Life or Death

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   I woke up and winced, groggily sitting up as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. I realized I wasn't in my bed and that I hadn't been dreaming. I was sore from sleeping on the hard ground and stretched my hands above my head. "Agh." I said as a searing pain came from my side. My wound had stopped bleeding but it didn't mean it didn't hurt like a b*tch. 

   I glanced down at my foot and noticed the ice was gone. I guess Iceheart assumed I was too injured to escape and he was right. Even if I transformed and managed to fly out of this place, I wouldn't get very far before the pain stopped me. I slowly stood up as my body screamed in pain and made my way to the door, my blanket tightly wrapped around my shoulders. I coughed and winced as my throat was incredibly sore. 

   I sat down on a bench that was barely covered in ice, scanning the new scenery. It was so quiet and the air was coated with a deadly cold aura. If this wasn't an Akuma, it might be quite pretty I thought to myself as I patiently waited for someone or something to break the eery silence, even if it was that dreaded Akuma villain Iceheart.

   I guess someone was paying attention to my wishes as right then Iceheart had come crashing through the doors and Ladybug, Chat, and someone else came running after him. I had done a doubletake when the new person said "Where is she?!" I gasped and said "Dylan?!"

Dylan's POV:

-A Few Minutes Before-

   We crept slowly back to the front of the school after reviewing our plan and saw Iceheart guarding the door. Perfect. We walked out and stood in front of him. He smirked and said, "Ah, Ladybug and Chat Noir, the two supers I wanted to see most." His gaze landed on me and I noticed his peaked interest. "And who might you be?" Iceheart said with an evil grin. I ignored his question and glared at him, my eyes flashing with white flames.

   "Where is she?" I growled, my fists clenching at my sides. It was taking every inch of my being to not knock the bastard out cold. "Oh, you mean Kennedy? Why, she's right here." He said, motioning at a big screen. I turned on to show a live stream of her laying on the floor, her skin pale and the movement of her chest barely visible. "Of course, she could die any minute from the cold or the good one I gave her in the stomach." He said with a malicious laugh.

   That's when my resolve snapped. At the speed of lightning, I moved right up to him and landed a hard punch square on his Jaw. He crashed through the door and I followed him, Ladybug and Chat close behind me. I felt my burning anger grow and I growled again "Where is she?!" Before he could respond, a hoarse voice quietly said "Dylan?!" My head snapped to the right and I caught sight of Kennedy, standing in front of a bench even though it looked as if her knees were about to give out on her any second.

   My furious resolve broke for a bit when she said my name but came back even stronger as she stood there, barely holding on to her life. The deathly pale color of her skin, the red gash on her left cheek, the bloodsoaked fabric covering her wound on her abdomen, and the purple and black bruises on her wrists, arms, and neck made the raging fire grow inside me. I turned back the Iceheart who had pulled himself up from the ground. "Why? Why did you do this to her?" I shouted, venomous hatred dripping from the words in acute accusation. 

   He smiled evilly before replying "If I can't have her, then no one can." He planned on killing her. The thought made me sick at the cruelness of his intentions. I sprinted towards him and landed punch after punch, my anger at him and worry for Kennedy driving my actions. Somehow he caught me off guard and knocked me hard against the brick wall. I heard a crack and knew at least one of my ribs were fractured. I groaned but got up, the adrenaline blocking any pain I would end up feeling later. I sprinted back into the fight and landed several punched while dodging ice blasts. 

Kennedy's POV:

   I watched as there was yelling and then a beating that quickly ensued. Dylan was slammed against a wall and I heard an audible crack. I steeled myself for the worst but he got up. That's when I knew I had to step in. I could die but that doesn't matter. As long as Dylan, Marinette, and Adrien live, nothing else matters. Lumara flew in front of me with a worried look. I took a deep breath and said "If I die I want you to find another holder and forget about me, okay?"

   She just solemnly nodded and flew away to her hiding spot. I closed my eyes and focused on my phoenix form. I felt a fire wash over me and the pain ceased. I knew it was only temporary but it felt nice to not have to deal with that. I opened my eyes and sprinted towards the battle. Ladybug had gotten her lucky charm but didn't have a use for it. 

   I rushed into the fight and tripped Iceheart. He landed on one knee before shooting back up and throwing a punch at me. I dodged it and landed a kick hard in his side. He flew into a wall and got right back up, coming at me with a fist, I caught his hand and twisted it behind his back before yanking the ring off his finger. I yelled "Catch" and tossed it towards Ladybug. She smiled and took her lucky charm, a specialized hammer, and shattered the ring with it.

   She caught the Akuma and cleansed it, releasing the white butterfly before throwing the item up and calling "Miraculous Ladybug!" I smiled before everything went black and sleep welcomed me into its embrace.

 Dylan's POV: 

   I watched as Ladybug caught and cleansed the Akuma. I turned to the random girl who joined the fight to congratulate her. She was watching the magical ladybugs cleaning everything up and smiled before she dropped to the ground. I caught her before she hit the floor. A red and orange flaming light washed over her and I saw it was.....Kennedy!!

   I panicked and said "Kennedy, wake up!" She didn't move but the small smile never left her face. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and said "Dylan?" I had started to cry but was able to mutter out a "Yes?" "If I die, don't grieve me. Forget about me and move on. I just want you to be happy." She said, her fingers lightly brushing my cheek before her eyes fluttered closed again and her arm dropped back to her side.

   Her chest was barely moving and I had to press a hand over her heart to make sure it was still beating. Her heartbeat was so light that I almost couldn't feel it. I scooped her up bridal style and sprinted to the nearest hospital, my dragon form wearing away just as I made it to the hospital. I rushed her inside the urgent care and they took her away, hooking her up to all kinds of machines and bags. All I was left to do was to sit down in the waiting room and pray that she made it out alive.


A/N: So please don't hate me for this!!! I know this is probably a horrid ending and that this is torture!!!! I'm going to get yelled at so bad, please don't kill me JoAnn!! If you want another book, tell me in the comments and I will do it so just let me know!

-Dragora Midnight

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