kissing as they were blushing madly. Many minutes passed, they were done playing and it was night time. "I have to go out, I need to check something" said Maki. "I'll go with you" said Nico. "Nico-chan there's no need" said Maki as she went out. Nico got sadden a bit.

When Maki got out but still inside the compound, she noticed a huge gigantic zombie outside the compound but a bit far. The gigantic zombie noticed Maki as it went to the compound. Maki widen her eyes as she shouted the others while she went to them. "Minna! There's a gigantic zombie outside abd its coming here!" she said. They were surprised as they prepare their weapons. They went out and the gigantic zombie got closely to the compound. They started to attack while they flying using the a equipment that can make them fly while they were attacking (refer it to the attack on titan). Whike they were attacking, it was no used. "Minna! Go back to the compound! I got a plan to stop this apocolypes!" said Maki as she showed them a grenade that can kill all the zombie and it would make a big explosion.

"N-Not that grenade!" said Eli. "Sorry Eli but I need to do it to make you all safe" said Maki. "This will make a huge explosion, I guess you need to ride a helicopter. There's a helicopter behind the compound so go now! And fly!" said Maki. "Maki-chan! No please" said Nico. "I have to Nico-chan" said Maki as she smiled and tears fell down. "No I won't leave you!" said Nico as she went to Maki but she was stop from Nozomi's grip. "We need to go Nicocchi!" said Nozomi. "No I don't want to! I want to go to Maki-chan!!" said Nico. "Sorry Nico but you made us to do this" said Eri. They carried Nico as they rush to the helicopter. "Thank you minna" said Maki as she started to interrupt the zombie, waiting for the others to fly off.

Umi went to the pilot seat of the helicopter and beside was Kotori. "Is everyone in!? We need to go fast!" said Umi. "Yes we're in nya!" said Rin. Umi started to fly off as Maki noticed it. 'Its time' she thought. She pulled out the lock of the grenade as she threw it down. A few seconds, the grenade explode and a huge explosion occured. Many zombies got killed including the gigantic zombie. "Maki-chan!!!! Nooo!!!!" Nico yelled, many tears fell down from her face. The others were crying from Maki. She kneeled down her knees feeling a bit weak. 'Why you did this Maki-chan?!' she thought as her tears continue to fell down.

The End

Phew its done! Need to get a bit sleep since I woke up early and my eyes got tired. Anyways did you enjoy it? Hehe..Thank you again for the idea NicoMaki1618! Bye bye!

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