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   I approach the mansion and ring the doorbell. A camera pops out of the wall and in my face. "who is it?" A voice says over the speaker. I almost do a double take as I recognize the voice. I shake it off and smile at the camera. "Hello, I'm Kennedy Parker. I am one of Adrien's new friends." I say. The camera goes back into the wall and the gates open. (This is not my real name, just a random last name)

   I walk up the driveway and the staircase, knocking on the door. It opens and I see the two people I expected the least to be at the door. "Natalie? Uncle Gabriel? Is it really you?!" I say, excited at seeing my uncle. Natalie smiles and Gabriel says "Mon petite Papillion, good to see you. I didn't know your family moved to Paris?"

   I look down sadly and say "No, just me Uncle Gabriel. My parents aren't here." I look back up at him and see he looks sad for me. "Oh, my little butterfly, come here." He said, holding his arms out for a hug. I run to him and hold him close, burying my face in his chest and fighting tears. "Well, you can visit anytime while you are here in Paris." Gabriel said softly.

   I hear steps but don't bother to move out of the comforting hold of my uncle. "Father? Kennedy? What is going on?" Adrien. I look up to see the confused boy at the bottom of the stairs. "So this is him? Why did you never bring him on visits?! Gabriel Agreste!" I say, swatting my uncle's arm.

   He looks at me sheepishly and Adrien looks even more confused. I run over to Adrien and trap him in a hug. "I'm glad I finally got to meet you cousin." I say quietly. "W-what? I never knew I had family outside of my mom and dad." Adrien says, slowly returning the hug. I step out of the hug and turn to my uncle.

   "Gabriel Anthony Agreste, get over here NOW." I say, tapping my foot impatiently with my hands on my hips. (The following conversation is in Dutch, which only Gabriel and Kennedy speak) "Why didn't you tell him, the boy needs to know he has family that loves him outside of his home? And by the way, this is not a home, if I come here again I want it to feel like a home, not a house. No wonder the boy seems depressed. I am ashamed of you uncle, this is a disgrace to Emily and me."

   "I am sorry my little princess. I will fix this, I promise you." Gabriel says. "Good. And one last thing, your son is not just a money maker.*points finger in his face* Don't even pretend to not know what I'm talking about. His happiness comes before anything else, understand? I will not let my family be treated this way, no matter how much I love you, uncle. You forget your kindness when you leave us and it hurts your son*points at Adrien*. Family loves before anything else." 

   I turn to Adrien and sigh. I switch back to English and say "Let's go talk, we have a lot to talk about." He nods, still probably confused about the whole situation. We head to his room and I look around. "Gabriel, possessions don't make up for lack of love." I mutter as I sigh. "What was that?" Adrien asks. I shake my head and say "Nevermind."

   "So you're my cousin?" Adrien says. "Apparently. I should beat him for never bringing you to America when he visits. I'm so sorry Adrien. He forgets his kindness and love when he leaves from our visits. He really does have a heart you know." I say, rubbing my temples in frustration. 

   "So what were you guys even saying? I don't speak...whatever that was." Adrien says, lifting one eyebrow in question. "Dutch. Your father is half Dutch like me. I'm half Dutch, quarter Chinese, and quarter French." I say. "So I have a cousin, who knows I'm a superhero, and she can speak Dutch. I feel like my life has gotten way crazier in a matter of seconds." He says. "And you don't even know all of it. Well, I need to lay down a foundation so you know what I know, more or less. So 1)  I'm not going to tell anyone and you have to trust me with that, 2) I'm your girl when it comes to talking about superhero problems from now on, 3) I do know what a Kwami is and I know Plagg already so no introductions are needed, and 4) I do know who Ladybug is but I will not be telling you." I look at him and he seems overwhelmed.

   "I know it's a lot to take in and you probably have a million and one questions. So star where you want and I will answer any questions I can within reason." I say. "Well, the biggest thing is that I'm stoked to have an awesome cousin who is willing to help me through all my superhero stuff." He said, running his hands through his hair. "If it helps you any, I'm keeping track of four secrets instead of just one." I say. I laugh at him and he says "What."

   "Nothing, you just look like Chat a lot right now and I think it's funny." I say, still giggling. He fixes his hair. We spend the rest of the night talking and when we finish, I look outside. "It's way too late to go home. I'll be right back." I say, leaving his room. I find uncle Gabriel's office and knock. "Come in." I enter. "Ah, mon petite Papillion, what can I help you with?" Gabriel says, giving me a small smile. 

   "First, I need to spend the night because it is way too late to go home and I would also love it if you and Natalie joined me and Adrien for breakfast tomorrow morning. With what you feed him, I'm surprised he hasn't starved." I say, crossing my arms and looking at him with an are-you-serious look. "I will, and could you help our chef arrange a different diet in the morning. I'm assuming that you will be preparing the breakfast?" 

   I nod and say "Homemade pancakes, grandma's recipe. The boy will be eating them, not some measly oatmeal." He nods and I smile. "Glad to have you back, uncle Gabriel. You haven't visited in two years and I missed you." I say quietly. "I will bring you a change of clothes for tomorrow and nightclothes. Is it okay if you sleep in Adrien's room tonight?" I nod and leave, heading back upstairs.

   I knock on Adrien's door and hear him say "Come in." I open the door and shut it behind me. "I'm staying the night and sleeping in here. Before you say anything, I am sleeping on the couch, no arguments. You are way too tall to be comfortable on that thing." I say, glaring at him. He throws his hands up in surrender and I say "Good."

   There's a knock on the door and I walk over to open it. Gabriel enters holding folded clothes. I take them with a "Thank you." and set them on the couch. He nods and says "Goodnight Kennedy, goodnight Adrien." before closing the door and leaving. I turn around to see a stunned Adrien and say "What?"

   "My father never says goodnight to me and he almost never smiles. Whatever you said to him had a big impact." Adrien says. "He just needed to be reminded of who he was, that's all. Your mother fell in love with a kind man. Emilie had a heart of gold and she loved you so much, Adrien." I say softly, wrapping him in a hug. I hear him start to cry and I hug him tighter, knowing what he was going through.

   He stops crying after a bit and I let go, searching his eyes to make sure he is okay. Once I'm sure, I head into the bathroom and change. As I take out my braid and start to brush my hair, I hear him having a muffled conversation with Plagg. I exit the bathroom and see Plagg. "Oh, my little cheese loving kitten, how are you?" I say to Plagg.

   "Kennedy! does he know yet?" the Kwami says. "No, he finds out tomorrow, just like Ladybug." I say, petting his head with one finger. He starts to purr and I giggle. "You're adorable Plagg, my little kitten of destruction." Adrien looks at us weirdly and I just shake my head. I head over to the couch and lay down under a throw blanket. "'Night Adrien, I'm getting up early tomorrow just to let you know." I say before closing my eyes. I immediately fall asleep.

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