09: dream

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"Haesoo, when are you going to wake up?"

Haesoo suddenly woke up from her sleeping and was confused when her eyes spotted Jay who was just arrived home after helping his friends to catch the creepy guy earlier. She rubbed her eyes and realized that every scene that she made with him earlier was just a dream.

Haesoo brushed her hair, "It's a dream." She sighed in relief and leaned her back against the couch with her eyes glued at every step of Jay.

Jay went towards her, "Do you still want to go home at this time?" He took a glance at the clock on the wall. It was almost 3 in the morning and it was so quiet outside the house since everyone was sleeping. Haesoo parted her lips, thinking of the answer to his question.

"You should stay here."

"But I have something to do tomorrow."

"I know that you want to meet that guy."

Haesoo avoided his gaze on her as she got caught.

"We promised to meet at the competition day."

Jay scoffed. "Just stay here."

"But Jay--"

"Just sleep."

"What's the point of the question earlier?" Haesoo mumbled making Jay stop on his way.

"Sleep or I'll turn off the air conditioner."
He marks his words before going into the room
and shutting the door loudly causing Haesoo to be so surprised. She blankly looked at him and sighed before laying on the couch again, continuing sleeping since Jay asked her to.


The next few hours, Haesoo woke up early in the morning with the sound of birds was chirping at the balcony of the living room. She fold the blanket and arranged the pillow in one place. She got off the couch, headed to the kitchen as she heard someone was talking on the phone.

Haesoo watched Jay who was making breakfast
for both of them silently. She pouted her lips, suddenly the moment both of them were kissing in the dream crossed her mind making her almost scream. Haesoo immediately shut her mouth and knocked her head with her fist, telling herself to stop.

Glad that Jay was still focusing on the cooking, Haesoo grabbed the chance to look at him longer.

"Soohyun, stop calling me."

"I don't want it. I have told you. I don't want it."

"For my sake? What the fuck is that?"

"I have told you. I'm giving up."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Jay threw his phone away and continue making breakfast. He looked around the place, widened his eyes when he saw Haesoo who was still sleepy. She walked toward him without asking about what she heard earlier since she doesn't like to get into someone else's business. So, she was just pretending like she doesn't hear the conversation between Jay and Soohyun.

Haesoo smiled at Jay, "It seems so delicious."

Jay rolled his eyes, "These are mine."

She gasped, "Let's share."

"Why should I? Just ask for the ice prince guy to make this for you." He took off his apron and wore it on her, "Or you should just cook it for yourself." He tied the apron on her, smiling evilly just to tease her when she looks so surprised. Without wasting his time, he brought the food to the dining table, finished them alone.

Haesoo rolled her eyes. She opened the fridge, took an egg and a slice of spam. She cook the ingredients and made a simple sandwich by using the ingredients she used earlier.

"Jay, where are the chilli sauces?"

Jay didn't respond.

"Jay, do you have a cheese?"

Again, he didn't respond.

Haesoo sighed again. She looked around the kitchen and grinned when she finally found the sauces and cheese. She put the cheese on top of the spam and tried to put the sauces but she was failed when it was so hard to let the sauces out from the bottle. At the same time, Jay came to take his drinks. He opened the fridge, took a lot of drinks with him without minding Haesoo who was struggling alone.

"Jay, I need your help."

Haesoo tried again and shouted when sauces spit on her face when she raised the bottle to her face just to see if there is sauce in the bottle.

"My eyes."

"You dummy. Why did you do that?" Jay came quickly and brought her to the sink while Haesoo was shutting her eyes tightly while groaning in pain.

"I was just checking if there are any sauces left in the bottle."

"So stupid," Jay replied and wash a towel with warm water before wiping off the sauces from her eyes but Haesoo kept moving causing him to sigh.

"Stay still."

Haesoo didn't listen.

"Stop moving your tiny legs, stupid."

Haesoo groaned. "It's your fault."

"What the hell? Who the hell raise the bottle to their face just to see if there are any sauces left?"
Jay replied as he was annoyed.

Haesoo didn't reply, kept moving as she doesn't trust Jay.

Jay was frustrated. He then reached his hand to her waist, pulling her away and letting her body lean against the kitchen cabinet. Jay held her waist with his left hand while his right hand was wiping off the sauces from her eyes and face. Haesoo remained silent. She doesn't know how to respond because she was so nervous to see him that close. Again, the dream crossed her mind.

"Try to open your eyes," Jay said and she followed his words. She opened her eyes, gasped when he leaned his face closer to her. Jay reached his hand to her shoulder, gripped it tightly, so she wouldn't move away from him.

"Don't close your eyes." Haesoo hummed in response and tried hard to control her feeling when he leaned his face closer and closer until their pointy nose almost touch each other.

"Alright. Wait." He washed the towel again and wiped her eyes. "Is it still hurting you?" He asked curiously.

Haesoo blink her eyes and shook her head,
"Thank you so much."

Jay let go of her slowly but still didn't take a step away from her.

"Do you still want to go to the competition venue?" Jay asked, sounding so cold and deep making Haesoo realize that he was so serious now. Haesoo didn't want to pick any fight with him. So, she just replied to him by nodding her head.

"Let's go to see him together, Jay."

"I would rather play with babies instead of seeing his performance."

"Jay, let's go--"

"I would never do anything that related to that guy." He took a step to the fridge and took out some apples. He then stood next to Haesoo, cut it off one by one.

Haesoo looked at him.
"Why, Jay?"

"No reason."

"You're so complicated."

She shook her head, still watching him.

"How was last night?"

Haesoo raised her eyebrows in confusion.

Jay stopped cutting the apple and looked at her seriously.
"Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

Haesoo shook her head again.

"What are you talking about, Jay?"

Jay crossed his arm.

"Our kiss."

𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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