Read This Please

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Edit: Yeah yeah yeah I posted this already but 13 people has 'seen' this and two people have voted. I have spent several days on this while in pain, and frankly I'm not going to continue this (really great)(in my opinion) idea. I want to do this for me, I really do, but I also want to do this for you. If I can't get any feedback then it's pointless.

Oh wait do you guys need art? Yeah well you're going to have to wait, even when I do put it out people won't care, they'll just click on my chapter to get rid of notifications, huh? Whatever I don't care anymore.

Sorry (no I'm not) for the ranting.

Ok ok ok, everyone out there has those cool universes/story things and I'm crying because I don't have one??? Oh but wait

I'm making one.

So here's what I've got churning in my brain:

In a futuristic world where technology was rather minimal, dragons and Humans have always lived together peacefully. They haven't fought since the dark ages and have never felt the need after the treaty to split the species, to stop the fighting.

Even though they lived on the same planet together, each species have had their own troubles, and it all became worse when the evil around them became too much.

A break in the earth let out the most foul creatures ever known to man kind. The dragons knew very well that something could be lurking underneath the surface but passed it off as mere legends to the humans.

The human race began to dwindle, and the already minimal dragon species began to die off too, the only way they could help themselves was to help each other.

All the humans wanted in the protection treaty was knowledge, magic, and protection.

Dragons had a life span of several hundred years, the older dragons knew much more than any human or any history book that held a landfill of lies. They could tell the stories the humans didn't know, the ones that have been hidden from them.

The royalty bloodline of the dragon kingdoms carried magic in their blood, which could easily be transferred to objects, most commonly jewelry or of household objects such as books or cooking utensils. The commonly wanted magic was that of healing, the creatures of the broken earth spread disease which generally targeted babies and young children. It was rare for a child to make it to the age of ten.

The human kingdom had a hard time protecting itself from the creatures hidden within, the dragons could easily provide help. Dragons were huge and powerful, had thick armored scales, the ability to fly (unless they were that of a Lavyn species), and armed with their very own weapon, they were natures greatest weapon ever made. The perfect protection for the human kingdoms.

The dragons however, wanted their own homes and a more plentiful food source.

The dragons already had a hard time keeping their offspring alive with the harsh conditions of Mother Nature, now the creatures of the broken earth craved the young reptile blood, whether the young dragon be unborn and in an egg, or in its young 'baby' years. The dragons thought it would be best to have home structures just like the humans did.

You would think they could make it theirselves with magic, and that they did in the dark ages until they figured out that the magic ability could be lost. The large palaces became weathered over the years, it is said that the last palace that stands strong is beneath the ocean surface with the Lavyn tribe, but nobody knows for sure.

The humans have opposable thumbs and are able to build structures like no other while dragons had a hard time. Some were gifted with prehensile tails that could lift trees but the gift couldn't build great palaces like the humans could, it was something that was greatly wanted in their lives.

Even though the dragons had a small population, the wild game population was below them. Dragons ate a lot, they had to fuel their bodies to function like every other living creature, causing them to eat more than the animals could reproduce. Some dragons have resorted to eating vegetation as food was hard to come by. Humans though, had the power to raise livestock and grow crops unlike the dragons.

So with the protection treaty made between the humans and dragons, they found it easier to fight back against the broken earth creatures.

Dragons now had palaces for their tribes and food to keep them healthy, and hopefully help to bring the dragon population up. They were provided a monthly supply of meat and vegetation. All of this is given in return for knowledge, magic, and protection.

With the protection treaty came great anger from the creatures of the broken earth, causing a war to break out. Humans in the military partnered with a dragon to fight against the creatures of the broken earth.

There are 4 dragon tribes: Lavyn, Acreage, Azure, and the Hollow


These are water dragons, most found in the ocean and rarely in bodies of water such as lakes or rives.

There are 5 subspecies of the Lavyn Tribe, Reef, Subzero, Loch, Current, and Brook.

Reef and Subzero dragons are often found in the salute waters of seas and oceans, while Loch dragons are found in lakes, Current dragons in rivers, and Brook dragons in swampy forests.

The Lavyn Tribe is the tribe of fertility and have the most dragonets per tribe.

The royal family are of the Reef species and have the power to regenerate lost limbs and have the ability to enchant objects to treat certain health conditions such as asthma, arthritis, and other inflammatory disorders. They can also enchant jewelry to grant underwater breathing for a few hours at a time, and like all dragons of the dragon species, they can communicate with humans.


Acreage are dragons that live on land, generally in he desert, grasslands, or the forest. There are 5 types subspecies in the Acreage tribe. Wildwood, Jungle, Permafrost, Barren, and Prairie.

Acreage dragons have the most ability to rid their bodies of illness faster than the rest of the other four tribes, and although they don't have the ability to regenerate like the royalty of the Lavyn tribe but the illness rate in the Acreage tribe is so incredibly low that being sick is nearly unheard of.

The royal family consists of only Wildwood Acreage subspecies, they have the ability to cure all illnesses by an over active amount antibodies that are created on a daily like all Acerage tribe dragons have. They have the ability to project their blood into vaccines and pills to share with the rest of the human and dragon race. Wildwood royalty enchant 3 objects a year to give to three human families, these enchanted object cleanses the humans home of illnesses. They also have the ability to heal diseased vegetation and earth.

The wild wood sub species live in most forests regardless of the type, all except for the jungle where the jungle sub species live. The Permafrost sub species live in a climate where the ground is frozen all year round (hence the name), the Barren live in dry desert climate, generally in very hot weather. Finally, the Prairie dragon lives in meadows and prairies, they're the smallest sub species of their tribe.


The Azure tribe lives in high altitudes, generally living in the mountains or other high ground. Their tribe consists of 5 sub species called, Anima, Lucent, Billow, Flurry, and Flare.

The royal family is all of the Anima sub species, they have the magic ability to foresee future events. They have a radiating amount of extra terrestrial energy that makes most humans and dragons feel stand off-ish. This energy (that courses through their blood) has the power to bring back a very sick, nearly dead, being. The only way the Anima royalty can possibly bring back any form of life is an ancient spell that only the Royal family knows how to make or can make.


The Hollow Tribe is the smallest tribe in numbers, but could possibly be one of the most powerful. They have 5 sub species; Possibility, Cimmerian, Cavern, Imp, and Obscurity.

The Royal family is of the subgroup, Possibility. They have the power to heal dark sicknesses caused by demons, it's a mysterious procedure that nobody knows how it works. The Royal family is rather unknown, only the elite. Not much is known about their magic abilities other than what's stated above.

Note that all abilities stated about the Royal family is only possessed by the Royal family, more information will be released about the subspecies at a later time.

Oh wow, I never thought I would be able to type this out. I was supposed to have it out and finished several days ago but my body had other plans. I have an ear infection... again.

Anyways, please comment what you think and answer the questions I have below!

1) Should I make this into a book?

2) What seems to be your favorite tribe?

3) Is there any other things you're curious about? I'll be happy to answer!

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