04: food and drink

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The next day, Haesoo came to the school early as usual. She walked through the path while holding a few books on her arm and stopped on her way when she spotted Sunghoon who was standing at the gate of the school entrance while doing the daily check-up to other students since it was his job as a president. Haesoo couldn't believe that she saw Sunghoon at this time because he was always busy with his training and rarely came to school early like other students. It makes her nervous as the thing that happens between them yesterday crossed her mind again.

She shuts her eyes and took a deep breath before fastening her steps to the gate. At the same time, she almost fell on the ground when Jay bumped into her from behind on purpose. He left the girl behind without any guilt and crossed his arm with his body facing the girl.

"Fasten your step. Is your butt heavier than your body?" He spoke rudely.

"What's your problem?"

Jay grabbed one of the books from her arm,
"I can't believe you." He spoke up so loud causing other students to look at both of them.

"Did you bring man's magazine to the school? I can't believe you."

Haesoo gasped and immediately shook her head to everyone who was watching her. They widened their eyes, held their laughter, and fastened their steps into the school making Jay laugh at Haesoo.

She shook her head again, telling everyone that it was a misunderstanding, and quickly ran towards Jay before hitting him on his back causing him to groan in pain.

"You're so crazy, Jay."

Jay let her walk first and teased her by bumping into her again.

Haesoo was so annoyed. She turned her body facing him and hit his head with her books.
Jay groaned in hurt but it didn't stop him from fighting her back. He quickly grabbed her wrist, stopped her from running away, and tried to hit her head by doing the same thing she did to him.

They ran through the path, ignoring everyone who was watching them. Haesoo groaned and rubbed her head when Jay hurt her quite harder than she did.

"That hurts!" She looked at him with widened eyes.

"It's tied."He replied.

Haesoo ignored him and stopped at the gate when Sunghoon stood in front of her, just letting Jay go into the school without any check-up since he knew that it will be so waste of time if he asks the guy to follow the school rule.

"Good morning." She bowed politely.

"Good morning too. Can I check on something?" Sunghoon smiled at her as she nodded.

Sunghoon took a step closer to her, bending his body lower to her height.

He reached his hand to her name tag and necktie.
"Everything is good."

He patted her shoulder.
"Now you can continue reading the man magazine."

Haesoo pouted her lips and shook her head,
"I didn't read that."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded without any hesitation.
"Jay was just trying to destroy me."

She explained again, "I don't know what's wrong with him. I know that it's my fault for creating a mess with him but I thought it has already been done."

"I don't know what he--"

Sunghoon chuckled and shook his head before patting her head softly,
"I'm just kidding, Nam Haesoo."

He reached his hand to her shoulder and looked into her eyes,
"I know that you will never do that."

"You're a good girl. I know it just by looking at your face." He smiled and patted her shoulder, allowing her to go.

"Thank you, Sunghoon."

He nodded, watching her leave.

Haesoo couldn't say any words. She shook her head and back to her sense before fastening her steps to the classroom. She shook her head, again and again, keeping in her mind that Sunghoon was just treating her likely because they were classmates and not more than friends.

Haesoo didn't want to hurt herself by expecting too high on something impossible to get.

fell in love with Sunghoon was giving her mixed feelings. Sometimes, her feeling for that guy was just like a fan and an idol. Just loving, but not expecting to have them and live with them for the rest of their life. Just watching him from far, admiring whatever he did without him knowing and supporting him from behind, just seeing him grow up.

That's how she fell for him, but day by day, she started to feel so different.
Her feeling for him was not a joke anymore.
She fell for him for real and couldn't help herself from keeping falling.

Haesoo likes Sunghoon not because of his looks. She likes him just because it is him.
She loves the little part of him. His smile, his dimple, the way he treats his friends, and always being so fair to everyone.

It's so hard to find that kind of guy.

A guy who is polite to elders. A guy who has good communication with everyone. A guy who respects everyone. A guy who is good at handling things.

she loves him for that.
she loves every part of him while the others was loving him for his looks.

Haesoo stopped on her way and took a glance at Sunghoon for the last time before she went into the classroom.


    It was lunchtime and Haesoo didn't have a partner to eat with since Hyuri didn't attend school due to her broken arm. So, Haesoo just decided to stay in the classroom while studying some topics that she has trouble with. At the same time, she spotted Jay and his friends were walking past the classroom while laughing and teasing some students who were in the lower grade as them.

She fixed her eyes on him and looked away when he caught her. Jay then rolled his eyes and continue walking with his friends.

After a few minutes of doing the work alone, Haesoo rests her head on the table with her eyes glued to the sky. She yawned and shook her head to keep herself awake. As she was about to fall asleep, she groaned when someone hit her on the head. Haesoo immediately tilted her head and sighed when it was Jay.

"Jay, what's wrong with you?" She mumbled.

Jay dragged a chair and sat in front of her. He put a lot of food on the desk, unwrapped it one by one meanwhile Haesoo was just watching him without saying anything.

Jay took a bite of the sandwich,
"It's so delicious."

Haesoo tucked her lips and pretended like she didn't care even though she was starving.

Jay continues eating snacks,

"Hey." He called her and she waited for him to speak.

"Do you want some?" He handed the food to her.

Haesoo was hesitated and nodded.

"Can I have them...?"

Jay laughed and stood up from his seat, grabbed all of the food.

"How is my eating show?"

"Why should I share it with you?" He chuckled and went back to his seat without any guilty.
Haesoo sighed heavily and pretended to sleep because she was so mad at him for teasing her when she was so starving for food.


Haesoo groaned, didn't listen to Jay.

"Do you have the man magazine that you bring this morning?"

"It's not a man magazine--"

"It looks like the man magazine to me."

"Why do you need them?"

"You know the reason." He calmly replied.

Haesoo shook her head.
"It's not a man magazine but if you still want it, it's on my bag."

Jay grabbed her bag, trying to search for the magazine that he talked about.

Knock Knock

Haesoo sighed more and more.

"What now, Jay?" She tilted her head and tucked her lips when it was Sunghoon.

She quickly cleared her throat and sat properly while fixing her hair, "I'm sorry. I thought you're Jay."

Sunghoon chuckled. "It's okay."


Haesoo hummed as responded.

"What are you going to do after school?"

"I have nothing to do other than go home and sleep. Why, Sunghoon?"

"Do you want to go to the library? Just accompany me when I'm doing my work for the school festival."

"As you know, Hyuri was resting. So, I have trouble doing the work without her and need to carry a lot of things with me."

He continued, "So, can you accompany me today? I need someone to talk to and I think, it's great to be with you."

Haesoo became so nervous and hesitated to reply.

"Why didn't you ask--"

Sunghoon cut her off, "Because I only believe in you."

He chuckled as he saw her blank looks.

"I believe Hyuri, Yedam, and Jisung as well..."

"But, I believe in you more."

"I don't know how to explain this but I truly mean what I said before."

"So, can we go to the library together?"

He grinned, showing his dimple as he was so proud of himself for successfully telling the girl what he wanted to say without stuttering or being nervous.

Haesoo chuckled at how humble Sunghoon was and nodded, "Alright, Sunghoon. Thank you for the great words."

He shyly nodded and went back to his seat while smiling like an idiot.


"Everyone, hand me the essay that I asked you to do last Sunday." Mrs.Jang said.

Haesoo nodded and was surprised when her bag was lost from her sight. She looked around the classroom and realized that Jay took her bag when she was pretending to sleep.

"Jay, where's my bag?" She whispered anxiously.

Jay looked at her while pouting his lips and after a minute, he shook his head. Jay stood up from his seat, was about to hand the essay to the teacher. Haesoo was speechless. She stood up from her seat, went towards Jay's desk and tried to search for her bag but it wasn't there.

"Nam Haesoo, where's your essay?" Mrs.Jang asked Haesoo in front of the whole classroom causing everyone to look at her.

Sunghoon raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"I lost my bag," Haesoo replied.

"What a lame excuse, Haesoo." Mrs.Jang replied making others laugh.

"It's not an excuse. Look at here. I don't know where my bag is."

"You hid it before the class started right?"

Haesoo was speechless again,
"Mrs.Jang, Jay was hiding--"

Jay cut her off,
"Why should I hide it? Your bag is not even from Gucci."


"Haesoo, detention after school."

"But--" Haesoo looked at Sunghoon.

Sunghoon stood up too,

"Detention." Mrs.Jang replied strictly.

Haesoo took a glance at Jay who walked past her.

"I don't like you, Jay."

Jay smiled.

"I don't dislike you too."


"Sorry, Sunghoon. The detention ruined everything. I hope you already found a great friend to accompany you after school."

Sunghoon shook his head, "It's okay, Haesoo. I will do the work alone."

"I feel so bad."

He laughed, "You don't need to, Haesoo. I think you need to go to the detention room now. Mrs.Jang will be so mad at you."

Haesoo laughed along and nodded,
"I will go first, Sunghoon. Goodbye."

"Goodbye too, Haesoo."

Sunghoon waved his hand to her and left the classroom.

Haesoo pinched her head, trying to find her bag when the others were leaving. She went around the classroom, ran to the balcony and the locker site. She sighed and continue looking for her bag.

She ran through the hallway and went behind the school building where she caught Jay and his friends were doing the vandalism after she got caught for peeking at Sunghoon secretly.

"Here it is!" She let out a big relief and grabbed her bag before sitting on the ground while gasping for breathing because she was so exhausted.

"Jay, you dumbass." She wiped her sweats and hugged her bag.

"Why is this so heavy?" She mumbled in confusion and tried to lift her bag. She groaned when it was heavier than it used to be. So, she took the bag away from her arm and unzipped the bag.

"What---" She looked at the snack and drink on her bag blankly.

She took out all of them and was surprised when there were a lot of snacks and drinks in her bag. There was a lot of milk with different flavors, potato chips, candies, and brownies.

"Jay..." She mumbled in disbelief and took the note that Jay left in her bag.

"Why the hell you didn't have your lunch?

Don't ever let your stomach starve or I'll hide this ugly bag far away from where you expected.

Finish them all, dummy.

You waste my money on these.

- Your mom, Jay."

Haesoo didn't know how to feel right now. She had no idea if she need to be so thankful or mad at him for teasing her this way. She fixed her eyes on the snack and drink that he bought for her.

After a minute, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't understand you, Jay." She mumbled and put everything on the bag before going to the detention room.

"Nam Haesoo, go to the detention room right now!"Haesoo stopped in the hallway as she was so shocked to see Mrs.Jang who was waiting for her in front of the detention room.

"Alright, Mrs.Jang--"

"Let go, Haesoo."

Haesoo widened her eyes when Sunghoon suddenly appeared and held her wrist.


Sunghoon chuckled, and held her wrist tighter,
"Can you run?" He asked her while gasping for breathing.

"Park Sunghoon, what are you doing with Nam Haesoo--"

Haesoo looked at Mrs.Jang who was approaching them.

"She is going towards us, Sunghoon."

"Let's run!" Sunghoon ran together with Haesoo, ignoring Mrs.Jang.

They ran towards the parking lot without letting go of each other's hands. As their eyes met, they couldn't help but laugh at how silly they were.

Sunghoon immediately turned on the engine of his bike and wore a helmet on her,

"Get on my back." He said and wore his helmet, waiting for her to get on his bike.

Haesoo nervously nodded and got on his bike.

"Hold me tightly." Sunghoon held her hand and put it around his waist.

"Let's go, Nam Haesoo!" Sunghoon laughed along with Haesoo and speed up the bike, going far away from the school.


𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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