Chapter 5: The Howling Truth

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"SHE'S AWAKE! Gerard, she's awake!"

"Keep it down will you?" Dad's scruffy voice boomed throughout the room. "My ears are working perfectly fine, woman."

Having got pulled back to earth, my parents' bickering sounded distant.

"M-mom?" Her petite figure was blurry, but I managed to made out her silhouette just fine.

"Sweetie, how's your head?"

"Fine I guess?" My vision returned.

Observing my surroundings, I was laying on the couch in our living room. Nobody else was here except for my parents.

"Do you remember what happened?" Dad sat on the edge of the couch. His blue eyes keenly scanned over my face. We shared the same shade of blue. Icy blue.

"Yeah? I went for a shortcut but-"

Creature. Bipedal. Cal. Wolf.

"But what?" He pestered.

"Nothing. I dreamed about seeing a weird guy in an ugly balding furry costume," maybe it was just a dream. One of those realistic nightmares.

"You saw it too didn't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"That creature. The lycan," he stood up and crossed his arms.

"I-it's real?" Someone must've spiked his drink with a strong dose of cocaine too.

"I saw it. You saw it. Your mother saw it. Everyone saw what you saw."

"Impossible," I scoffed, "I saw a man turn into an animal, dad," before cracking into a fit of laughter.

People could be worse than animals sometimes, but to actually be one?

"He's serious," mom also looked at me with a straight face. "This is exactly what we came here for."


"Look, we're sorry to keep this from you for a very long time," dad began. "We tried everything we could to make sure you live a normal life."

"But we cannot force you to become something that you're not. Reality changed our perspective, sweetie," mom added. "We can't change your blood."

"What are you talking about?" I laughed it off.

"It means you're not human, love," another voice entered the room.

Upon seeing his face, my face flushed redder than a tomato. Sinful memories started to repeat itself in my mind.

"What is he doing here?" Dad showed that he was clearly displeased with Cal's presence.

"Gerard," mom said in a warning tone.

"I'm not human?" It seemed like Johnny English forgot to take his daily meds. "Is this a prank?"

"No. Sweetie, you're a werewolf."

"Werewolf? Didn't you just say lycan?" I averted my gaze back to dad.

"That bipedal wolf-like creature is a lycan, but us, we're werewolves."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"A werewolf will transform into a lycan if he or she consumes human flesh," dad explained slowly. "But if we stay clear of human flesh, we'll remain as true wolves. Werewolves."

"You know I'm not stupid right?" This bullshit was getting out of hand. "You guys sure this isn't some mass schizophrenic shit?"

"See? She doesn't believe me," dad let out a desperate chuckle. "Fine, let's take a look outside then."

Both of them walked towards the back porch. Leaving me alone with Cal who was busy staring at my face with a half-smile tugging on his lips.


"Nothing," he offered his hand. "Shall we?"

I warily took his hand and attempted to stand up, not before stumbling onto his hard chest.

"Easy there," he murmured, hugging my waist. "I won't go anywhere."

How can he look at me in the eyes and behaved as if nothing happened? This guy acted like we were together.

Shaking my head, we walked side by side all the way to the back porch where everyone was waiting eagerly, with the exception of dad who was glaring daggers at Cal.

But Cal seemed unfazed.

"Kyros!" He barked out an unfamiliar name.

A tanned bulky man with dark shoulder-length hair stepped out from the group. Kyros stood around 6'1 ft and excelled his stubbled look. He gave us a small nod as a sign of acknowledgment.

"You may start."

With permission from Cal, the man before my eyes went down on all fours and slowly morphed into a giant black wolf with painful cracks and unexplainable bone movements. Previously, his irises were so dark, it looked like I was staring into a pair of black holes. But now, the creature looked at me with bright amber eyes.

My brain couldn't accept none of this magic crap, considering how my mind slowly went blank.

I was loosing my sanity.

"Sweetie, as you can see, he turned into a black wolf," mom explained while her hand attempted to rub calming circles on my back.

"T-there's racism in this too?"

"What? No! He became a black wolf because he's a gamma."

"A what?"

"A gamma. It means he's a soldier," dad responded, "a soldier will devote its life for the safety of its pack."

"If I'm not mistaken, there were six of them earlier," I referred to the remaining six.

"Everyone here are black wolves. They're all gammas," an all too familiar British accent stated.

"What about you?" I turned my body to face him fully. "You didn't turn into a black one."

"Of course he didn't," mom let out a small giggle. "Callahan here is what we call an alpha male."

"What?" Ridiculous. I was fairly certain everyone got the same schizophrenic disease. An infectious one.

"Both him and your father are alphas," she finished.

They're just crazy. We're all mad here.

I refused to say anything, which made mom signaled something towards Cal.

My ears picked up a quick cracking sound on my right and once I turned around, my eyes were face to face with a pair of amber irises.

A colossal grey wolf was staring deep into my soul, but somehow I don't feel threatened.

I must be insane.

"This is the true form of an alpha male," mom gave me a reassuring squeeze on my shoulders.

Unexpectedly, this grey wolf nuzzled its giant snout onto my neck. When it did that, I could hear a few gasps from the small crowd in the backyard.

"Dude, he finally found her," Kyros muttered to a dimpled African-American man who nodded in disbelief.

"Bro we're saved. He gone get his fair share of ass whoopin'," resulting in several nods of agreement from others.

Even though I didn't feel threatened. My logic refused to accept this. I shouldn't associate myself with a bunch of loonies. Hell, even my parents were part of this freak show.

"THE FUCK?" I backed away instinctively. "S-STAY AWAY. JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

My reaction caused an eerie quietness from everyone who cheered a few seconds ago.

"You heard her, boy!" Dad pulled me behind his back. He was displaying an aggressive stance towards the wolf.


Dad's face turned into disbelief.

"Gerard," mom understood the situation and grabbed his hand. Pulling him inside.

"Well, we're off for our night patrol," Alex ushered the rest of the guys out into the woods. "And good luck boss! You'll need it!" He whispered to Cal, but it was still loud enough for me to hear.

I was about to open my mouth to say something when mom came out holding a fresh towel robe.

"He'll need this when he shifts back," she whispered, her voice cracking. I knew what I said hit her differently. I never cursed at my parents, but they need a strong wake up call. Everyone did!

We were all hallucinating.

I was pretty damn sure of it.

After handing me the robe, she quickly disappeared into the cabin.

Refusing to head inside and face my demented parents, I decided to stay outside to calm myself. The sea of stars soothed my nerves a bit. It seemed to be working until someone decided to ruin the moment.

"Love?" His voice sounded soft and . . . Beaten.

I turned around and saw a fully naked man standing on my back porch looking like a Calvin Klein model who got robbed after his first photoshoot.

"God! Stop flashing innocent bystanders!" I attempted to threw the robe right into his face.

But the perfect Cal just had to caught it on time.

Damn reflexes.

" . . . I-"

"Shut up," I cut him off before he had the chance to finish his sentences. "I don't have time for you or any of this bullshit. Go away, Cal."

He was an extremely attractive man. Sadly, he believed crazy hallucinations like everyone else.

"Love, I'm-"

"And please stop calling me that," I folded my arms and sat on the bench. "I don't know what game you're playing by acting like we're together, but we're not. Let's face it. We just met. Earlier was just an accident."

"Fine," he paused. Forcing up a bittersweet grin. "Brooke."

"I understand why you're acting like this and I will give you the space you need," he ran his hand through his messy hair frustratedly. "But just know. When you take it all in, I'll be waiting for you."

"You're expecting me to believe a bunch of top-tier hallucinations? We're all under some kind of drug, aren't we?"

Cal almost took a step forward, but decided against it.

"No. This is the truth, love- Brooke. Time will tell."

"Wait- why are you being so nice? Are you hiding things from me?" I rolled my eyes. He was being too overly dramatic for someone who was practically deemed as a stranger.

"You don't understand," Cal shook his head as he stepped back. "Before I go, could you head back inside? I need to make sure you're safe."

I wanted to disobey him, but somehow, part of me refused. Deciding not to add anymore fuel to the roaring fire, I walked inside without much of a fuss.

"Good night, love."

Flashing me one last look, he gave me a small smile. But there was something about his smile that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

He looked . . . Hurt.

But why?


Finally! It had all been revealed! But her words hurt a certain someone *winced*.
Oh well, thanks for reading so far guys ❤️

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