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I woke up and saw that Adrien was still asleep. I carefully made my way downstairs and was greeted by my uncle. "Happy birthday Kennedy." He said, giving me a garment bag with a small smile. I hugged him as a thank you and raced upstairs to shower and change. I opened the garment bag and saw a beautiful gold and forest green dress.

I carefully pulled on the dress and opened the shoe box on the floor. Inside was a small bag with a gold key necklace and gold dragon earrings. The shoes were also forest green with gold dragon scales on the heel and toes. I carefully clasped the necklace and put in the earrings. marveling the little details on them. I stepped into the shoes and did a small spin. The dress drifted around mid-calf and had 3/4 length sleeves.

I smiled to myself and walked out of the bathroom. Adrien was awake and must have been in the middle of changing. His back was to me and bare. He was in jeans and socks, choosing a shirt for the day. I scanned his back and saw it was littered with scars and bruises. I gave a small gasp as I saw the large gash from one of the more recent Akuma attacks.

Adrien turned and saw me standing there, frozen. I had a hand covering my mouth as I fought tears. Memories of waking up with cuts and bruises littering my body and scars from when my dad had beat me flashed before my eyes and I almost broke down crying. I broke from the memories as I felt Adrien hugging me.

"Hey, shh. It's okay." He muttered while rubbing my back. I swallowed my tears and gave him a weak smile. "Thanks, Adrien. I just had some flashbacks about some stuff. I'm better." I lied, willing my cousin to just drop it.

He shook his head and said "It's not okay and I know you're not better, don't lie to me. Can you tell me what happened." I sigh and hug myself, rubbing my arms to warm them up. "My night terrors would always leave me with scars on my arms and legs. And my dad would sometimes physically hurt me when he was mad. I still have one of the bigger scars on my back." I said, looking at the ground.

His eyes went wide and I could feel his concern from his gaze. "I had no idea. I'm betting my battle wounds brought all that back?" He said. I nodded and shook, the memories almost starting a panic attack. I fought the hazing darkness and stood straight.

"Just from now on, let me bandage them for you. I have medical training that will help prevent bad scaring." I said, my voice still shaky but my tone firm. Adrien nods and I relax a bit.

-Time Skip To School-

I stepped out of the limo after Adrien and heard the murmurs of other students. I brushed the gossip off and said to Adrien (Mandarin) "It seems that the whole school believes there is something going on between us. Have any ideas?"

He shook his head and I sighed. We got our stuff together and headed to class. I stood next to Adrien's seat and chatted with him while we waited for class to start. As the classroom filled, I drifted back to my seat. I listened to the boy's conversation and smiled when Adrien laughed. He deserved friends who could make him happy.

Alya looked at me and noticed I was watching the boys. I glanced at her and could see the gears turning in her head. "So you like Adrien huh?" She said. I tilted my head in confusion and said "Well yeah, he's an awesome friend, just like you, Nino, and Marinette are. I'm not sure I get what you are saying." She just shakes her head. I see a lightbulb go off and get worried.

Before I could say anything to Alya, she said: "Hey Agreste, are you and Kennedy dating or something?" He blushed in embarrassment and I gagged. "So that's what you meant? Eww, gross! Nuh-uh, that's messed up. I would not date my cousin." I said, cringing at the idea. Both Alya and Nino looked astonished.

I looked at Adrien and we both burst out laughing. "Ahh, they really are clueless aren't they?" Adrien said in Mandarin. I laughed and said "Yes. About as clueless as two other people I know." Djwifi looked at us in confusion and I said "Mandarin. Comes in handy often." in English. They nod in mild understanding and turn to face the front of the class.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and looked at the screen. One of my besties from Michigan had texted me. It read JoAnn (shout out to my real bestie who this character is based on,OcupationFangirl . Go check out her stories, they're pretty great). I opened up the text.


JoAnn: Hey, I just got here in Paris

Kennedy: Great, I'll text you my uncle's house address and the school's address.

K: Here: ***** Paris ave. and **** main st.

J: Thanks. I'll see you soon.

K: ttyl


I closed my texting app and raised my hand. "Miss, may I go make a call?" I asked the teacher. She nodded her head and I walked out of the classroom. I opened uncle Gabriel's contact and pressed the small phone icon. I heard it ring twice before he answered.

'Hello my little butterfly, how are you?' "Good. I just wanted to let you know my friend JoAnn should be arriving soon. Could you put her in the guest bedroom?" 'Of course. Could you tell Adrien that I love him for me, I don't want to interrupt his class time.' "Yes, just make sure to tell him in person every once in a while." 'Goodbye, mon petite Papillion' "goodbye uncle."

I smiled before putting my phone in my pocket in the dress. I pulled out a small notebook from my bag and wrote Adrien a small note. I set the note on his desk as I passed him on the way up to my desk. I smiled to myself and thought this day only gets better and better.

JoAnn's POV:

I waited outside of the school entrance for Kennedy. She said her lunch break was soon and she would meet me outside. I pulled out my phone and texted her I was here then shut it off. I looked around at the mild traffic and clear skies. I could be pretty content here for a bit.

(Warning: for all of you that ship Lukanette, it will NEVER happen with me. Also, he is going to be a bit of a flirt for the sake of the story so just roll with me here.)

"Hey." someone said from behind me. I turned around to see a taller dude with black and blue hair and some band or singer on his shirt. I guess I'll try to be friendly. "Hey." I said, lifting my hand in a small wave. I guess the dude took it as I was interested.

"So what's a beautiful girl like you doing waiting outside a school for?" He said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. This just got my blood boiling. "Okay, first of all, I don't know you, second, it's none of your business, and third, don't touch me." I said while shoving his arm off of me. He looked hurt but at this point, I really didn't care. I turned away from him and walked down the street to a bakery that I had seen while looking around.

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