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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you, 2B, 9S, A2 and White went to the moon base to be in a meeting about a Goliath class machine.


POV: You

Part 1.

Me, Rose, 2B, A2, White, 9S followed Kenichi as we walked through the halls of the lunar base. The bland white halls were shiny and would be what you would imagine in a space station. Rose held my hand as we walked, gripping it like she never wanted to ever let go.

"I'm sorry for what I did you when I saw you Kenichi" I apologize.

"It's alright, I expected that to happen" He replies casually "But I didn't expect you to of kept the rampage mode chip still installed, and for you to actually use it without dying"

"That wasn't planned, it just happened" I tell him.

"I see, so that was the first time you used it" Kenichi says.

"I'm surprised your body was able to handle the chip (Y/n)" White says.

"He does have the body of a man after all" Rose says with a smile after all.

"Of course he has the body of a man, he's male" 2B says.

"It's a expression" I tell her as I pinched the bridge of my nose "Rose is saying that I have a strong body"

"Oh..." 2B says.

"Humans didn't come in just come in a certain shape and size" Kenichi says "Some had bodies that differed from each other which made what they could do different"

"Really!" 9S says enthusiastically.

Kenichi chuckled a bit "Yes, genes are what define the appearance of a person"

"But I put thousands of years of working out to get like this" I say.

We then arrived at a set of doors at the end of a hallway. Kenichi turns towards the group "Only me, (Y/n), and Rose will be going inside. The other 6 council members aren't exactly acquainted with life down on earth besides the records from the server" He tells us.

"Then why is (Y/n) going inside?" A2 asks.

"He's the only one who will know how to deal with the problem at hand" Kenichi replies.

Kenichi opens the door and the three of us walk inside of the room. The room was lit with lights all around the room and in the center was a round table with 6 other androids sitting in them. All of them were wearing some sort of elegant or formal dressing. From what I remember, Each council member represented each of the planets continents, with Kenichi representing Asia.

"(Y/n) (L/n). What a pleasant surprise to see a AWOL YoRHa member back in action" One of the members say. His name is Marcus, He represents Europe.

"Nice to see you too Marcus" I say sarcastically, Marcus was never someone I was a big fan off.

Marcus has black hair that was slicked back and wore a black suit with red phair. His eyes were red as well which was definitely not a norm for androids. Though the Rampage model androids did have red eyes. Also he was the manager of the Rampage model program.

"It sure has been a while (Y/n)" A women with blond hair and blue eyes says.

"It sure has Florance" I say.

Florance is the council member for North America. She wore a eligent dress white dress. The other 4 members of the council was Thomas, who represented Australia. Garvey, who represented Africa. Simon, who represented South America. And, Faith, who represented Antarctica.

"Please take a seat" Kenichi says as he sits down in his chair. He motioned towards the last open chair, I sit down in it and Rose stands at my side "Lets get this meeting started shall we. So, in the ocean near your location on earth a machine of a colossal size is heading towards the landmass formally known as Japan"

A screen appears in the middle of the table showing video feed of the colossal machine walking with its head above the water.

"Everything we have is useless against that machine" I state "All the weapons YoRHa has that can kill this thing are all energy based weapons. I've encountered that machine before and it has a EMP field surrounding it so all energy weapons won't do anything"

"Not even a direct satellite laser strike?" Florence questions.

"Sadly not. The mortars lining the shoreline won't do anything against it either" I say "But I do have a idea on how to take it out"

"And what would that be?" Marcus says, intrigued of what I have in mind.

"A railgun" I tell the council.

"A railgun? The largest railgun YoRHa has is in South America, there's no possible way to move that thing to Japan" Simon says.

"And there's not enough time to manufacture one either" Faith says.

"That's why I'm going to build one myself"

"How are you going to do that?" Kenichi asks me.

"I have many allies down on the surface, androids and machines alike" I state.

"You've allied your self with the machines! Are you insane!" Marcus shouts.

"Having machines as allies will be beneficial to us on more than just this occasion. There are things they can quicker and better than androids can like manufacturing intricate parts and circuits. The machines I'm allied with are disconnected from their network and mean no harm to the resistance or YoRHa" I state.

"(Y/n) knows what he's doing Marcus, He knows the surface better than any of us ever will" Garvey states.

"Fine then, I'll let it slide" Marcus growls.

I would of said something very fucked up after he said that comment but I'd rather not do something I can't undo.

"Then it's settled then, Meeting ajurned" Kenichi says.

I get up from my seat and started walking towards the door and I noticed that Rose has been quiet this entire time.

"Something wrong?" I asked her.

She shook her head and smiled "I knew you had it all covered"

I open the door and I see the others waiting for us "How'd it go?" White asks me.

"We're going to be making a railgun to take the machine out" I say.

"How are we going to do that?" 9S questions.

"I want to see if Pascal and Bolt will help with the guns construction along with the help from the resistance" I explain a bit.

Kenichi walks up to us and faces Rose "Rose, you'll be staying with (Y/n) for now on. I've already sent your flight unit to the bunker"

A smile forms on Rose's face "Yay, now we can live together like old times" Rose says and hugs me with her breasts pressing up against my chest.

"But it will be kind of different since your not in a android body anymore" I say.

She giggles a bit "I know"

"Before you leave. I need to talk to (Y/n)" Kenichi says.

I look at the others "I'll meet you guys at the shuttle"

Rose, White, 2B, 9S, and A2 leave me with Kenichi and headed towards the shuttle. It looked like Rose will get along with everyone just fine.

"There's something I need to tell you (Y/n)" He states.

"Which is?"

"I think one of the other council members are betraying YoRHa and Humanity" He tells me.

"Why do you say that? What happened?" I question.

"Because, the reason the incident with Rose going rouge happened 5 years ago is because someone was trying to hack her and take control of the android body as her consciousness was inside" Kenichi tells me.

"Your thinking that who ever tried to take over Rose while she was R8 was to kill the both of us?, it seems the most logical since when that happened she was only interested in hurting me and not White" I say.

"Exactly, that's why when you went AWOL, I made the report look like I did it so you would come find me when you ever read it" He tells me "I needed Rose to be protected and your the only one I could truly trusted to keep her safe"

"She's safe with me so don't worry" I tell him "And she'll be happier too"

Kenichi smiles "Thank you (Y/n), someday humanity will flourish once again"

"Yeah, someday" I replied.

Part 2.

It's later in the day, the moon was out and the sun was tucked under the horizon. Me, Rose, 2B, A2, and 9S were walking towards the hotel after landing our flight units.

"This place is kinda creepy at night" 9S says as the sounds of the nocturnal wild life thrived through out the forest.

"It's nothing to really worry about" I say "Pod, go on ahead and get everything up and running"

"Affirmative" Pod says then starts flying ahead of us.

"Why do you live out in the middle of the forest?" Rose asked me as she held onto my left arm as if she was scared of the dark.

"Seclusion, privacy, and the peacefulness. Well it's only peaceful when machines aren't trespassing" I say then teased her "Why? Are you scared of the dark?"

"N-no, I just don't like jump scares that's all..." She claims.

"How long have you lived out here in the woods?" A2 asked me.

"Well, I've lived in my hotel for 5,965 years. I don't stay their all the time since theirs other stuff I had to do like working with YoRHa" I explain.

"How old are you exactly?" 9S asks me.

"I have two answers for you when it comes to that. Do you want to know how long I've been on alive earth or how long I've been awake on earth" I say.

"What do you mean by that?" 2B questions.

I sigh "I've been alive on this earth for 9,945 years. When I was 18, I became a test subject since I was immune to a mysterious disease that was killing off humanity. That's how I got the microcomputer in my head, I would guess that the same thing happened to Rose for the same reason. Shortly after the microcomputer implantation I was put to sleep, then 1,342 years later I was awoken. And from then on I've been up and awake" I explain "But when I became a subject I wasn't the only one from what I knew, my little sister Anastasia also became a test subject but from what I recall she didn't get a microcomputer she got something else. We both were put to sleep and awaken at the same time, but as you can see, she's not here with us, it's been a long time since she died so theirs nothing to worry about right now"

We then arrived at the gate in front of the hotel. Rose looked in amazement at the hotel. The lights were on infront of the hotel and inside of it as well "How is this still standing?, it looks like it hasn't aged a bit"

"Many years of hard work" I state.

Pod flies out the front doors of the hotel with a chefs hat on for some weird reason "Dinner is ready (Y/n), I've made enough for everyone"

"Thanks Pod" I say.

{Time Skip}

I'm in bed now, trying to fall asleep. Normally I would be in bed by myself, but this time I had 2 guests with me also. 2B and Rose were asleep in my bed with me. 2B was in her sleep mode on my left while Rose was on my right, hugging my right arm as  she slept. Then I felt her grip tighten around my arm and she opens her eyes with then sparkling as if she was about to cry.

"(Y/n)..." She says quietly in a shaky voice.

"What is it?" I replied.

"I'm sorry..." she tells me.

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong"  I question.

"For the when I went rouge in my android body. I almost killed you..."

"It's fine Rose. Go back to bed" I said and patted her head a bit before she closed her eyes again.

She moves her self closer to me and Laura her head on my chest "I love you (Y/n)..."

"I—love you to Rose" I say.

I close my eyes trying to fall asleep but me of all people knew I won't be able to go to sleep.

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Until next time bye.

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