Love Me,Love Me Not

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Well,as requested.This is a NicoMaki AU,about Nico and Maki being step sister and has no choice but to live together.This is the first request by.....I forgot your name,I'm sorry.
Please enjoy,leave a like or comment.It helps me to write more because of your support.You're my inspiration..XD!!!

Nico's POV

And here I am,standing in front of the mansion like---no,it's definitely a mansion.Holding the laugage on my sides as I look at how big the house is,I won't be living on a rundown appartment anymore~.From now on,I will be starting to live in this luxurious abode.How lucky I am.

I will be having my personal maids and butlers~,I won't be managing the laundry,cooking and every house chores.I'm really excited,I can't help it~♥

Will I be welcome by maids or the butlers? And will say 'Ojou-sama~'.I wonder what kind of people live in here? Will I have a little sister or big sister? Will I have a king sized bed like those in the television? Kyaaa~! I can't stop thinking about it~.

I breath out my already built excitement so that the person who will welcome me won't see me overly excited,I need to act like I'm use to this things...I mean,living in a big house!!

Finally,it's already time for me to enter my new house.I put down the bags and laugauge and put my index finger ready to ring the door bell.

When I heared it rang,the gates suddenly opened.I run toward the main door.I waited for the person to open the door for me,it might be a handsome butler♥ or cute maids♡~.
(Almost 30 minutes of waiting)
My excitement suddenly disappeared.
"W-What the hell?!"
I've been waiting here minutes ago,why won't they open it already?! Didn't they know that my laugage are so heavy for this petite body to carry?!

My head is already boiling from the frustration.I can't take it anymore!

I knocked at the door with my fist,a little louder so that they'll hear.But no response.They didn't even open the door..!

"No,I need to be polite,be polite...but the one whose not,were the people who live here!" I tried to calm myself but I failed.I tried to cover my face with a smile so that the people won't kick me out because of my demonic looking face.Still cute tho.

I open the door as I ask permission.''Sorry,for intruding.'' I turned around to see the whole house.I can't believe it,should I really live here? Did I got the wrong address?

The house is so dark,I can't clearly see a thing even if the windows are open.Why would the interior be this dark? Is there really someone living here or is it just me?

As I touch the flower vase near the entrance,I can tell that it's not really dusty,more like,there isn't a single dust can be found.So I think that there's someone.

I expect that there will be no maids or butlers when I first knock,if there is,they will surely open the door for you..

I searched deeper and noticed that there is still light,in a one section,it was the living room.

I can hear the television noisy so they should be in here.I didn't expect this,I think there's a person whose really untidy? There's no single human can be found in here,there are only things and foods scattered around every corner,junk foods,blanket,phone,throw pillows,...futon?

I thought this was a really clean house?

I felt myself sighing,''Really,what kind of people live here?'' I started to work,tidying the mess.I first pick the blanket scattered around,then the pillows,futon,lastly was the phone,colored red.

"What are you doing?'' The voice out of nowhere startled me,still holding the scarlet phone.I turned around to see a crimson haired.

"Who are you?''

I can't find words as I was in awe looking at the girl in front of me.

S-She...She was...No,I can't think about this things.There is no one whose cuter that me..!!

I shooked my head to clear my mind and find the best answer.''I-I'm the n-new maid!!!''

Yeah,that's a nice---wait,Wait,WAIT!!! What the hell am I saying!?! It's because of that excitement before that I blurted out things!! What an
idiot am I?! How can I appeal her like this?! Wait,What?

"Maid? I don't remember hiring a new one.'' She tilted her head and fix herself as she knitted her brows.''D-Don't tell me,a burglar?!....A bad person?!'' The girl in front of me look at what I'm holding,it was the scarlet phone in my hand.

What the hell is she thinking?!

When she was about to yell,I talk first.''I'm not a burglar!Do I look like one anyway?! This pretty cute Idol Nico Nii will not surely look like a burglar!!'' I panted asking for air. "Can't you tell?! I'm your housemate from now on! Can't you see this laugage?! I've been carrying them for an hour and you won't even open the door! Aren't you grateful that I just fix this mess that you did?! I thought I would finally live peacefully with my new family!! But then,you'd just have to run your mouth,saying I am a bad person!!!''

I burst out my frustration from before and in this time,and what's more,I just yelled at the person who live in here,I think she'll kick me out in no time...That's,idiotic of me.I sighed.

I step towards her as I calm myself and hand her the scarlet phone,she didn't speak a word,I think she's more shock?

I heared her muttured some words but I didn't clearly understand.I saw her amethyst eyes when she face me directly.Yet she kept silent,she didn't speak a word but I know that she's really annoyed just from looking at her now burning eyes,stabbing me from the front.

I knitted my eyebrows and carry my bags.I decided to ignore her since she's staring at me,and stomp away from her,into the exit.I think I'm just gonna leave this house.Just from looking me like that,I can feel that she don't like me here.

But what I didn't expect was the next event,something grabbed my hand that's full of bags.And steal it away from me,I turned around and saw the girl from before,she's now holding those heavy laugage.''W-What are you doing?!'' I accidentaly yelled at her,I think it's because it suddenly startled me.

"Follow me upstairs,I'm gonna show you your room.'' The crimson haired infront of me step away as she look back.She said it in a cool voice,somewhat charming?

What is she talking about now? Aren't she going to kick me out or she'll let me stay?

While following her,I can feel that I'm starting to forget where we are going because of the beautiful accessories hanging everywhere,a chandelier,expensive looking vases,and portraits.I'm also confused.

Where did we came from again? This house was like a maze.

Finally,we stop on the middle of the hallway and face a single door.I saw her open it and enter,I followed her,of course.

"This is your room from now on....'' After saying that she just nodded and let me take a tour around it.

It's...It's wonderful~♥
I can't believe I'll be sleeping here from now on,the...the king sized bed that I dreamed of~

Without knowing myself,I jump at the bed as I layed down,like hugging it.I didn't noticed that the girl was watching me,she's watching.I fixed myself and stood up.''I-I'm sorry...'' That's...embarassing,I got excited all of the sudden.

"Then,I should leave you here...'' She said,but I can't think of anything,I suddenly blurted out a question.''W-WAIT!! Ummm,w-what's your name?''

I saw her widen her eyes and replied.''Nishikino Maki.'' Then with just a poof,she already left.

What the hell?Is she the maid here? No,definitely not,just by looking at her you can tell that she's the one who own this place.But she's really cold.I think I should get along with her,'cause you know,she's the owner.And I'll be living here with her from now on.

I shooked my head and lookes at the things,my laugage on the floor.I find myself smiling at the thought.

"And now,I should fix my things!'' I sounded enthusiastic,happy that I won't be alone anymore.As I started to unpack my things.


I've been living recently in a rundown apartment,I have part time job in a cafe,my salary is average that I can pay my loan and buy my everyday necessities.

I have no parents nor siblings,basically,I'm an orphan.But even if I don't have them,I can keep on living,after all,I'm used to working hard! Sometimes,I feel a bit lonely,but,for my future,I need to be strong! I am Nico,that's why.

But a week later,I met a woman in the cafe where I work.She looked stressed and tired when she always enter,I think it's due to work.I served her with respect and talent,sometimes,I tell her jokes and made her smile despite being stress.I think she liked it.Until she befriends me,once a week we hang out.

She's like a mother to me.That's why we got along really well.Then,I told her my story and my everyday life everytime we met.She's also telling me stories about her work,and other stuff,like her family.

She's a neurosurgeon in the hospital that she owned,the Nishikino Private Hospital.If I were to describe that building,I think I can't put it into words 'cause of how big it is.Even if I haven't been in there.

One day,she offered me something that made my heart race.She wanted to adopt me.She said her family already agreed,but I can't help but feel a little bit anxious.Well,at the end,as you can see,I accepted the offer,not because of her high status/loot but the Motherly care she gave me when I struggled and on how fond I am to her,how I wanted to have a family.


"Haa~I'm hungry.'' I am currently inside my room,laying on the bed as I rubbed my stomach.It's been calling for food for a while.I'm already finished unpacking,because of that I'm now hungry.

"I should eat...'' Standing up,I headed for the door and exitted.

"W-Whoa...W-Where's the kitchen again?'' I rubbed my head,trying to remember where I passed before.But nothing came out,I can't think straight,I'm starving...

Trying to walk straight as I passed many door that look the same,my stomach continued to ring.''Urg..!''

A while passed,I haven't yet reached my destination.I keep on walking in circles,what kind of house is this?

"D-Don't tell me,this house is r-really haunted?'' I don't even know where was my own room,how big is this,really.

My stomach continuesly rumble as I walk,it hurts a little bit.''A-Am I going to die here?'' What should I do? Am I going to starved to death?...That's kind of exagerating "..Urg!''

"No! I shouldn't give up here!'' Without realizing where I was going,I felt my determination rose.I think I'm already seeing light,that light in a certain door,just a little more,I'll achieve success.

I was about to open the chest that I wish for,and was about to turn the knob,I heared someone.

"What is that?'' It was a soothing sound.It was nice to the ear.Hypnotized by it,I completely forgot the ringing in my stomach.

Still holding the knob,I decided to enter the certain room.

"H-Huh?'' Opening the door,I quickly took attention to the scarlet haired.She sat on a black chair,first time seeing one.And playing a Piano.This was the first time I've seen one,they really are big.

Focused on the sound and the piano sitting in the middle,I didn't noticed the voice came out of the other girl's mouth.''What are you doing here?'' She was somewhat cold,and a bit annoyed.


She stopped playing and stood.''Go out..'' She pointed at the door behind me,glaring at me.

"Eh?'' Somehow,I'm shocked that she's this kind of person.I think It'll take long before we get along.

I followed what she said,and was about to exit the door,until a sound that would make me embarassed,suddenly leeked out.


W-What the hell?! This is not the time to be making noise! I lightly punched my stomach whose still making the noise.

I turned around and look at the scarlet haired whose face was surprised,eyes widen.''Uhhh,where was the kitchen again?''

I saw her sighing.''Follow me...'' The tense atmosphere before was gone,and was change by the awkwardness between us.


She brought me to the kitchen,like it was just a short trip.I sat on the chair and wait for her as she grabbed food from the huge doubled door refrigerator.Taking out plastic containers one by one.Placing them on the wooden table in front of me.


"Uhhh,why frozen?'' I pointed,as I noticed they were full of frozen,meat.As I opened them,I felt myself getting pissed.''Why are they still raw?!''

"We don't have cooked food.Don't be selfish.'' The crimson haired said as she crossed her arms and twirl a strand of her hair.

"D-Do you expect me to eat this?!'' I glared at her but averted her eyes as she noticed.Does she eat raw food?


Not again----Wait,that's not mine.I narrowed my eyes and stared at the prideful redhead,who became red like a tomato.

"I-I haven't e-eat yet...'' She tried to hide her face by turning around as I suddenly stood up.

"Why didn't you cooked?'' I crossed my arms as I took the spotlight.''You know atleast how to cook,right?'' Teasing her a bit,There's no way she can't cook,right?


"Huh?'' Should I be shocked or be surprise?Well,they mean the same thing but the actions were different.

She's not nodding or even said anything,does---does that mean,SHE CAN'T COOK?!?!''

I find myself sighing."Haa~There's no helping it,huh~'' I pick up the plastic containers filled with meat as I started to move,checking the cabinet.They have tons of ingredients but no one's cooking them.

"W-What are you doing?'' She asked,she's still flushing red.How cute.

"I'm gonna cook.''
After a while of searching what I needed,I placed them beside the equipment.I started to cook.

The redhead was staring at me,like it was the first time seeing someone cooked.Hehe~This was one of Nico's charm after all~I'm really good at cooking☆.Well,of course you'd be good if you're living by yourself.


Finally,some nice dishes that I,Nico Nii prepared.Sitting at the other end of the table,while the crimson haired was on the other side.We eat.''Itadakimasu~☆'' I clasped my hand and dig in.

Hmmm~><...Delish!As expected from my cooking skills.

Well,despite this excitement,I'm a little bit nervous.I wonder if she'll like it? She's still blushing though.I stared at her,waiting for her words of compliment.

When she's about to put the spoon in her mouth.Wait,her lips are pretty pink,how nice~
''W-What?'' She noticed me staring.I met her amethyst eyes.

"N-Nothing...'' Avoiding her eye contact,I felt myself embarassed.I don't know why but it's really heart pounding,yet it's nice.

Continuing on where I left off,I steal glances at the girl meters away from me.Finally,she tasted it.I saw her eyes shining,and covered her mouth while chewing.

"H-How is it?''

"Uhh,It's o-okay.''

"What?!That's all you have to say?!'' I find myself annoyed despite feeling warmth inside just by talking to her.Shouldn't she be alittle more honest?! It's obvious just by looking into her eyes..!

"W-What do you expect me to say?!!''

"It should be 'It's Deliscious~♥' or 'This is the first time I tasted Nico-sama's cooking,kyaa~!'.'' I acted as if I'm a fangirl of myself.Making the girl in front stood.

"W-What?!'' Smashing her palm on the table,she suddenly turned red,of anger,or she's just being shy?

Whatever,I don't care anymore! I'm gonna make this girl say my food is deliscious!


After some minutes of arguing,we didn't noticed or heared the footsteps coming from the door and inside the house.''Maki?'' A voice called.

As if knowing who was it,the redhead turned around.I followed her eyes and saw her mother.Wearing formal clothes and smiling at us,as she stepped closer,eye's widen.

"Mama,welcome hom----''

"Nico-chan,so you're already here?!'' Cutting off the redhead's words,Mrs. Nishikino with excitement on her voice,suddenly hugged me.I'm embarassed.

It was an accident to glance at the redhead whose looking at us.She's somewhat,I don't know.Her face is normal,emotionless,yet I can see that her eyes were full of envy,sadness.

Wait,don't tell me,she's jealous?No,this shouldn't be happening.What if she'll get mad of me? I can't befriends her anymore if she is.>///<

Releasing the hug,we greet each other including the redhead.Mrs.Nishikino sat in the middle of the table as she also wished for the food I mentioned I cooked.We had a little chat about today's.


Atleast one hour passed,we're now sitting on the living room.Still chatting,kind of awkward.We introduce ourselves to each other.
"Maki,she will be your elder sister this day onwards!'' A lot more excited than her daughter,she spoke with enthusiastically about me.

"Eh?'' I heared from the redhead.So,she's younger,huh...
Wait...something's not right.Did I just heared I'm the 'older'? No,No,No,there's no way a tall,gorgeous looking,adult like redhead be younger than me...

"And Nico-chan,you'll be her elder sister from now on!'' Mrs.Nishikino was smiling at me.No,Please don't,don't tell me anymore..!!!
I was hurt through words without realizing.I was insulted without her realizing.Is that how you treat your daughter? That really hurt!

And that redhead,what did she do to become like that?Well,she look like her mom,for real.

Currently inside my room,I stomped the pillow and hugged it.Urgh..I need to be familiar with this,I need to act naturally.

Those times when I noticed the redhead;Maki was her name,that should be more appropriate than calling her by her hair color,I can't help but feel a bit envious but anyways,from now on,I should act the adult here,''Because I'm older here and I'm her big sister,that's why!''


Morning,It's already morning.Uhh,I can't think of anything I should do.Should I clean the room,even if it is completely clean?Urg,whatever.

I got up and fixed myself."This is boring~'' I decided to go out for a little while.I was about to turn the door knob in my room when I heared knocking.

"Nico-sama,it's time for breakfast.'' A woman's voice can be heared on the other side of the door.

"H-Huh?'' Did someone called me 'Nico-sama'? Don't tell me,a maid? Kyaa~ This is...-----

"I'm coming in...'' In a nick of time,I heared the door opening.I didn't intend to welcome the maid,the door,who suddenly opened and crashed to my face.It hurts.

"Ah!I'm very sorry,Nico-sama.'' Atleast she helped me,so I forgive her.''No,It's okay."

We didn't really talk much and so I proceed to the dinning.

There she sat,the redhead,I mean Maki.She's eating pasta.And so,I joined her.''Good Morning...'' I greeted.She looked at me and with somewhat hesitation.''...Good Morning.'' She greeted.

Awkwardness is what I called this situation.We eat without speaking.And ended pretty fast without realizing.

Haa~How can I get along with her~? She already left the dinning room and here,alone,I sat.

Anyways,I need to prepare for school or I'll be late.....Suddenly,without realizing it,Maki just sprout out of nowhere.She's completely dress up and somewhat ready to go out of thus mansion.She looked at me directly with knitted eyebrows,she seems annoyed.''..Aren't you going to school?'' She asked.Well,that's what I'm about to do.I just needed a dress up before I go out though.

"Ah,Yeah.'' I nodded as I answer.What's her problem to me now? Whenever she look at me,I can't help but think that her eyes were full of annoyance,hate.Her eyebrows were always paste together when she look at me,too.

It can't be help,again huh.I find myself sighing which Maki noticed.''We go to the same school,right?'' She asked that kinda made me surprise.I didn't know that.

I nodded again.D-Don't tell me,she wanted to walk to---

"Mama told me to walk you to school.''
Yaa~how sweet~---Ehh?! Why would I,the super idol Nico Nii would want an accompany just to go to school?! I'm not a child you know!! Although,I look like this,I'm still the older!

I can't believe Mrs.Nishikino.She thought I'll be lost just by this? Hmph!

"No,I can walk by myself.'' Calming my slightly pissed self,I declined the other's offer.

"Then,that's better.'' She coldly said.She didn't even try to persuade me.Maki turned around leaving me by myself again.

"I think I should dress up!'' I pumped my fist up as if gaining powers,mostly courage.I started to dash out of the room.


I'm an idiot.I regret everything.I hate myself.This is not what I expected it to be.I,Nico Yazawa,currently lost in the depths of this place.

I know that I'm already late.I've been walking non stop but I can't find the right way.I don't even know where was I before,it's like I'm walking in circles again and again.

This is the worse.

No peoples around.No,not really,there are people but I just don't want to ask,they seem kind of...I don't know.

What am I doing? Why do I keep this prideful side of mine even if it's emergency? That's just me making excuses.The truth is,I don't really want to ask,I don't want them to laugh at me.A highschool girl being lost is kind of embarassing.That'll kill my pride.

So,I decided to keep up.Until the sun was already hiding.

It's dark,there's still light though.In this row of narrowed alley way,I kept myself holding my tears.My stomach is rumbling.And I'm already tired of walking,I haven't stop since,I just wanted to sleep...

This is really the worse.

My eyelids were heavy,I can't keep them open.Without realizing it,I'm already falling.And there,my day ends...



Someone's calling,who's that? It was a voice of a girl.Very gentle and soothing,it made my heart run faster than my normal heartbeat.


My sleepyness is fading,and I think I can open my eyes once more.It was a sunny day as I saw the sun shines on to my eyes.I see that I'm inside my bedroom.What happened yesterday? As I remember,I'm hungry and...

I felt something moved.Ah,it was just my phone vibrating,signaling that it's already morning.

"Good Morning.'' I said as I greeted myself to wake up.

I grabbed the blanket,covering my entire body,as I swept it off and stood.I fixed myself and ran through the hallways of this big house.My first destination was the dinning room.Since it's morning I expect her to see there.

I greeted each and every maids who I walk passed through.But then,when I reached the place,it was empty,excluding the food served on the table.

"She's not here...'' I knitted my brows as I tried to think where she might be.

A lone place popped up in my head.Without thinking any further,I dashed to that room.

I don't know why but I got used to this house,I'm not getting lost anymore,or is it just my greatness working? Well whatever.

Finally arriving,without hesitation,I opened the door.In front of me stand the piano and what caught my eyes made me felt the heat building up in to my cheeks.Maki was sitting on the chair of the piano,she's sleeping.Why is she sleeping here anyway? I step closer,not disturbing the sleeping beauty.Seeing her like this made me feel embarassed somehow,I don't know.She's gorgeous as always,she's also cute.Her sleeping face look innocent.Her eyelashes are long,I'm kind of envious.And really,what caught my interest was her soft pink lips.I wonder how she fully developed those almost perfect lips?

I lowered my head as I look closely at her face.I touched her lips with my index finger.They were really soft and smooth.I licked my lower lip that was becoming a bit dry.Without realizing it myself,I put a light kiss on her lips.She didn't woke up,just a bit groaning.My heart was beating so fast since coming here and now it was just about to explode.

I control myself and exitted the room where Maki is.Still in daze,I didn't realized that I already arrived in my room.It was a fast journey.Closing the door as I sat,leaning on to the door.My heart wanted to get out of my rib cage because of the beating.What did I just do? I think I commited a sin.That was idiotic of me.Please,forgive me,God.

I think I fell for her.


How many months was it? Eleven,Twelve? It's been a while since I started living here.A while since I fell for my younger stepsister.

The thought of loving her made my heart broke into million pieces.Sometimes,without them knowing,I cried my heart out inside my room.

I already knew that loving the same sex is not a must.But then loving you're sister? That's really beyond the line.An unrequited love,it is.

But because I am Great,I somehow managed to control my feelings.No one knew.It was a secret of mine.

This passed few months were really not miserable as I thought they would.Because Maki was open to me right now,like an older sister,I acted.I supported her.

She started calling me 'Nico-chan' and I called her 'Maki-chan'.She helped me and I do the same.Sometimes arguing but in just an hour,we've already made up.I know a lot about her,and she knew a lot about me.Even if we're the opposite when it comes to liking something,we're still in a perfect relationship.That,it hurts me everyday.

It hurts me that this is the only relationship I can become with her.I am with her every single day but it's not enough.Our relationship as siblings is already deep but it's still not the relationship I yearned for.I want something special.She's special to me but I am not for her.


I'm currently inside the piano room with my beloved whose playing the piano for me.

She plays the most beautiful song that the two of us wrote.Thinking about how we wrote it made me giggle a bit.That memory,where we continuesly arguing until night time because of the tittle of the song.That nerve wrecking quarrel was paste in my memory that I'll never forget.

"Why are you laughing?'' Gentle voice came out from her lips as she said.She looked at me with a bit knitted brows.She can't really look at me with a smiley face,huh.I've seen her smile before but when she noticed me looking,she'll turn away or hide her smile.

"Nothing~Just remembering something.'' I confessed in a teasing tone.She stopped playing and look at me still looking annoyed.

"Don't tell me...'' She murmured and stood.

"Ehh~?Why did you stop playing?''

"Anyway,it's already lunch so why don't we eat first?'' She passed through me and held the knob and opened the door.

"No,I want you to play more.'' I looked at her amethyst eyes that were sparkling.

She looked back at me and nodded,as she closed the door.''Well,okay.If that's what you wanted.'' She stepped closer to the piano whose waiting for her.

"Can't you be honest,Maki-chan?''

"What are you talking about?'' She started twirling a strand of her hair.That means,she's troubled,nervous,or out of ideas to say,covering herself from embarassment.

"You don't have to worry about me.If you wanted to play the piano more,you can play it.''

"I don't understand you.''

"You love the piano,right?'' I sit next to her and tried to tease her.

"W-What are you...!'' Stopping midway,she nodded,as she blushed.

"I'm kind of jealous.'' Not noticing that my thoughts were already out.I felt myself flushing red.


When heared this,I suddenly stood up and was about to exit the room when someone grabbed my wrist.

"Nico-chan,I thought you wanted to hear me play more?'' I thought I was already found out when she grabbed and started talking,but I wasn't.Thank you very much,but it somehow disappointed me.

"U-Uhh,Y-Yeah.'' I came back where I left and Maki started playing.

As if she heared nothing,she kept being deaf about it.Didn't she got just a bit curious? Or she didn't get what I said?


My heart was beating so fast whenever I'm around her.Time already flied,still,I'm head over heals for her.Even if a years passed I haven't gotten tired of seeing her face everyday.

I loved her without reasons.I'll still love her whoever she ended with.And that's what I thought.
I already knew that we're not for each other,I already knew that she doesn't love me the way I love her.But I expect that she'll love me someday,I expect much,to the point that I felt broken when she introduced someone in front of her parents,in front of us.

She introduced us,her so called boyfriend.That feeling,it was death itself.I felt despair overcome my before's feelings.

I thought I'll be happy if she loved someone who isn't me,but I didn't,depression welcomed me instead.


"Nico-chan,are you there?'' Hearing the voice of my angel behind the closed doors made me kind of unsure what to answer back.''What happened to you,Nico-chan?!'' She suddenly shouted while knocking continuesly on the door.

I haven't go out nor eat,in two consecutive days.Maki was the only one whose always present in this mansion that's why she's the only one who knew I haven't eaten or go out yet.

For now,it's unecessary for me to look at her.I'll feel crying again.My heart was already broken,I needed space.

"Nico-chan,open the door!!!''

I'll just ignore her like before.I need to sleep too.But before I can sleep,I heared a loud crash at the door's direction.

"N-Nico-chan!!!'' Is all I heared before everything turns dark.


I'm feeling calm and comfortable.Am I already dead? I looked at my surroundings and found the girl with crimson haired beside me.She's asleep.

What happened? Where am I?

"N..Nico-chan.'' I looked at Maki who slept beside.She rubbed her eyes and stared at me,knitted eyebrows.I missed her.It's as if it's been a decade since I last saw her.I want to hug her but I can't,she has already someone that'll do that.

"Maki-chan,what are you doing here?'' I said,emotionless,I can't think of anything to say,it's awkward for me.

"Nico-chan,why didn't you say anything?!'' She suddenly said as she took hold of my both shoulders.Her eyes were a bit red and wet.Is she crying all this time?For me?

No,definitely not.Who would cry for a mere someone like me anyway? I decided to not expect anymore.So that I won't get hurt again.

"Answer me!!''

She was shaking me that it's pissing me off.''I'm your sister,right? We share secrets,right? So why didn't you said anything?! If you have poblems or issues,didn't we solve it together?!'' She said.Full of crap,that it makes me erupt out of anger.''You,You're one to talk!!''

"Eh?What are you talking about?!''

"Didn't you do the same!? You haven't told me about him right!? You kept it a secret right?!'' Not noticing it,I started to cry again.I don't care anymore.I'll just have to do it here.

"D-Don't you know how much I've suffered?! I'm already tired,so please...''

"N-Nico-chan..?'' She called my name.And I'll just have to do it,right? I pressed my lips on hers,I felt her move in surprise.She's still holding my shoulders but they started to let go.I held her face so that she won't go away.

She muffled some words but I didn't understand them and continued my business.Her hands were about to let go,is she giving up? But then I felt them being hanged around my neck.

I tried to enter her mouth with my tongue and she surprisingly welcomed it with hers.As I changed my hands position into her waist,our kiss deepen and a moan escape from her lips.

We broke our kiss afterwards as we panted for air.I looked at Maki whose face was red as her hair.I think mine too.

That was when,I realized something.''Why didn't you resist?'' I asked,wanting proper answers from the redhead.

She didn't move or even said a thing,she just look right straight to me,eyes full of emotions.

"Maki-chan!'' No response.
"Nishikino Maki!!!'' Still no response.

Maki finally moved,she touch her lips and her eyes started to water.

"I...I-I'm sorry...'' As I thought,she didn't like it.I expect again.It's really a one sided,huh.I find myself sighing,calming down myself and trying to from words.

"N-No,it's okay.I'm the one who's sorry,you already have him so,I shouldn't have done that.'' Yeah,I think this is the right thing to do,I should give up on her.I have no chance,I should also stop expecting.

"N-No,not that...'' She replied.I didn't really understand.Then,what is it?

"I...W-Why didn't you say anything?''

Not again,I already told her the answer,aren't she listening? I didn't answer her question instead,I got out of my bed.

"W-Why didn't you t-told me sooner?!'' She did the same and followed me as she face me directly.Her cheeks are red,as she started to cry.

"D-Do you love me?!'' She asked as she held my shoulder again preventing from escaping.I think I can't really escape,huh.

I looked down and nodded.''....Yeah,for a very long time.'' I looked up again to see her faced,I felt my eyes getting wet.

"D-Do you remember that time,when you were j-jealous because I love my piano?'' As she asked me this,I recalled those days.Those memorable days,how can I forget them? They were the only treasure that I kept up until now.I nodded as an answer.

"I haven't given you answers,I'm very sorry...'' She soften her gaze ang hold as she explain to me.

"I-I was scared,I thought you said that as a sister.So if I'm the one to confess,I might ruin our relationship.T-That's why...''

She explained.So what I'm hearing now is? Is she saying that...she loved me too? What's happening,wait.So right then,that's why she kept being deaf about it,it's because she's scared?

"A-About him,I started dating him because I'm a coward,I'm trying to a-avoid and run away from my feelings for you...''

Somehow,I feel bad for that man,he seems serious about Maki.My anger ,axiety,faded long time ago as I heared the truth from my beloved.

"And also,I-I was trying to make you jealous,that's why I brought him home and i-introduced him to Mama and Papa.'' Maki was crying,but she build her courage to confess to me right now.I'm moved.

Does that mean that she's inlove with me? I did die long ago right? I think I'm already in heaven.There's no way my love will bloom.

"Y-You love me since then,but you didn't say a thing.''

"I'm sorry.'' Now I'm the one apologizing.Heheheh.I don't know but I felt happy,delightful.

We look at each other and smile.A smile that we'll remember as we once again start giggling.

"I,Nico,for a long time,even now and forever,love Maki.'' I put a kiss on her cheeks,then on her forehead,then on the tip of her nose,then on her ear,and lastly her lips,as she gradually accept it with a smile on the face.

"Can't you simply say it?'' She asked.But ignoring it anyway.''I love Nico.'' Hearing her say that make me heat up and feel the delight that has been stolen from my life.


She seems happy like I am right now.She think of me as much as I think of her.She cares for me as much as I am.She makes me happy as I am making her.

"She loves me as much as I love her.''




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