Dinner With His Family

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  I sat talking with Dylan and his parents for a while. Eventually, it was getting close to dinner so I messaged uncle G and let him know that I was having dinner at Dylan's. "Are you okay to stay for dinner hon?" Mrs.Drekisson asked. "Yes, I just informed my uncle that I was having dinner here." I said, giving her a smile. "Okay, well I will go set it up and you all can stay here for a bit." She said, standing up from her seat.

   I stood up and said "No, I'll help you. I insist." We both walked to the dining room in the suite and I pulled out a stack of plates while Mrs.Drekisson got out the cups and silverware. We set up the table and then the chef brought in our food. I thanked Alya's mom and she smiled before leaving with the cart she brought the food on. I helped set it all up and then the boys were called to the table.

   We sat down and closed our eyes for prayer. "Bless This food to our good health, in Jesus' name, Amen." Mr.Drekisson said. We opened our eyes and started eating. I would have to tell Alya that her mom is an amazing cook, the fish was melt-in-your-mouth amazing! I finished up and started clearing the table before tackling the dishes. Mrs.Drekisson tried to stop me but I just shook my head no. I currently stood at the sink with my hands in a sink full of sudsy water and dirty dishes.

   I was humming to myself the tune of Faded by Alan Walker while working. Suddenly, I felt arms around my waist and I jumped a bit. "Dylan, I'm doing the dishes." I said, still scrubbing the plate I was currently holding. "So, I can't be with my girlfriend?" He whispered in my hair. I felt my face heat up but continued on the dishes. "Not if you keep distracting me. And your parents are right there." I said quietly. 

   His arms tightened around my waist a bit and I squeaked in surprise, almost dropping the plate in my hands. "Dylan, we can cuddle all you want after I'm done but I'm in the middle of doing the dishes," I said, still focusing on the task at hand. Dylan ignored me and said, "You're cute when you get embarrased." My blush flared and I tried to focus on finishing the dishes.

   I finally did the last cup and looked at Dylan. "Now am I allowed to see you?" He said quietly. "I don't know, maybe if you had listened to me earlier, I would but now I might just not." I said, giving him a challenging look. I could see he was thinking about something. "Dylan, whatever you are planning, stop now." I said. 

   He scooped me up bridal style and I yelped in surprise. Dylan just laughed and proceeded to carry me out of the kitchen to his room. He sat down on his couch and was still holding me. I had ended up sitting in his lap and was blushing a scarlet red by now. Even though I liked to cuddle I wasn't used to this kind of intimacy. I tried to hide my blush by burying my face in his chest but he just laughed.

   "You're cute when you're flustered." He said, making me blush more if possible. I looked at him for a bit and started to get lost in my thoughts. I can't believe this is happening to me. Can I even be sure this is real? Am I dreaming? I thought. Dylan said "Kennedy?" and I snapped back to reality. "Hmm?" "You were staring at me for a long time..." He said, discomfort displayed on his features. "Oh, I'm sorry, I got lost in thought and happened to be looking at you when it happened." I said sheepishly.

   "It's okay. What were you thinking about?" Dylan asked. I sighed and looked away from him. "That this is too good to be true. I didn't do anything to deserve this." I said quietly. He pulled me tighter to him and said "You are the most amazing girl I have ever met and your kindness and courage amaze me. I know it seems crazy to you and this is unreal for me too but I love you and I'm glad that this is real." I looked back at him and the sincerity in his eyes almost had me in tears. I have never been loved like this before.

   "Me too..." I whispered out meekly, losing my voice to my emotions. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and I laughed pitifully. "I guess I'm just an emotional messy rollercoaster today." I said, wiping my tears away with the sleeve of my shirt. Dylan smiled and said, "That's okay, it just means you're human and have emotions too." He kissed my cheek and I blushed before resting my head on his chest.

   I felt like my eyelids weighed a ton and it was hard to keep them open. I soon was lulled to sleep by the quiet beat of Dylan's heart and sighed in content as the darkness of sleep enveloped me.

A/N: Yeah, I know that these are annoying but PLEASE read this. So I am having a rough time writing this as I feel my character has become an OP badass chick (Definitely not me) and I am trying to bring it down so if you guys are willing to give me ideas, please leave them in the comments!

- Dragora Midnight

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