Meeting Phoenix

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   I hit the ground hard and groan in pain. I look up to see it was Chloe and say in Mandarin "I swear that b***h will get it one day." Adrien laughs at what I say as I stand up, brushing off my clothes and inspecting them for tares. I sigh in relief and look at Chloe. "I'm sorry that you had to ride in the car with that lowly peasant." Chloe says.

   I swear, that devil child knows how to get my blood boiling. "Look at what she's wearing, it's horrid!" Chloe says. That is the last straw. "I sorry, excuse me?" I say through gritted teeth. "You heard me, peasant." She scoffs. I take her by the jacket and pin her up against the wall with one arm. "Listen to me, Chloe. If you want to play these games, you're not going to win. You don't know me and what kind of power I have. Touch me again, and you'll have more than a broken nail. That's not a threat, that's a promise, got it?" I say, giving her a death glare.

   She shakes and whimpers out a yes. I drop her and turn sharply away, pulling Adrien inside the school with me and to my locker. I open it and put my stuff in, my hands shaking. I look at Adrien and see he is looking at me like I'm a terrorist. "What?" I say, my hands still shaking. "Your eyes. They're orange and red." He says, still looking scared.

   I take a deep breath and close my eyes, calming down. As soon as my hands stop shaking, I open my eyes and say "Better?" He nods and I sigh. Adrien gives me a questioning look and I say "later." We go to the classroom and I see Chloe shaking in her seat while glancing at me. I sit down at my seat and bang my head down on my desk.

   As I wait for class to start, I look up and scan the room. Everyone is shooting me glances and talking about what happened in front of the school. "So what was all that about, I mean first you arrive with Adrien, then you guys are having a conversation in a language no one understands, and then you go all boss on Chloe?" Alya says. 

   "Well, we were talking in Mandarin, he had offered to take me to school as I had gotten lost this morning and had ended up outside of his house, and I will tell you what the sitch was with Chloe later." I say. Alya looks like she doesn't believe me but turns forward to pay attention to the teacher.

-At Lunch-

   I sit down at the table with my four friends. "So now can you tell us what happened with Chloe?" Alya asks. "Yeah dudette, you were scary. It looked like your eyes were flaming." Nino says. I bite my lip as I look at the group. "As long as you tell no one." They nod in agreement and I take a deep breath. "So I am the princess of the Netherlands and the oldest son or daughter of the king and queen gets a protective magic passed down to them. this magic gives us unlimited power to do what we need to protect ourselves. I am the only child of the king and queen."

   They look at me with wide eyes and I take a shaky breath before continuing. "Being the only child, I inherited all of it instead of any siblings getting a little bit of it to make it easier. I usually can keep it under control when I get upset but something bad happened last night which made my protective power a little bit uncontrollable." I say. They look at me and I feel like curling up into myself and disappearing.

   Adrien notices my discomfort and says "So what usually happens when it fully reacts?" I laugh and say "well, hopefully, that never happens. I only have has it happen once when assassins broke into our palace when I was five. First, my eyes change color and red streaks appear in my hair. My clothes usually are engulfed in flames and then a fire-colored dress and knee-high boots appear. My hands heat up and balls of flames appear in my hands. I start to fly above the ground and a phoenix crown shows on my head. I think I look pretty epic but I become indestructible when the transformation completes."

   I laugh at their gaping mouths and say "You might want to close your mouths, it's a good way to catch flies." They all blush in embarrassment and I laugh harder. "How do we believe you though?" Alya says. I raise an eyebrow at her. "If you really want me to prove it, I can purposely transform but we would have to go somewhere without other people." I say.

   Alya drags me outside and to the back of the school, the rest of the group following. "Okay, if you really want to." I say. I close my eyes and try to focus on turning into my phoenix form. I feel flames completely engulf my body and I open my eyes. I feel my senses heighten and my feet lift off the grown, the weight of the crown on my head. I set back down on the ground and look at my friends.

   "You look like a completely different person." Adrien says. I smirk and feel my eyes flash. "What Agreste, don't like that I have one up on you?" I say sassily. He looks at me and I can almost hear his thoughts shouting Oh really, we'll see about that. I look at the other three's stunned expressions and say "This is my phoenix form."

-After School-

   I grab my bag and start heading out of the locker room. I head out the doors of the school and start going down the steps. "Hey Kennedy, wait!" I hear someone shout. I turn around and see Adrien. "Oh, hey Adrien, what's up?" I say, laughing at his exhausted expression. "I thought heroes are supposed to be fit." I say in Mandarin, earning a glare from him. (next conversation is in Mandarin)

   "Well, it doesn't help when the person your chasing can walk a mile a minute. And I'm faster when I'm transformed." He says. I roll my eyes at him and say "If all this activity you do can't keep you in shape, I don't know what will. Besides, you should have more leisurely time as I convinced Uncle to lighten your schedule." He looks at me in wonder and says "I must thoroughly thank you then, Princess Kennedy."

   I glare at him and he looks at me in confusion. "Call me princess one more time cousin and you might just get to meet my bad side." I say, grabbing him by the collar and making him look at me. He gulps and nods. "Good, now what do you want for dinner, I'm making it." I say in English. "Um, how about you surprise me?" Adrien says. 

   I smile and nod. "Okay, I'll make something neither you nor Uncle has had." He smiles back and I make a mental note to make something Aunt made me when I was younger, her special soup.

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