Part 2

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Helloo guys!

thank you so so much for all the comments and votes you have left on part 1. I really appreciate it. 

I am sorry that I made you guys wait for a bit, but I hope this part makes up for it!

Hope you'll enjoy! Happy reading!


Author's POV:

Both of them seem very distracted by the time they were on the set, but they managed to pull through. When the hug scene was about to happen, she couldn't help but think about how his touches made her feel all tingly and warm.

The days flew by and both of them had to work long hours and were exhausted by the end of the day. Both, Zain and Aditi caught themselves getting lost in thinking about each other but acted as normal as possible around each other. She sometimes could feel his eyes on her but was always trying to downplay it by saying that she's just imagining things.

The more he tried to act normal, the more his need to just be close to her grew. It got to an extent that he was getting called off on being unfocused during scenes. At some point, she was fed up with his behaviour, so she just asked for a break and went straight to her room and let herself fall on her bed.

Just as she was about to doze off, she heard a faint knocking sound. She sat up, sighing deeply and said: "come in", loud enough so that the person on the other side of the door was able to hear it.

It was Zain who peeked out head first.

Zain's POV:

"Can I talk to you?", I asked and looked at her, trying to figure out what she was thinking. She just shrugged her shoulders which I took as a yes and went inside. "Are you okay?", I asked casually, walking towards her make-up table and fiddled around with a small pen that was lying on there. She shot me an irritated look and rolled her eyes and shrugged again. "As if you're interested", she muttered.

"What if I am interested?" I asked, surprising myself at how direct the question was. She halts her movement and looked at him, eyebrow rising high. "Yeah, right", she said, shaking her head slightly in disagreement. Once again, my heart started to race. I was sick and tired of this what ifs and uncertainty. I had to know, and I had to know now, I couldn't wait any longer. I had spent a lot of time thinking about it and there was no way around other than being frank with her about it.

Suddenly my eyes shifted to something on the table that looked very familiar. I moved closer to have a better look and was surprised to see that it was indeed what I was thinking what it was. "How did this one end up here? I was looking for it everywhere!", I exclaimed and took the chain in my hand held it up for her to see. Her eyes went big and she bit her lip and looked like a thief caught red handed. Her mood seemed to change completely and now she slowly stood up lifting her arms in defence. "Jahaan thought it would be a good prank to just take it hide it somewhere...", she started looking mischievous but trying to stay calm. She just looked so beautiful.

"He didn't know where to put it, so he just left it here", she continued and started moving towards the door. "Oh, not so fast, young lady", I said putting the chain down and moving quickly to block her way to the door. She stopped and looked at him biting the inside of her cheek. "Look, I am sorry, I wanted to give it back to you, but then I forgot about it.", she said trying to convince me, but she knew that she was screwed. "Mh, so you're agreeing that you were an accomplice in this prank, huh?", I said starting to walk towards her while she took the same number of steps back. "No! – I mean, yes, but it was not my-", she started but I already caught up on her and started tickling her, fingers digging into her sides mercilessly. 

She screeched and wound herself in my arms, but she also knew that I was stronger than her. I only recently found out that she was ticklish, as we were shooting the consummation scene a few weeks ago. I remembered how she was trying not to breathe as my fingers danced around her stomach and hip. She didn't know how much impact her actions had on me. I had almost kissed her for real on set that day.

"Hahaha, st- stooooop, please, Zain!", she screamed and moved around to get away from me. Of course, I didn't let her go, this was way too much fun. "This is punishment", I said laughing but really enjoying the way she was struggling. She tried for a bit, but I could say that she was getting tired. "Okay, please, have mercy, I'll do anything you want", she said out of breath and caught my hand and held it tightly. 

I stopped torturing her and she turned to face me, her eyes a little teary from laughing so much and her hair quite a mess, but nonetheless, she looked breathtaking to me. Without realizing I raised one of my hand and brushed some strands of her hair behind her ear, making her look up at me with a surprised expression on her face. "You said, you'll do anything?", I asked again, my heart still thundering in my chest.

She nodded and took a deep breath. "Will you tell me why you were upset with me?", I asked her, knowing the answer already, but I wanted to make sure.

She looked at me a little confused, because she probably thought that I would ask her something else. Again, she sighed and looked down, smiling slightly. Damn, this girl doesn't have any idea what she's putting me through. My whole being was aching to be close to her. 

"I was upset because you have been acting weird lately.", she admitted and looked back up at me, her brown orbs still confused and trying to understand what was going on.

It was silent for a bit. "Can I ask you something, too?", she said, and I knew what she wanted to ask, so I just answered:

"I am falling for you".

Her eyes went big and she opened her lips, but no sound left her mouth and her cheeks started to get even more pink which clearly signalled me that I was not assuming things.

Aditi's POV:

"We shouldn't", I said, feeling his thumb running small circles on the back of my hand he was holding. "Yeah", I hear him whisper, as he came a little closer, our feet almost touching. "Th- there are so many reasons...", I continued, his close proximity making me nervous but not in a bad way, he never made me uncomfortable. My breath hitching as one of his hand came to rest on my hip, his fingers starting to caress the exposed skin there because my shirt had ridden up due to the wrestling session a few minutes ago. 

"Hmm", he mumbled, "for example...", he bent down and at the same time, he lifts my hand he was holding up, to put it on his shoulder – "You're actually not my type", he continued. I huffed slightly, and I unconsciously licked my lips after which I heard him curse under his breath. He pulled me closer to him. Out of reflex, I put my hands on his chest and was able to feel his strong heartbeat under my palm.

Feeling a little bold, I looked up at him, blushing at the way his eyes helplessly flickered down to my lips and back to my eyes, and I mumbled: "You're actually not my type either". He only moved closer so that our noses were brushing against each other, and I felt his hot breath against my lips sending chills down my spine. "Are you sure?", he asked, his voice turned husky and I felt his hands splaying out dangerously low on the small of my back. 

This time his eyes were lingering on my lips and I knew that there was no turning back anymore. I understood that he was only waiting for my answer which would be equal to my permission to do what he was about to do. At this point, I was too overwhelmed to think about all the possible reasons why this was indeed not a good idea. Throwing all my doubts overboard and sick of dancing around each other, I gave in.

"Yes.", I said and before the word even left my mouth, he bent down and captured my lips in gentle kiss.

His lips were a little chapped but so warm and sweet, I felt goose bump erupting all over my body, not to mention the butterflies in my stomach. I heard him sigh against my lips and slowly broke off a little but didn't let go of me. "A- are you going to say sorry again?", I whispered keeping my eyes closed, remembering the last time they got this close, he immediately apologized in regret.

I slightly opened my eyes just to see into his hazel orbs which were overflowing by desire and affection making my breath stutter. Even though I saw him countless times looking at me like that, this time it was completely different. This time, I knew it was not acting, I knew it was fully directed towards me, not for the cameras or other cast members around, it was just us, all alone. If my heart wasn't already beating in a fast pace, it would be working on overdrive right now.

"No, it's just-", he started, but then he made a frustrated sound, moving closer and kissing the little mole right above my upper lip, making me gasp as his bottom lip caught my upper one in the process. I closed my eyes again at the intensity this situation was getting. "I- I am afraid that I cannot hold back anymore if you don't stop me now", he mumbled, grazing his cheek against mine, causing me to grip his shirt tighter at the tingling feeling.

Author's POV:

There were so many situations in which they were this close due to their job, they would be lying to themselves if they hadn't thought about how it would be or feel like to actually kiss each other. Never in their wildest dreams however, did they expected it to be this powerful. 

This wasn't love or affection at first sight, they had to build this relation and overcome many obstacles to stand here in front of each other. So, she could understand what might be at stake if they crossed that line. On one hand, they couldn't deny that there was something more than just friendship that had developed between them. 

But what if this only happened because they had worked together almost every single second of last year when they weren't sleeping. Would they be in each other's company if it weren't for the show? On the other hand, however, one could also ask if they hadn't already crossed the line a few minutes ago. If they decided to stop now, and pretend as if none of this happened, will they be able act normal around each other?

They both were in relationships before that didn't work out because of misunderstandings, weak communication or because they got influenced by people getting in their mind, telling them what to do. They both went through disappointments and regrets and got hurt, so at this point she knew that if they were to continue, they were in for the long run, especially since he claimed that in front of everyone. So, him asking her to stop him was not only directed for the sake of her, but also as a way out for her in order to protect himself.

Despite all the questions and reasons, she couldn't deny how good the kiss felt and just the fact that he has been so considerate around her lately makes her feel incredibly safe and happy. She realised that he has been acting weird because he had to be thinking about it for a very long time before approaching her and letting her know what his intentions are. 

His otherwise impulsive behaviour which she couldn't quite wrap her head around when they first met was nowhere to be found since now, he made a conscious effort to do what was necessary in order to maintain everyone's well-being. This development made her admire him more and more throughout their time spent together. 

So, all in all, was it worth to take this risk and go for it?


I have no precap yet, but I will put something up as soon as I have something. 

The more feedback, the more motivation as always ;). 

please let me know what you think, I really appreciate it!

Thank you again for reading! See you next time :)!

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