Another New Kid?

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   I woke up and felt better than I had in a while. I was still cuddled up to Dylan and my legs were wrapped up with his. I went to move out of the bed and squeaked in surprise when Dylan hugged me closer. "Dylan, you need to wake up." I said. He groaned and said "Five more minutes Mom." I giggled and said "We have school so you need to get up so I can get ready. And I'm pretty sure I'm your girlfriend, not your mom."

   His eyes shot open and he blushed, whether from embarrassment or the situation I couldn't tell. I giggled again and said, "You're cute when you're tired." He just cuddled me closer in response. "Dylan, I need to get up." I said, still giggling. "Fine." He said, unwrapping his arms from me. I gave him a light kiss on the lips before walking to my closet to pick out an outfit.

   I had decided to wear something casual but cute. I picked out a dark forest green shirt with a dark grey fleece jacket, dark blue capris, and black knee-high boots. I also picked out small gold hoop earrings and my gold locket necklace Dylan gave to me. If you open it, our initials are inscribed inside.

   I took a shower, dried my hair, and changed in the bathroom. I had braided my hair back and tied it on the end with a dark forest green and gold ribbon. I came out and Dylan was dressed for the day. He was still doing something and his back was to me so I snuck up behind him and hugged him from behind.

   He jumped a bit but relaxed once he realized it was me. "So do I get to see you or am I just going to have to close my eyes for the rest of the day?" He said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't know, maybe if you had let me get up this morning I would let you see me but now I'm not so sure." He pouted and I giggled.

   I moved around so he could see me. He stood with his mouth slightly open and stared at me. I blushed and said "What? Is there something wrong?" "No, you look beautiful." He said. I blushed harder and said, "You don't look half bad yourself." He chuckled and I pushed his shoulder lightly. 

   We had breakfast and then walked to school with Adrien. The boys were talking about sports so I tuned it out and decided to look at the scenery on the way. It was sunny out and you could really see the red in my hair. I smiled and enjoyed the unusually warm day for late fall. The colors here aren't as vibrant as they are back home but they still look pretty.

   "What do you think Kennedy?" Adrien said. I snapped my head around to look at him. "Sorry, I didn't hear what you said." "Do you think soccer is better than basketball?" Adrien asked. "Well I'm definitely not an expert when it comes to sports but I prefer soccer. I kind of suck at basketball even though I played it for three years." I said. Adrien looked at me like I was crazy and Dylan was laughing.

   "In the defense of soccer, I learned most of my fast footwork from that. I also play a pretty mean game of keep-away." I said. Adrien looked at me, his expression saying 'prove it'. I just rolled my eyes before draining my water bottle. I crushed the empty plastic bottle into a small ball and dropped it on the ground in front of me.

   I ran the ball down the sidewalk, threw it high in the air with a small flick of my foot, and kicked it mid-air. It bounced off the side of the building and went into the trashcan by the light pole flawlessly. I smirked and continued the walk to school, the heels of my boots clicking on the cement. Both of the boys were gapping.

    They had walked ahead to get a better watch. "You should close your mouths, it's a good way to catch flies." I said as I passed them, closing their mouths for them. I giggled to myself as they were both still standing the same spot. They snapped out of their daze and caught up with me just as we arrived at the school.

-In Class-

   I sat in my seat, my head resting on Dylan's shoulder as he talked to some of the other boys in the class. I was glad that he was making friends and it wasn't just our group of six that he hung out with. The bell rang and everyone sat down in their usual seats. The teacher came in with a student that I didn't recognize. I sat up and watched the teacher.

   "Hello class, today we have another new student joining us." Ms. Bustier said with a smile. "Ugh, I knew that as soon as we got that new girl Kenne-trash, we would start having too many new students." You-know-who said. I felt my temper flash with rage and could feel my blood boiling. Dylan put a comforting hand on my shoulder and I relaxed. I shot him a smile.

   "Hi, my name is Alexander I moved here from Iceland." he said. Alexander's hair was white spiked hair and ice blue eyes. He was scanning the room and I notice his eyes lingered a bit too long on me. I shivered in disgust. This dude creeps me out. He sat down in the only empty seat and class started.

-After Class-

   I was packing up my stuff. Dylan had wanted to wait for me but I told him to at least wait outside. I slipped my tablet into my bag and was about to get out of my seat when someone slammed their hands down on the table. I looked up and saw the new kid. I quirked an eyebrow at him but he seemed to ignore my immense confusion.

   "Hey beautiful, what's your name." He said while smirking. I mentally gagged and said "Why do you need to know?" before sliding to the other side so I could get out. "Hey, you don't need to be so defensive. I just want to know your name." He said, walking around the desks and stepping in front of me.

   This time I completely ignored him and pushed him out of the way. I could feel his gaze on me and I shuddered a bit. Yep, this dude's definitely a creep. I grabbed Dylan's hand and pulled him into an empty classroom. "What was taking you so long?" 

   I looked at Dylan and said "Okay, so you know the new kid?" He nodded. "Well, he came up to me and started flirting with me like nobody's bussiness and asks for my name. After I refused him twice and pushed him aside so I could leave, he stared at me the whole way. The dude gives me the creeps." I said, shuddering.

   I could see Dylan tense up and whether it was because I was his girlfriend and Alexander was flirting with me or the fact that he was creeping me out and making me uncomfortable I don't know. "Okay, just tell me if this happens again and I'll deal with it." Dylan said, pulling me into a hug. I relaxed into his embrace and nodded.

   We made our way to class and were immediately questioned by the group. I told them what happened and I could see Adrien got angry. I decided to pull him aside and talk to him. "Adrien, you don't need to worry." I said, grabbing both of his shoulders in a firm grip so he would look at me. "Yes I do, you are my cousin." He says incessantly. I shake my head at him.

   "I have Dylan, remember. He can protect me and if it's really bothering me, I will ask for your help. I got myself someone and you need to get your self someone. I know that you said your heart will always belong to Ladybug but you are denying part of yourself when you say you don't have a place in your heart for Marinette." I said. He gives me a doubtful look and starts to say something else but I cut him off.

   "You do and there is no arguing it. Also, whether you realize it or not, Marinette loves both sides of you okay. She adores the caring Adrien who always helps out his friends and is kind to everyone. She also fell in love with the dorky goofball called Chat who always has a bright and fun side to things but also can be extremely sensitive. She also hates to admit that she thinks your puns are funny. Visit her as Chat Noir tonight and I promise you will know what I'm talking about." I said. He looks indecisive before nodding his head. I smile and give him a hug before going to my seat.

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