12: hair tie

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After a week of a short holiday, the school has opened again. Everyone went to the school with their friends happily, kept teasing and talking to each other on their way into the building. Haesoo has just arrived at the school by bus. She walked towards the gate alone with a few books on her arm and was surprised when she heard a loud noise from the basketball court.

"Park Sunghoon! Good luck!"

"You can do it, Park Sunghoon!"

Haesoo quickly went to the crowd, watching the match in amazement when she saw Sunghoon was leading the team. Sunghoon didn't realize that she was watching him for a long time because he was enjoying the match so much. Once he scored the goal, he opened his arm and got a big hug from his teammates. The others were cheering for him more, and it made him so happy.

"Jisung is injured! We need to change the player!" Sunghoon said with his arm wrapped around Jisung. Yedam quickly ran towards them, helping Sunghoon to bring Jisung to the emergency site.

The coach has stopped the match for five minutes, giving both teams a chance to take a rest or change their strategy. While the team was discussing their strategy, Sunghoon was the one who didn't care about the discussion. He kept looking around the place, looking for someone.

As soon as he spotted her, he smiled. so bright and sweeter than he used to.

he walked towards Haesoo with a big smile on his face and greeted her by patting her head. Everyone was looking at them in confusion. Some of them were adoring their interaction and a few of them were also talking bad about Haesoo because of their jealousy over the girl.

"You seem so happy, Sunghoon. You did so well too." Haesoo patted him on his shoulder as a way to congratulate him.

Hyuri watched them in silence. She sighed heavily, quickly left the place because the scene has spoiled her mood.

"It's been a long time since I haven't been a part of them. That's why I'm so happy." He chuckled and kept brushing his hair out of his face.

"Why didn't you cut your hair? It's getting long."

Sunghoon raised his eyebrows, "Why? Don't you like it?"

Haesoo was shy at his words, so she quickly changed her topic. "It will keep bothering you when you are running."

Sunghoon laughed, "What should I do, Haesoo? Should I go to the barbershop now?"

"I'm just saying, Sunghoon." She laughed back and pointed her finger at the coach who was telling the team to back to their position as the rest time has ended.

"Blue team has changed Jisung to Yedam!" Jihyeok spoke up.

"Red team has changed Minhee to Jay!"

Haesoo widened her eyes when she saw Jay get into the match. He went towards his position while tying his hair and accidentally made eye contact with Haesoo who was just a few meters away from him. She looked at him for a long time and lowered her head when he glared at her. Haesoo couldn't help but get so nervous when she saw him again.

After the night where Jay misunderstood about
Haesoo and Sunghoon, he stopped talking and calling for her. He completely changed into a different person now. Haesoo cleared her throat, called for him as she wanted to wish him luck but he was just glaring at her and changing his position, letting her face his back because he didn't want to see her.

Haesoo shut her mouth and gripped the books on her arm. As she was about to leave the place, Sunghoon suddenly stopped her by holding her wrist causing her to turn her body to face him again.

"Park Sunghoon, back to your position."

Sunghoon didn't listen to the coach. Everyone was looking at him, including Jay.

"Hey, Haesoo." He bends his body lower to her.

Haesoo looked into his eyes, "Why, Sunghoon?"

Sunghoon smiled at her, "May I?"

Before Haesoo could answer him, he immediately stopped her by reaching his hand to her ponytail. He stroked it, pulling the hair tie gently, letting her hair fall on her shoulder.

He then giggled with his eyes fixed on her hair tie, "Can I have this?"

Haesoo gasped, "What are you going to do with it...?"

He tied his hair by using her hair tie, "You said that my hair is long."

He patted her head like she was his puppy,
"So, please let me lend your hair tie."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh and became so soft after watching the scene. Every student around Haesoo kept patting her shoulder while teasing her playfully making her feel so shy. She lowered her head and lifted it when the match has started.

Jay watched Haesoo without saying anything
and quickly shifted his gaze away when she looked at him back.


"Hello, Haesoo!" Yedam greeted Haesoo happily. Haesoo smiled at him, slowly taking a step towards him who was with Sunghoon and Hyuri. She looked around the place, looking for Jisung.

"Where is Jisung?" Haesoo asked Hyuri anxiously.

"He went home. Don't worry. He will come to the school festival. It will be so boring without him." Yedam nodded as he was agreed with Hyuri.

"Haesoo, are you busy?" Sunghoon came towards Haesoo with some little boxes in his hand. Haesoo shook her head in response.
"I have done helping the teacher to decorate the hall. I don't know what to do next."

Sunghoon smiled, "Mind if I want to ask for your help, Haesoo?"

"Sure, Sunghoon. What do you want me to do?"

"Can you bring these boxes to the store? I need to have a small and short meeting with every president of clubs here."

Haesoo immediately nodded, grabbed those boxes with her. "It's okay, Sunghoon. I'm willing to help you since I have nothing to do. Everyone is busy preparing for the school festival. So, it's boring to be alone here."

"Thank you so much, Haesoo. Please be careful, okay?"

Hyuri approached Haesoo anxiously,
"Do you need my help, Haesoo? I can help you."

Yedam brought Hyuri with her.
"Help me, Hyuri. I can't do this shit." He complained while struggling to make origami for the art club's decoration.

Hyuri sighed, "You're such a stupid."
She sat next to him, teaching him to make origami. "Why do you need to do this? It's not that you're from the art club."

"It's because I want to--"

Hyuri hit him on the shoulder, "Stop lying."

Yedam shouted in pain, "What's wrong with you?!"

"Just tell me that you have a feeling on Jihee from the art club."

"Shut up, Hyuri!"

Haesoo laughed at both of them and bid goodbye to Sunghoon when he needed to leave for the meeting. Haesoo carried those boxes while walking to the store carefully.

Haesoo knocked on the door and was surprised when the door was unlocked. She carefully went into the store and dropped the box on the floor after she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh my god. Be careful."

Haesoo collected the box one by one while apologizing to the guy who was in the same room with her.

As soon as she lifted her head, she was surprised when it was Jay.

They made eye contact for a long time but Jay broke it off first. He moved away from her, pretending like he doesn't know her, and just continued arranging everything in the room to make it looks clean and neat again. Haesoo sighed slowly as Jay was ignoring her again. She didn't want to pull a fight with him because she know how stubborn and how bad his temper was when he fights with someone. So, she was doing her work alone without asking for help from Jay.

"Jay," Haesoo spoke up and approached him with a ribbon in her hand.

Jay didn't respond, just minding his business. She stood in front of him and waited for him to look at her. Jay grabbed the box with him, walked out of the room without replying to Haesoo.

"Jay." She called him softly, approaching him again.

"Jay, I want to tell you something."

Jay scoffed angrily, "What do you want? Can you just leave me alone?"

Haesoo was startled at how harsh and rude he was to her. She lowered her head, remaining cool because she didn't want to look weak in front of him. She held his hand, tying the red ribbon around his wrist like a bracelet.

"You came back healthy again. So, this is my gift for you." She smiled at him.

Jay sighed heavily and took it off before throwing it away right in front of her.

Haesoo widened her eyes, "Jay, what's wrong--"

"Do you think I need that? Do you think the red ribbon that you made could make me happy?"

"It's the stupidest thing I have ever seen today."

Haesoo muttered to him with tears escaping from her eyes, "Jay, I don't understand."

"Why are you so mad at me?"

She sniffed her nose as she cried in sobbing.
"I thought we are friends--"

"What friends, Haesoo? Have I ever asked you to be my friend? Have I ever told you that I want you to be with me? Have I told you that?"

Haesoo bit her lips, "Why did you treat me this way?"

Jay crossed his arm, "How do you want me to treat you then? Hold your waist? Stroke your hair and brush your cheeks like I used to do to you? Do you want me to carry you and put you close to me? Is that what you want?"

"Tell your ice prince to do those things then."

"Be in the same place with him without clothes on again. Touch his skin again. Look at his body again."

Haesoo stood closer to Jay, "What are you talking about, Jay? I was just helping him with his bruises. It's not that he purposely to do that in front of me."

Jay didn't give any reaction to her explanation.
"Just leave me alone." He put her away from him and held the doorknob.

"Jay, why are you so mad about this?"

Jay stopped on his way.

"Leave me alone or I will drag you out of here."

Haesoo grabbed the red ribbon again and stood in front of him.
"Jay, it's okay." She looked at him with teary eyes while tying the red ribbon on his wrist again.

"It's okay if you hate me."

"But Jay."

"Can you keep this with you?"

"I know how much you hate me."

"The way your eyes look at me. The way you spoke to me."

"I know you hate me a lot."

"I don't like being hated, Jay."

"But I know I shouldn't do anything about it."

"So, if you hate me or want to see me leave far away from you."

She sighed, "Then I will do that for your sake."

Haesoo looked at him straight into his eyes.
"So, please keep this bracelet with you."

"I'm sorry for my wrongdoing, Jay."

"I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for making you hate me."

"But Jay."

"I hope you know that I was so happy to meet someone like you."

"You're someone that I rarely see in someone else."

"Thank you for all the good things you have done to me."

She let go of his wrist, finally letting him go.

Jay looked at her for a long time and took a glance at the bracelet.

"Good. Now don't appear in front of me anymore."

He rolled his eyes and left the place without comforting Haesoo who was crying silently.


Haesoo hugged her legs and cried as loud as she could after Jay was leaving her alone without any hesitation. She let off of her feeling as no one could hear her and patted her chest to calm herself from being emotional again. Haesoo was hurting a lot. She didn't expect she will get hurt over someone's words to her, especially when that person is someone she feel so comfortable to be with.

even though he was harsh, rude, and sometimes, out of his mind, she couldn't deny that Jay also made her laugh at his silly jokes and take care of her in such many ways.

Haesoo looked at the screen of her phone for a long time, and let her phone keep ringing because she wasn't in the mood to answer the call. So, she mute the phone and threw it away before continuing to let go of her feeling until she fell asleep.


"Hey, why did you sleep here?" Haesoo suddenly woke up from her deep sleeping with her puffy face. She looked at Jiyoon in confusion, "What time is now?"

"It's almost 6 pm."

"Did everyone already leave?" Haesoo grabbed her phone and stood up while fixing her clothes. Jiyoon shook her head in response,
"Everyone is still staying because there's still a lot of things to be done. Don't worry, your friends are still here. I just saw them a few minutes ago."

"Is it Jay?"

Jiyoon shook her head, "Jay and Sunghoon have just left. I bumped into them earlier."

Haesoo nodded, "Thank you, Jiyoon. I need to go first."

"Don't sleep here, okay? It's hot." Haesoo chuckled, heading to the door.


She stopped on her way, turning her body to face Jiyoon who was pointing her finger at Haesoo. "It's cute."

Haesoo was so confused, "What do you mean?"

"Your hair tie." Haesoo finally realized.

She reached her hand to her hair...
"But I didn't have a hair tie with me..."

"What do you mean? You wore a hair tie right now."

"Sunghoon took my hair tie--" She was so confused when Jiyoon was right. She pulled off the hair tie from her ponytail and looked at the thing in confusion.

"Who was just wearing this on me?" Haesoo asked Jiyoon curiously with her eyes fixed on the pink love hair tie on her hand.

pink love hair tie.

she never had them and never bought them before.

"It's still cute." Jiyoon chuckled and left the place, leaving Haesoo speechless.

"This is so strange."


"Haesoo, so--" Sunghoon smiled before continuing talking to Haesoo who was looking at him with her puffy eyes. "Are you okay?" He chuckled and took off his jacket before wrapping it around her. Haesoo nodded in response,

"What should I do at the school festival, Sunghoon?"

"Haesoo, I have chosen you to hand the flower to everyone that attends the festival as a way to thank them for attending our school's biggest program."

"It's better to give them to the elders too." Haesoo smiled, so happy to receive that kind of work. She just needs to approach people and give them flowers. She also doesn't need to move a lot and work harder since it is an easy task to do.

Sunghoon looked at Hyuri, "You can help Haesoo, Hyuri."

Haesoo smiled at Hyuri as she was happy to do the task with her.

"Is there anyone who wants to be a mascot for the school festival? I know that it's a hard task to do since you need to move a lot and entertain everyone around you but we have no choice because the principal wants us to do this. Don't worry, we just need one volunteer! So, our program will be complete and entertaining." Sunghoon spoke in the front, holding the microphone while waiting for someone to volunteer themselves to be a mascot.

No one raised their hand.

"Anyone?" Hyuri spoke up and again, no one volunteered themselves.

"I heard that there will be a new student from our class. We should ask her about this." Minhee spoke in the middle of the crowd.

"Our class?" Sunghoon asked him in confusion.

"Yes! It's a girl! I think she will do a great job."

"But it seems so rude to ask for a new student to hold a hard task." Yedam interrupted.

"Then you should do the hard task!"

Yedam shouted, "No way!"

Everyone laughed.

"It's okay. Let's hold this first." Sunghoon smiled.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. Have a good rest!"

Everyone left the hall happily, got so excited to go home after a long time of working for the school festival. Hyuri smacked Yedam on the head, telling him to treat her food before going home. They turned her body facing Haesoo and Sunghoon, bidding them goodbye before losing from their sight.

Now, it was just Haesoo and Sunghoon in the hall. They faced each other and chuckled as their eyes met.

"Do you want to have dinner with them?"

Haesoo shook her head, "I'm fulled."

"Alright. Then, what are you planning to do tonight?" They walked out of the hall together and Haesoo stopped on her way when the basketball caught her attention. She held it, threw it to Sunghoon.

"You forgot to put them back in the store." She muttered and was confused when Sunghoon got into the court. He reached his hand higher with the ball in his hand and scored the goal perfectly.

Haesoo approached him amazed.

"You scored them in one shot. That's so good."

Sunghoon blushed at her words and threw the ball to her. "You should try, Haesoo."

Haesoo nodded and followed what Sunghoon taught her. She gripped the ball, lifted her toes before throwing it into the goal but she failed to score it.

"It's good but you need to lift your arm higher."
Sunghoon gave the ball to her, nodding when Haesoo did what he asks her to. She fixed her eyes on the goal, score it perfectly like how Sunghoon did.

"I did it." She chuckled and made a high five with Sunghoon.

"Now, try to take this ball from me," Sunghoon said and teased her by showing his skills to her. Haesoo groaned, "It's not fair."

Sunghoon laughed, "Alright, I will take the ball from you." He gave her the ball and took a few steps away from her before the game starts.

Haesoo bumps the ball. laughing when Sunghoon was struggling to take the ball from her. "You're playing easily with me!"

"Then, do you want me to show you my skills?"

Haesoo scoffed, "Your skills didn't scare me. I'm already skilled." She laughed again.

Sunghoon suddenly showed his skills. He fastened his steps towards her, stole the ball from her arm easily causing her to be surprised and lost her words. Haesoo didn't give up. She ran towards him, jumping as high as she can when he raised his hand to tease her.

Haesoo jumped again and suddenly ticked Sunghoon on the stomach causing him to laugh so hard. He threw the ball away, continuing laughing when she didn't stop. He held her shoulder, put her away from him, and looked into her eyes.

"You can't tickle me. It's not fair."

"It's fair to me." She sticks out her tongue.

"Then, it's fair to me too." Sunghoon smiled evilly, ticked her on the stomach.

"Sunghoon, it's not fair!" She laughed.

"You started it first!"

"It's poking me!"

Haesoo held his shoulder, trying to pull him away. Sunghoon looked at her with a big smile on his face and pulled her into his embrace before they fell to the ground together.

Sunghoon chuckled when she shouted,
"It's not fair."

She lay next to Sunghoon with her body facing the sky. He took a glance at her, leaning his body closer to her back.

They went silent as they were too focused on the sky.

"It's a hard day," Haesoo muttered while cleaning the sweat from her forehead.

"Not anymore, right?"He teased her.

"Sunghoon, you're such a fool."

"Haesoo, you're such a fool too."

They laughed at each other's jokes and accidentally faced each other.

Haesoo couldn't help but giggled meanwhile Sunghoon was just staring into her eyes, adoring her silently.

"Sunghoon, you look so different this close."

Sunghoon patted her head, slowly reaching his hand to her cheeks, "You look so much pretty."

He smiled, too shy to say what he feels about seeing her. "The way your hair bouncy when you walk to the school. The way you just lift your lips, turning into smiling made me melt so fast."

Haesoo blankly looked at him,
"Sunghoon, we are just joking around. Why do you seem so serious?"

Sunghoon raised his eyebrows, "I'm not joking. You're pretty." He cleared his throat.

He leaned his body closer to her look into her eyes without saying anything. They looked at each other for a long time, feeling like it was just both of them in this world.

Sunghoon suddenly placed a kiss on her cheeks causing her to look at him surprisingly.

"Sunghoon--" She gasped.

Sunghoon brushed his hair out of his face, glued his at the sky as he was so embarrassed by himself.

"I'm so shy." He muttered.

Haesoo still looks at him.

"Hey, don't look at me." He face-palming himself, so she couldn't see his red cheeks.
Haesoo was just nodding her head, shutting her mouth because she was so nervous after the scene earlier.

They went silent until Sunghoon spoke again.



"Your hair tie."

Haesoo waited for him to speak.

"It's cute."

"where did you buy that?"

𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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how are you guys? i hope you have a great day!^^

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