Worth Fighting For 2/3

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   We both looked towards the loud noise and I immediately recognized it as an Akuma. The girl was wearing a red blouse and black flowing skirt. She was holding a notebook to her chest and it was blackish-purple with white pages. I grabbed Dylan's wrist and ran to the bakery, pushing him inside and closing the door before running to meet the Akuma.

   She caught sight of me and screeched "You! You are the one who stole Dylan from me!" I groaned. If this wasn't Dylan, this would so not be worth it. "Okay, I'm pretty sure that a) Dylan is not an object, b) it's not stealing if he was never your's in the first place, and c) I just got my boyfriend today, there is no way in living hell you are taking that away." I said, pulling out my retracting staff and going in a defensive stance.

   The girl charged at me and tried to take me out but I made a swift doge and caught her arm, spinning her around and snatching the notebook from her. I pinned her and waited for Ladybug to show up. Dylan had apparently ignored the danger and came running up to me. "Kennedy! Are you okay?" He said, searching me for injury.

   "Yeah, I'm fine. I might have a few scratches due to her nails and incessant squirming but nothing in dire need of medical attention." I said, using my cheer strength and pure willpower to keep the villain pinned. Soon enough, Ladybug arrived and everything was taken care of. The minimal damage was easy to clean up so She just purified the Akuma and left.

   I smiled a bit and then turned to Dylan. He was staring at me and I blushed under his gaze. "What?" I asked, starting to get uncomfortable. "Nothing, it's just that I probably have the best girlfriend in the world. The fact that you were going to put me first and protect me, even though I didn't need it astounds me." He said, a slight smirk on his face. I blushed harder and looked at the ground.

   Dylan tilted my chin up and made me look him in the eye. "Next time, let me be the hero okay?" He said, lightly rubbing his thumb over my cheek. "I can't make any promises but I'll try." I said, my heart racing at the touch and sincerity in his eyes. I started to get lost again in his eyes and just wanted to stay there forever, gazing into his wonderous brown eyes that made me feel safe and loved.

   He leaned in and met my lips with his. I closed my eyes as I felt fireworks. My arms settled around his neck and I could feel his hands on my back. I melted into the kiss and my heart was racing in my chest. We broke apart and I was out of breath, a heavy blush painting my cheeks. He leaned his forehead on mine and his gaze locked on mine.

   "I love you." He whispered. If possible, my blush got darker. I knew that I loved him too, but I couldn't say it. "Why?" I asked. He just chuckled and said "Why not? You are incredibly kind, smart, caring, and bold. Not to say beautiful and amazingly talented. I love your personality, sense of humor, cheeriness, and overall nerdy dorkiness that is incredibly adorable. I love every aspect of you and I know we all have flaws. The fact that you broke down into tears at the concert shows me that you have some emotional baggage but I'm willing to help you through it because I love you. Don't forget that ever."

   I felt hot tears start to slowly roll down my cheeks but I ignored it. "No one has ever told me that." I whispered. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and trapped me in a hug. I hugged him back and sighed into his embrace. "Hey Dylan?" I said. We pulled apart and he looked at me. "I love you too." I said, a blush once again spreading on my cheeks. He pulled me into another kiss that was a little more heated than the first.

   We broke apart and I felt an overwhelming swell in my chest. I blushed as I thought about our kiss and what it was to me. "What?" He asked. "Umm, well this was my um, my first kiss." I said sheepishly, looking at the ground. He looked stunned and was about to say something but I cut him off. "I'm glad that it was you who took it." I whispered, looking back up at him.

   He pulled me into a quick kiss and it left me slightly dazed. "If it makes you feel any better, I gave you my first kiss too." He whispered. My eyes went wide. "I honestly wouldn't have bees surprised if you had other girlfriends before me." I said. He chuckled and said, "Why would that be?" I quirked an eyebrow in question.

   "Well for one thing, you're not lacking in the good looks department. And you are just an amazing person. I have never met someone before who had such funny ideas like pranking Chloe and just how great your personality is." I say, blushing at my own words. He was blushing too. He weaved his fingers through mine and we started walking to my home.

   We stopped in front of the gate and I turned to him. "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I said, rubbing my right arm. "See you at school." He said with a smile. I smiled back and he kissed me on the forehead before heading to the hotel. I was slightly stunned and shook my head before going inside.

   I walked inside thinking about everything that happened today. I flopped down on my bed and sighed. I changed into PJs and climbed under my covers, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Tomorrow is going to be great. 

-The Next Day-

   I arrived at school early, a big smile plastered on my face. I was extremely excited to see Dylan, my boyfriend. Never in a million years would I have thought that someone like Dylan would love me. I walked to my locker and put my stuff away, humming a happy tune to myself that I learned when I was younger. 

   I closed my locker and Dylan was standing right there. "Dylan!" I said, wrapping him in a tight hug. "Goodmorning to you too Kennedy." He chuckled while hugging me back. I giggled. "So what has you so happy this morning?" He asked, a joyous smile on his face. "Seeing you." I say, smiling back and starting to hum again.

   We walked hand in hand to our next first class and talked all the way. I was so happy that I didn't notice the many stares we were getting. We sat down in our seats and I leaned against him while holding his hand under the table.

   Alya and the boys came into the classroom. As soon as Alya saw me and Dylan, she squealed. "Omg, are you guys dating?!" She said. I nodded sheepishly and she squealed again. I blushed in embarrassment form all of the attention we were getting. I hid my face in his shoulder and didn't see Adrien move next to Dylan.

   I looked up and saw Adrien looking at Dylan. "If you hurt her, you won't like the results." Adrien said, a deadly look in his eye. Dylan just nodded his head. "Adrien, my word, stop acting like an overprotective older brother and leave Dylan alone." I huffed in annoyance. he shot me an apologetic look before going to his seat.

   "I'm sorry about Adrien." I said, rubbing my left temple. Dylan chuckled and said "It's fine. I would do the same for one of my friends." I smiled and said "Actually, he's my cousin. The house you dropped me off at last night was actually my uncle Gabriel's house." Dylan gave a surprised nod and I smiled.


   I put my stuff in my locker and closed it. I walked into the bathroom and washed my hands off from the fish blood. We were experimenting with the chemical properties of trout blood. I got all of the blood off and I dried my hands. I started walking to the doors before someone stepped in front of me.

   "Excuse me." I said, trying to get around them. "Oh look, the little girl wants by. Well, I don't think so." The boy said. I could tell he was an upperclassman. He shoved me into a locker and I hit my head hard. I could feel a pounding headache starting as they started kicking me and throwing punches.

   I was so caught off guard by the sudden attack that I couldn't properly defend myself. I could see the blood from the cuts that one of their rings were leaving on me and I was aching everywhere. "What, you little bitch, you can't stand a little beating?" The leader of the gang said. I could see spots edging into my vision and Everything started spinning. I felt light headed and woozy. Just before I blacked out, I heard someone yelling and felt their punches stop.

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