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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter a new alliance was created for the sake to bring down the biggest machine ever made.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's the third day of our operation to build the rail gun that will defeat the massive machine that's heading our way. I'm at the coast helping out with the construction of the rail gun. The main components of the gun have been made and have been assembled, at the moment the outer cover panels and some of the wording needs to be done. Devola and Popola are in the belly of the beast putting their wiring and circuitry expertises to use. I was up on the side of the gun on some scaffolding with a welder, welding a panel. A boxer that lived in the machine villige walks up to the scaffolding and places a stack of panels onto it, next to the welder.

"These are the rest of the left side cover panels Mr. (Y/n)" The boxer says.

"Thanks Big Bill" I replied then waved as he walked away.

I went to put the welding helmet back over my face and I hear someone call out my name "(Y/n)!" I look down at the ground and I see Rose waving to me with Bolt standing next to her holding a black large box in his arms "We got something for ya!"

"I'll be right down" I tell her. I set my welding helmet down and turned off the welder. I go over to the metal ladder and slid down it, when I got to the bottom I walked over to Rose and Bolt "Is this it?"

"Yup, this is our Special Blackbox Projectile, or S.B.P. for short" Rose says.

I open the case as Bolt held it in his arms. The case had foam cushioning on the top and bottom, in the middle was a large titanium bullet shaped projectile that was six inches in diameter and about two feet in length.

"Well ain't she a beauty" I say before closing the case "You can place it down over by the operation station next to the gun, Bolt"

"Of course" Bolt states before walking off to go place the case down.

"How's the progress going?" Rose asks me.

"The twins are working on the wiring, I'm finishing up on the cover plates, after all that is done the rail gun will be complete" I explained.

"How much time do you think it will take to finish it?" She asks.

"A day, maybe two if we have any problems" I say.

"(Y/n)!" I hear Devola call out from inside the railgun "We got a problem!"

"Great I just fucking jinxed myself"

"Looks like your needed, I'll leave you to it. I'm going to be with Pascal and the little ones if you need me" Rose says with a wave as she walks away.

I walked over to the railgun on the left where the maintenance door was and looked inside to see Devola and Popola working "What's the problem?"

"We need a larger sized capacitor or else this thing will blow up when you flip the power switch" Devola tells me.

"Got it, I'll be right back" I say.

I make my way out of the gun and over to a bin of parts that I've scavenged over the years. Inside the bin I find a nice sized capacitor and it was about a foot in height. I then go back over to the twins.

"Got your capacitor" I say "Need anything else?"

Popola takes the capacitor from me "Can you hand me the power stabilizer that's over by your foot?"

"Yeah, sure" I say before lifting up the brick of a power stabilizer up to Popola.

"Thank you" Popola replies.

"How much do you girls have left to finish?" I ask.

"After we install the power stabilizer, all we got left is programming and calibration which will be a piece of cake to do" Popola states.

"Great, I'll be out here still if you need me" I tel them.

"Yeah, yeah, your just happy your not the one covered with grease" Devola tells me while waving me away.

"Hey, I wouldn't mind being in here doing this but I happen to be the one who knows how to weld" I say jokingly to them and a wrench gets thrown at my head but I move my head out of the way "Love you too" I say before making my way out of the gun.

Pod starts to ring and I see White's face on the screen, I then answer the call "White, how's it going?"

"What's the progress on the project?" White asks me.

"Should be fully functional by sun down if not earlier " I answered.

"And the others?" She asks me.

"2B and 9S are in the desert city scavenging for tech that can be used to upgrade the resistance camps coms network. A2 is on a search and rescue mission for a resistance member who went missing yesterday out in the desert. And Rose just dropped off the S.B.P., She's with Pascal now, teaching the young machines of the village" I explained to White.

"I see, everyone is still quite busy. I just wanted an update on things" White says.

"Speaking of updates, How far out is the target?" I ask as I started climbing up the scaffolding so I could get back to welding.

"A day out, a day and a half at most" White tells me.

"Okay, good. If something happens I'll keep you updated" I say to her.

"And I will as well, have a nice day (Y/n)" She says.

"You too" I replied before she hanged up. I put my welding helmet on and started to get back to welding.

Part 2.

The day is almost over. The rail gun is complete and the twins decided to nickname it Argent, presumably after that book that my sister had, that fucking book. Anyways, right now its evenin, I'm in some casual clothes now. I'm in the lounging area of the hotel, sitting at my piano playing a song. A song that I always seem to get reminded of when I'm stressed. It just comes to me, and I have no clue where I learned it from. It's like some sort of defense mekanism or something, it's weird, yet very comforting, and emotion driving. It's made with a language that isn't from this world. Though I play the song alone, I hear the other instruments and the vocals for the song that my brain makes me think that I hear, and the vocals always sound like my sisters voice. It's very strange. After I finished the song for the third time, I take a sip from my glass of some home made wine.

"Damn, some times I wish I could get my hands on some rye to make some vodka" I said then sighed "Why is tomorrow stressing me out so much?....something doesn't feel right"

I closed my eyes and placed my fingers in the keys of the piano before starting to play the song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Best song of the game in my opinion

As I was about a fourth of the way through the song, I hear a noticeable change in the sound of the cello. It sounded more real then the one inside my head. Never the less, I continued to play the song with my eyes closed. At the end, I open my eyes and I see Rose sitting in a chair by the piano holding a cello in her hand. She was wearing a casual white dress that went slightly over her knees, and of course with her bust size, some of the top of it was exposed.

"You know the song as well?" I asked Rose.

"Y-yes...I play it when I feel like something is going to go wrong...I saw you here playing it so I decided to join" Rose says, slightly nervous.

"Want some wine?, should relieve some of that anxiety" I say and hold out my glass to her.

"Are you sure?, this is your glass..." She says as she takes my glass from my hand.

"It'll be fine, drinking from the same glass isn't that big of a deal these days. It's only me and you and neither of us can get sick" I tell her.

Rose looks at the glass of red wine before taking a sip of it "Did you make this yourself?"

"Yeah, You like it?"

"like it?, I love it!" She says happily with a smile.

I chuckle a bit "I'm glad that you do"

I hear a familiar giggle and I look up to see that the twins were walking up to us "Look at you love birds, how adorable" Devola says.

"Surprised the both of you didn't turn up faster" I replied.

"Sadly, grease isn't the easiest thing to get out of hair" Popola says as she coursed her hands through her newly washed hair.

"You know, the both of you still haven't explained to us about, for a lack of a better term, us" I say while standing up from the piano.

"I'm sure it's pretty obvious at this point don't you think?" Devola says "You're the Adam and Eve of the next generation of the human race. It was planned to be that way from the beginning"

"That wasn't what I meant, It's very clear that making sure the human race wouldn't go extinct was the number one priority" I stated "What I meant was that if me and Rose are supposed to be Adam and Eve then why did we meet so late in the game?"

"You and Anastasia were the only two who were immune to the WCS and met all DNA requirements for the procedure in the entirety of northern Japan. While on the other hand, Rose was the only one in the entirety of southern Japan. She was kept in a lab down south while you and Anastasia where up north" Popola explained to me.

"That explains why I was alone when I came out of my stasis chamber" Rose says.

"We were supposed to go and retrieve her but when the whole thing with Nier started, it wasn't possible to do" Devola says.

"Whose Nier?" Rose questions.

"Someone who better stay dead" I say coldly.

"Ugh, I still have sand in my ears" I hear 9S complain as he walked in to the room with 2B. 9S has his head tilted and banged the other side of his head to get the sand out of his ear.

"21O advised that it wouldn't be a good idea to go into that pit" 2B tells him.

"I couldn't help but be curious, there was some novelty tech down there" 9S says.

"Glad that both of you are back" I say as they walked up to us.

"We would of been back sooner if 9S didn't take a detour" 2B states simply.

"Good thing you guys came back before dark, the desert isn't the best place to be at night. There's almost always a sand storm there during the night time" I tell them.

"Where's A2?" 2B asks.

"She's up in her room" I answered "And speaking of rooms, we should all head to bed. Tomorrow's going to be a rough day, and I really don't want it to be my last"

"What do you mean by that (Y/n)?" 2B asks me.

"I've seen what that thing can do and I was lucky to come out unscathed that time. This time it's either we succeed or we die" I say and I started walking away "And I'm not planning to be with my sister just yet"

Hello everyone this is the n of the chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Until next time bye.

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