Loved You

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Author's Note
Here I am again,with a really heart warming gift for everyone.I'm gonna try writing in second person,because I want to send the emotions to you.Maki is already an adult in here,she's a neurosurgeon while Nico was a popular Idol but---.And it's Maki's POV again!!!I won't spoil you anymore so please enjoy.Write your thoughts below,it really help me alot.

[Warning] I just warned you for no real reasons..XD

Maki's POV

You walk pass through the hospitals hallway filled with patients you're not familiar with.You hurriedly pass the nurses who are in a pinch.You compose yourself,breathing out the building stress as you're about to enter,room number 252.

You open the door and was welcome with a nurse who greeted you,the woman was checking the patients condition.You saw a person with a raven haired lying on the hospital bed,sleeping.You examine the details about your patient,her name is Yazawa Nico.

You're already hearing this name whenever you're in a public place.Because she's an idol,you didn't expect her to have this serious condition.

When you noticed that the nurse was already finish examining the patient,she excused herself and left you with the sleeping raven haired.She also hand you the patient's statistics before she finally left.

You open the folder filled with data of your patient's condition.The sympton of a brain tumor popped up in your head as you read the data's,with your eyes.

You didn't noticed that the raven haired woke up and was looking at you until you felt someone staring.''Oh,You're finally awake.'' You looked at her,you saw beautiful ruby eyes,as you
locked them to yours.You felt warm inside,but didn't know why.

"So,you're my doctor.'' The girl said almost whisper as she sat up on the bed.''You're the one who will save me,right?'' You saw sparkling liquid fell from your patient's eyes.

You became speechless.You don't know what to say,because you know that,even if you're her surgeon in her upcoming surgery,there's a possibility that a brain tumor can't be successfully removed.

You gulp,the truth is,you're not experienced with this kind of situation,this is you're first time holding a serious conditioned patient.You had already practiced about how to hold and control your emotions when a surgery failed,but you just realized now that it's really hard.

You manage to hold them as you replied with a nodd to the expectant raven haired.''I-I will do all my best.''

When you finished your sentence,you heared giggling,it was the girl in front of you.''W-What was that reply?Y-You sound like a child,saying she'll do her best.''You saw her holding her laugh but already giggling.You saw her smiled,and it was the first time you felt this warmth,you like it.

Without you realizing until the raven haired mentioned,you're already blushing.You touched you face,it's really warm.Feeling embarassed,you suddenly turn around to hide your blushing.

"Then,I'm leaving myself to you,Miss...?'' Hearing that,you turn back facing her and introduced yourself to your patient.

"Nishikino Maki,what a cute name,but not as cute as Nico though.'' She boast as you saw her cross her arms,chest level.''I'm Yazawa Nico Nii,the number one idol in the whole universe!!Just call me Nico.♪''

You just nodded,hiding your embarassed face.''So,it's a Maki-chan,huh.'' You suddenly felt yourself blushing when the raven haired bring the words out of her mouth.

"W-Wha,S-Suddenly calling me that.Y-You should respect those who are older,you know." You crossed your arms.You saw the raven haired change expression and furrow her brow.''I'm already 26,you know.'' You flinched,not trying to hide your surprise face.


"Don't 'uehh' me,It can't be help if I'm too cute that I look younger,after all.Being too cute can be a problem in other ways~'' You listen to all of her playful talk.

You listen as she told everything about her,about her dreams on making people smile,that's why she became an idol,about her parents and sibblings,her experiences being an idol.and about her problems involving her sickness.

You saw a glint of tears that started to fall out of her eyes.You're about to feel bitter about it too but trying your best not to.You want her to smile,because her days are already limited.You want her to stay strong,for the upcoming events.You decided to make the raven haired feel happy.You think of ideas as you held the raven haired in hand.

You don't want to be involve with your patients,because you know that if you become,It will surely hurt you in the future.But since you first saw the raven haired,it might be not bad involving yourself to her.


It's been months,every day you visited the raven haired,checking improvements,readying for her upcoming surgery next week,but there are times that you chat with each other,eat together during break,sometimes the two of you will have a walk every now and then.And this led to a deeper bonds forming between the two of you.

Everyday,you think of an idea on how to make your patient happy.And you just accidentally realized that you're already in love with her.When you realized this,you locked yourself inside of your house,you didn't visit Nico that time.And when you finally calm yourself down,you decided to love her,you want her to feel loved by you.So,you did your best and face her.When you visited her,she welcome you with annoyed face,still welcoming you.

You apologized for the absents and think of other reasons for them.Something definitely change between the atmosphere and between the two of you.Whenever you glance at her,you felt yourself blushing and this was visible to the raven haired as she also mentioned when the two of you are talking.

You don't plan to confess to her,so you told different reasons,that are slightly believable.You don't want to confess to her,because it will hurt the both of you,for sure.You always have negative thoughts about it,like,what if she don't feel the same?You decided to hide your feelings and will remained as a secret.


Next week might be the last time the two of you can talk,but you stayed strong,not to make your feelings visible to the raven haired.She's starting to feel weak,she's already having difficulty in walking,hard in speaking,sometimes she's unconscious.You feel like crying just by thinking how hard she's feeling right now.You cried in secret,not wanting to be find out by others on how your eyes are red,you reason it out by saying you're having troubles in sleeping.

You are currently in the raven haired's room,she's sleeping.The windows are open as wind enter the white room.You stood and close it.You saw her woke up.''I'm sorry,Did I wake you?'' You said,still fixing the windows.

You saw Nico sat up and looked to her surroundings.''N-No,I woke myself.'' She can hardly speak,you heared her voice trembling,you don't like it.

You smiled at her,trying to make her feel comfortable.''Do you want something?I'm gonna buy it for you.'' You saw her rubbed her nape.''I-I don't really need anything,right now.'' You saw her fix her blanket.You step closer and sat on the chair next to her bed.

"It's Christmas,don't you have a wish that you want to come true?'' You tilted your head and ask.''Santa-san might also come this Christmas,you know.'' You said in a serious tone,that the raven haired heared.You also remembered that you brought her present for this day.You plan to surprise her.

You heared her start giggling.''You're really are a childlish idiot.'' She stopped herself.You don't know what she was talking about so you asked.''I don't really know what you mean.''

You saw her change expression,she smile,once again.''N-Nothing,I was just fooling around.'' After you saw her smile,you saw her put her index finger below her lips and look at the ceiling.

"But,I really want to go outside on tonight's christmas~'' You heared her manage to say it in playful voice.

Since she was confined in this hospital,she just rarely go outside for a walk,but now that she can't walk anymore,she haven't yet saw the outside since.

You remembered that it's bad for her to go outside in the evening.And that she's forbidden to go outside.You sighed.''You know that you can't go outside side in that condition.''

You saw her eyes change from excited to melancholic.''I-I know,B-But this might be my last christmas,with you,you know.'' You felt sad,you just realized it now that she might be gone next year and you don't want that.You saw tears falling on the raven haired's eyes.You wiped them down.

You faced her as she face you,you looked into each others eyes.Getting closer as you closed your eyes,you felt soft lips on yours.It was just a short kiss,because the raven haired parted herself,you felt sad,thinking she hated it,that she doesn't feel the same.

"M-Maki-chan.'' You saw the raven haired move closer again and plant another kiss.You felt delighted but also sadness.You held her jaw line to deepen the kiss.

You felt the raven haired's tears on your cheeks,she's crying.When you parted yourself away to catch your breath,you saw her tears.

You also can't manage your emotions as you felt yourself crying,alot more than the raven haired.You think it was because of happiness that she love you back but there's also the part where you think you're crying because you're an idiot for not confessing earlier,that your not brave enough to confess them,you're scared.

"I,I love you,Nico-chan!!!'' You sobbed while holding her.You don't want to let go of her as you confessed your feelings.You felt the raven haired pat your head as she also held you closer.

"I think,my wish have been already granted.''
"To be loved by the person you love.That's already enough for me.'' You heared her voice in a whisper.You cried,you let out all of the times you didn't.But at the same time it hurts you.

You turned around,letting go of the raven haired,you sat on the bed and in front of her,you lend her your back.''Let's go.'' You manage to say words that Nico understood.''What is this,a piggy back?'' You felt her hooked her hands on your shoulder behind neck.You held her feet gently.

Even if it's bad for Nico to go outside,you carried her and went in the streets in akiba.You can see the streets full of life,filled with colorful christmas lights.You can hear Nico gasped in amazement as you hold her on your back.Her eyes sparkling,you find yourself smiling as you walk down the streets.

"Wow~It's beautiful.'' You heared her say when you saw the giant christmas tree ahead.

You stopped your steps when you arrived in front of the christmas tree.Nico stared in awe.You want to feel what the raven haired is feeling right now but you can't forget that this might be the last.You started to cry again and the raven haired noticed this too.

"M-Maki-chan...'' You heared her called your name.

You want to ask a lot of things,you want to know more about the girl you're holding,you want to spend more time with her,you want her feel more of your love,you want to be with her forever.But,you know that you can't,her time is already limited.The thing you can do right now for her was to give her the happiness that she deserved.

While you're still crying,you started to walk away from the christmas tree and go to the private place that you're the only one who knows.You didn't heared the raven haired talk as you walk through.

Finally,you arrived,you can see the city lights from here,and a little christmas lights.You sat on a bench as you put down Nico who stays silent,in awe,focus on the lights around yourselves.

You find yourself speaking.''Nico-chan,W-Why...?'' You can feel her put her hands in yours and lock them together,it warmed you up.

"There's still hope,you know.'' The raven haired said.You look at her and saw a faint smile on her face.''It's not bad hoping a little,right?''

You felt something cold fell from your eyes,they were tears.You rubbed your eyes to stop them but they didn't as they continue to fall.

You noticed the raven haired moved her hand and put them inside her pocket.You saw her holding a small red box,with white ribbon.She grabbed your hand and put it on top of your palm.''Merry Christmas,Maki-chan.'' Tears fell fron her eyes,you saw her stop them but failed.You remembered that you also have a gift to her,you suddenly opened your coat and took out the small pink box with white ribbon.''N-Nico-chan,Merry Christmas.'' You saw her smile regardless that she's crying,you started to smile at her also as you bring your faces closer and planted a soft kiss on each others.You heared her whisper words.''I love you,Maki-chan.''


It has been a month since she passed away,it hurt you.Just thinking about her,hurts you.You can't breath even if you want to.Your heart aches every time.

Since she's gone,you stopped coming to the hospital.You locked yourself in your room.Crying everytime you remember.You haven't yet eat anything.Your life is crumbling without her.When you look at the ring in your ringfinger,you remembered the time,the christmas eve with her,she gave you a gift and it was a ring.You always thinks that it's your fault,because your not skilled enough to save her life that time.

You want to meet her again.

You stood up from your bed,you feel dizzy.You opened the small red box where the ring came from.You were about to take it off and put it back in the box,when you noticed a piece of paper inside it.It was the first time you saw it,you open it and read it.

Dear Maki-chan,

I wrote this letter to say thank you for everything.I might be gone when you read this letter.Thank you for everything that you did for me,even if its your job.I'm glad that I met you,I'm glad that you're the doctor that took care of me.
The truth is,this was supposed to be a love letter that I'll give to you a lot more earlier.I Love you.I love hearing your voice,I love seeing your different expressions,I love your amethyst eyes,I love your smile.I love everything about you.
I hate seeing you cry,you should be the Maki that is cold and strong.So,please smile for me.Even if I'm gone,you shouldn't start locking yourself or try following me in heaven.I won't like that.It will make me sad.Because I Love you that's why I don't want you to ruin your life.

Continue on living,Maki-chan.There's a future ahead of you.And I promise that we will meet again,just wait for me.I love you.


Your tears fell as you read the letter.''I love you too,Nico-chan.'' You decided to stop what you were about to do and follow Nico's letter.You will wait for her,for sure.You promise to yourself,as tears continue to fall.


I'm very sorry,I'm so sorry...!!!
Kill me please,I want to die anyway.I cried writing this story so I wish you felt the same?
Write your thoughts and feelings below,if you will.
Thank you for reading this story.

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