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(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures)

Human Form

Humanoid Demon Form (Akugo)

Name: Richard Smith, Akugo (By Aku)
Alias: The Shapeshifting Prince of Darkness (By Aku), Master of Masters (By Aku), Deliverer of Darkness (By Aku), Shogun of Sorrow (By Aku), Dark Lord of All Darkness (By Aku)
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Personality: Kind, Gentle, Focused, Funny, Timid and Friendly.
Second Personality (Aku side): Sadistic, Cruel, Violent, and Apathetic.
Species: Human/Demon (Infused with Aku's essence)
Affiliations: None
Family: Biological Family Members (Unknown), Aku (Unintentional Father)

- Rick was born in America on California, but when the alien invasion took happened he was one of the few humans signed up to be one of the subjects of an experiment to be placed in prototype cryopod in order to preserved what is of humanity and prevent their extinction from the alien and machines. Thousands of years has passed the Cryopod Prototypes malfunctioned, and in the process many humans in the cryopods slowly became deceased over time as time passes. His Pod was the last to malfunction, he would surely died in that Pod if it weren't for Aku fusing his essence in him. Making him half-human, and half-demon. Especially the fact remains of Aku's existence or consciousness now rest in his mind, either as a mentor to help Rick with his abilities he never used before or occasionally teased him or mock him to lighten up the mood.

As Akugo, Rick still have semblance of his kind and timid personality and is still in control of mind and body while Aku acts as his second personality. While Richard as Akugo still has a bit of a timid personality but when push comes to shove, he will allow Aku to take control of his mind and body, releasing his sadistic or bad side. This is someone you don't want piss off as he will prolong your pain until you beg for death.

- Rick is fused with Aku's essence, making him half-demon, and he has the same abilities as Aku, but not all of them, such as time travel.

Near-Immortality: Infused in with Aku's essence Rick/Akugo is ageless and nearly immortal. He required no sustenance and was not harmed by mortal means. Only the power of righteous spirits or divine weapons like Jack's Sword, or divine entities, were capable of doing severe harm to him.

Shape-shifting: Infused Aku's essence Rick could change into virtually any form that he desired, from creatures big and small. He capable to seamlessly change his size, liquefy himself, or stretch and expand his body. He could even replicate into clones of himself to be in numerous places at once and his mind inhabited numerous bodies.

Supernatural Physical Abilities: Rick could alter his physical capabilities to virtually any level that he needed or wanted due to his magical shape-shifting abilities. He has manifested superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and senses.

Regeneration: Just like his "father" Aku, Richard is completely resistant to most forms of attack, and is able to regenerate to a large degree, even against fatal or severe attacks. But he is not completely invulnerable, while he has the essence of Aku, you would believe he has the exact powers as Aku to be impervious from wounds. He can still feel pain, but his regeneration makes him pain tolerant.

Eye Beams: Rick's most commonly utilized attacks, that ability tended to manifest as beams of white or red light that typically damages the objects that it made contact with. It could be used either as continuous beams of light, or as staccato bolts of energy, but are not yet to be powerful as his "father's" eye beams.

Teleportation: Rick used that often for quick appearances or escapes, and to appear before those that he had business with, such as the Imakandi.

Elemental Control: Rick could magically project and control the elements of the physical world. Those abilities included breathing and projecting streams of fire from his body, manipulating the earth itself, conjuring thunderstorms at will, or emitting waves of sonic force. By combining fire breath with his eye beams, he could also project beams of electricity. But his power pales in comparison with Aku's powers.

Telekinesis: Rick has the ability to manipulate objects through focus alone, even from far away distances. While in used, Rick's eyes tended to flash white.

Precognitive Dreams: Rick capable of receiving premonitions of his own future through his dreams, which he could then act upon to try and prevent or change them.

Possession & Infection: Rick could use small portions of himself to infect others, but he doesn't use it.

Object Materialization: The ability to create matter and materials out of nothing, that includes weaponry.

Corruption: One of Rick's most powerful abilities, and one he fears and hesitant to use. With the use of dark magic, Rick could mutate normally harmless beings, into monstrous versions of themselves. Be it a peaceful Small Biped Machine was then turned into a very corrupted and horrifice version of themselves.

Combat Skills: Rick is capable skilled practitioner in hand-to-hand combat, but thanks Aku's essence infused with him his combat capabilities are enhanced. His shapeshifting abilities and powers helps using his own body as a weapon.

Love Interest: A2


*teleports in*

A/N: Guys, I would like to point out that starting chapters of the story will not have Rick be aware or experience with his powers since he is still inexperienced or unaware of the abilities he posses. And I would like to point out that Rick's personality is the Opposite of Aku's personality. Rick is a kind and timid individual his Aku personality is Sadistic and Cruel.

A/N 2: When I mean his "Aku side" I mean that remnants of Aku's consciousness now lurks within Rick's mind. Imagine it like how Venom and Eddie Brock interacts with each other.

A/N 3: Aku does have an appearance here, his consciousness is infused with Rick's mind so he lives inside Rick. Just view it like Venom and Eddie Brock. He can talk to Richard's telepathically and teach him how to use his abilities.

A/N 4: Richard will learn to use his abilities as the story progress, and there would be a major change in the Nier: Automata, but let's see how far it goes.

A/N: "Akugo" means Bad Karma, Evil Deed and Sinful Deed.

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