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  "Secretary Lee, I'm with Nam Haesoo. We are heading the downstairs from 18th floor. The electricity is currently cut off. Please take her to the entrance."

Haesoo held Jake's hand tightly as she couldn't see the stairs because the place was completely dark. She was sweating so bad on her way to going downstairs from the upper floor until at one point, she could blank out because of her blood pressure and weak body. Jake was still talking to his secretary on the phone, and after he has done, he used the flashlight to find a way to go downstairs.

She know that she wasn't supposed to be curious about this at this kind of moment, but her curiosity kept telling her to speak up.

"Chairman Shim, How do you know my name?"

Jake suddenly stopped on his way, didn't bother turning his body to face her at all. He lowered his head, "My friend told me about you."

"Which friend...?"

Haesoo tucked her lips, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't butt into your business."

Jake didn't reply and took a glance at her who was gasping for breathing as she was so tired.

"We have 4 floors left. Don't give up." He mumbled.

His eyes widened when Haesoo suddenly slipped from the stairs and fell to the floor while groaning in pain. She pinched her head as she got so dizzy and shut her eyes while taking a deep breath. "I don't think I can continue anymore."

Jake immediately fell on his knee and took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the blood on her forehead. Haesoo faced Jake who was right in front of her and kept blinking her eyes to keep her awake. Jake pressed the handkerchief to stop the bleeding and ended up wrapping it around her forehead before tying it.

"It hurts." She mumbled.

I'm here." Jake replied.

"I'm here."

"I will always be with you from now on."

Haesoo looked at his face for a long time,
"Am I hallucinating?" She asked him in confusion.

"Why did I see Jay in you, Chairman Shim?"

"Is it because of my head?"

"You look alike Jay."

"Like the same as him."

"Nam Haesoo, I don't understand what you are talking about," Jake responded, immediately pulling her on his back.

"Don't say anything. Let me bring you to Secretary Lee."

Haesoo tucked her head on his shoulder, got dizzy after talking too much and after a minute, she passed out on his back.


"Oh god, you're so clumsy."  Sunghoon placed a bowl of porridge on the table and sat next to Haesoo who has just woken up from her long sleep. At the same time, Yedam and his friends went into the house with a lot of food in their arms just to cheer up Haesoo who got sick.

"It's 4 hours before the festival. I should get prepared." Haesoo put the porridge away and took a step toward her room.

"It's okay. You can come to the festival at 8 pm."

"I'm not the visitor. I'm a part of PJS and I need to handle something---"

Nami cut her off, "Chairman Shim permitted you. It's okay if you want to stay at home or come to the festival as a visitor."

"Nami, why aren't you going yet? You're a part of SHone too."

"And also, Hyuri."

Nami replied, "We aren't going if you're not going. Even though my dad will get mad at me, I still want us to be together."

"Hawoon, you need to be with the head of the department, right?" Haesoo asked Hawoon curiously, suddenly getting so scared after mentioning the head of the department.

"If Nami isn't coming with me, I will not come too."

Sunghoon rolled his eyes as he got annoyed to see the lovely couple.

Yedam just shook his head, "Don't think about work, Haesoo. You burden yourself too much. You got less sleeping and look so sick after skipping your meal."

"Take this chance to rest," Jisung adds.

"Night festival is an important night for me," Haesoo mumbled.

"I don't want all of my efforts in these 3 months to be so useless and wasteful."

Sunghoon took the spoon, and feed the porridge into her mouth as a way to comfort the girl from crying over her work.

Jisung lowered his head, "Attending the festival is my dream, but since Haesoo is sick."

He continued, "I will not go to."

"It's okay. We can go to the festival next two years." Yedam adds.

Hyuri spoke up, "Haesoo if you're good. We can go together. Don't force yourself if you're sick."

Jiyoon and Soohyun nodded.

" Will you go to the festival if I'm coming with you?" Haesoo asked them curiously.

"Of course." They nodded.

"But if you're sick, we can stay with you," Soohyun said.

Haesoo looked at Sunghoon,

"It depends on you, Nam Haesoo. We are good with everything."

Haesoo rubbed the bandage on her forehead,
and smiled.
"Since Yedam and Jisung want to go to the festival so bad."

"Let's go together tonight."

Sunghoon patted her head, "Are you good with it? How about your sickness?"

"It's okay. The night festival will be held once a year. We should entertain each other no matter what."

"Alright. Tell me if you feel so sick. I will stay by your side." He feed the porridge into her mouth and smiled when their eyes met.

Hawoon spoke up, "Let's get ready. Wear a beautiful outfit. Me, as one of the head department's family, Your ticket is on me."

Yedam and Jisung shouted making Hyuri annoyed while Soohyun just giggled watching them.

"Let's eat first. I'm hungry." Nami said happily before serving all of the food on the table.

Haesoo looked at Sunghoon and ended up chuckling when her eyes met him.

"You, why did you leave your work?" She asked him and fixed her position, facing the television while finishing the porridge.

Sunghoon sat next to Haesoo until their shoulders touched, "For you."

Haesoo was annoyed before slapping him on his shoulder. "How many times do you want to leave your work for me?"

"Do you want to know what did I say to my seniors?"

Haesoo nodded.

"There's an emergency at your house. So, as a doctor, I used my advantage to see you and spend my time with you."

Haesoo shook her head in disbelief,
"You're a surgeon."

"I'm still a doctor."

"Yedam and Jisung can help me, Sunghoon. Hawoon can also help me if something happens at the office."

Sunghoon whined, resting his head on her shoulder while hugging her left arm.
"Why are you stopping me from seeing you?"

"I'm not stopping you." She pushed him away but he refused to let her go.

"But you're a surgeon and you have a lot of work to do. What if you get an emergency call? Will you stay with me longer and leave the call as nothing happens?"

"I don't want to listen to you." He replied.

"You're not listening to me, right?"

"I want to take care of you. Don't stop me." He mumbled.

"Sunghoon." She patted his head.

"Thank you."

"For what?" He asked.

"For everything." They chuckled.


"Angel, I'm on my way to the festival. Is everything going well there?" Haesoo spoke on the phone and got in the car when Sunghoon arrived at her house.

She greeted Sunghoon with a sweet smile, and continue talking to Angel after waving her hand to her friends who will go to the festival with Hawoon and Yedam.

Haesoo was busy talking to Angel as she didn't notice that she still wasn't wearing the seatbelt. Sunghoon sighed, and slowly leaned her body closer to her causing her to be so surprised.

He got on top of her, and gently touched her shoulder with his right hand was adjusting the seat. Haesoo didn't reply to Angel at all because she was so speechless to see Sunghoon that close. He leaned his face next to her ear, suddenly whispering causing her to get goosebumps.

"Keep talking, Haesoo. Why did you stop?" He whispered and grabbed the seatbelt.

Haesoo put her hand on his shoulder,
"You're too close."

He purposely grabbed the seatbelt slowly just to tease her. He fixed his gaze on her cheeks and chuckled when she was blushing so hard. After a minute, he wore the seatbelt on her and stay in the position with her hand still on his shoulder.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked her softly.

"Who wouldn't be blushing if someone is this close to her?" Haesoo groaned and tried to push him away from her.

"Sunghoon, we should go."

He smiled, "Why are you blushing, Haesoo?"


"You once did this to me two years ago." He leaned closer. He cut her off.

"In this position."

"In this car."

"Don't you remember about it?"

Haesoo shook her head,
"Stop talking nonsense."

"You put your hand on my shoulder."

He continued "Then you leaned your body closer to me."

"And you---"

"And what--?"

He shook his head, "It's almost 8 pm. We should go."

He got on his seat and finally drove the car to the city without finishing what he has just said earlier making Haesoo get so curious.

"And what, Sunghoon? Don't leave me hanging."

Sunghoon turned up the volume.

"Sunghoon, I'm so curious."

"There's no need to be so curious."

"Did I fart in your face?"

Sunghoon laughed, "No."

"Is it worst than that?"

He nodded.

"Did I swear in front of you?"

"Swearing is not the worst thing, Haesoo."

"Then what?"

"You kissed me."

Haesoo suddenly screamed and hit him on the shoulder making him scream too.

"Stop lying!"

"You kissed me because I have ice cream on my lips. You were too sleepy when I woke you up to taste the ice cream." He paused and took a glance at her who look so shy.

"But you kissed me on the lips and fell asleep after that."

"I'm not going to believe you." She crossed her arm.

"What the fuck, Nam Haesoo?! What is going on between you and Sunghoon--?!"

Haesoo and Sunghoon widened their eyes when Angel spoke on the phone. She screamed so loud like Sunghoon could hear her voice even though the call is not in speaker mode.

"I thought you already end the call with her..."

Haesoo gulped, "I forgot to end it..."

She put the phone on her ear and spoke.
"Angel, this is wrong."

"You kissed him?!"

"Did you move on from Jay?"

Haesoo lowered her head when Jay was mentioned.


"I'm sorry, Haesoo..."

"I don't mean to bring his name."

"I'm just surprised..."

"It's okay. I'm on my way to the festival. Let's meet there."

Haesoo ended the call, and let out a deep breath.

"What's wrong with that look?" Sunghoon asked her curiously.

"She mentioned Jay... That's all."

Sunghoon's smile faded away.
"Do you want me to lecture her?"

Haesoo shook her head.
"Anyway, Sunghoon..."


"I met Chairman Shim when the electricity got cut off."

"The one who looks like Jay?"

"Yes." Haesoo toyed with her fingers.

"People are right. He looks like Jay. His voice and everything about him is the same."

"I still remember the moment he wiped the blood on my forehead and comforted me."

"Even the way he comforted me is the same as Jay did."

"How can I forget him if Chairman Shim will always appear in front of me?"

"I can't move on from the past if I see him.

"I will think of Jay often."

"And end up hurting myself again."

Sunghoon hummed, "I want to meet him tonight."


"Yes. He is the chairman. He will go to the festival too, right?"

"Do you want to see him?"

He nodded, "I want to see his face."

"I will try to bring him to you."


"Nice to meet you, Mr.Park. I'm sorry for being late."

Mr.Park smiled at Haesoo and wrapped his arm around his wife. Mrs.Park waved her hand to Haesoo, "You're so pretty, Haesoo."

"Thank you so much, Mrs.Park." Haesoo shyly nodded.

"Don't call me Mrs.Park. Call me mom."

"Call him, dad." Mrs.Park chuckled when Haesoo got so shy. At the same time, Sunghoon and his friends came toward Haesoo and bowed to the family respectfully.

Mrs.Park held her tears as she was so happy,
"All of you grew up so well. I still remember the moment I prepared a lot of cookies and milk for all of you when you came to play with Jay."

Sunghoon and Hyuri chuckled along with Yedam and Jisung.

"Sunghoon, do you remember the day you fought with Jay because of Woody and Buzz Lightyear?"

"Jay wanted to have Woody."

"And Sunghoon wanted Jay to take Buzz because Buzz described Jay the most."

"Strong and cool."

"And you want to have Woody because you know that Buzz will always be with you and protect you from danger."

Sunghoon nodded making Hyuri laugh.

"I still remember the day Yedam peed--"

"Shut up." Yedam pulled Hyuri away causing everyone to laugh.

"Why don't your mother come with you, Soohyun?"

Soohyun shyly takes a step forward.
"She is busy with her work. She sends regards to you."

Mrs.Park chuckled. "Everything is going well on all of you, right?"

They nodded. "Let me bring you to the VIP site. There's a lot of food there. You can enjoy them while watching some performances from K-pop bands and our local singer."

"Will Jennie perform tonight?" Jisung asked excitedly making Hyuri shake her head in disbelief.

"Of course. You can watch her performance from the VIP site."

Mrs.Park wrapped her arm around Soohyun and Hyuri before bringing them away from Haesoo. Before Haesoo could follow them, Mr.Park suddenly stopped her from leaving.

"Haesoo, my daughter-in-law."

Haesoo turned her body to face him in confusion. "Yes, Mr.Park?"

She shook her head, "Yes, dad?"

"Please enjoy this night."

"Night festival will be a memorable day for you."

Haesoo raised her eyebrows, "Why...?"

"The performance will be starting in 5 minutes. You should go to your friends."

"Mr.Jung is here. I should go now." He waved his hand to her, leaving her speechless.

Haesoo just smiled in response. She gripped her dress and walked towards her friends carefully as the hall was getting so crowded with people.
She bowed to everyone who greeted her and smiled when she spotted Hawoon and Nami were talking to each other on the VIP seat happily. Just by looking at the way they stare at each other, Haesoo could feel that they fell in love with each other so hard.

Haesoo looked at them for a long time and suddenly got deja vu from the past. She could see herself with Jay in both of them. The moment they talked to each other when they got stuck in the elevator crossed her mind.

She silently chuckled when the moment she got on the bed with him, hugged him from behind, and slept with him flashed on her mind.

it happened about 2 and 4 years ago but everything was still clear in her mind.

"Be careful." Haesoo finally back to her sense when Jake suddenly bumped into her. She looked at him for a long time and all she could think was Jay.

He exactly looks like Jay.

and it made her heartbeat so fast.

They looked at each other for a long time until someone bumped into him from behind causing his phone to slip from his hand.

Haesoo immediately bend her body to get his phone and was surprised when he did the same thing.

Before she could take the phone, something suddenly caught her attention.

something that she will never forget for the rest of her life,

is it a coincidence to see him wearing the red ribbon on his wrist?

the red ribbon that Haesoo used to make for Jay and wore it on him.

the red ribbon made Haesoo feel so safe after seeing Jay wear it on his wrist.

the red ribbon that means everything to her.

Jake took his phone, and immediately fixed his sleeve when Haesoo caught the red ribbon on his wrist.

"Chairman Shim---"

"I need to go now, Haesoo. Let's speak later."
Jake immediately left her speechless and lost from her sight.

"Chairman Shim, why did you have the red ribbon---"

Haesoo ran out of the hall to look for Jake. Ignored the thought of enjoying her night with her friends, she wants to look for Jake and asks him about the red ribbon that he has on his wrist.

She stood in the hallway in confusion, wondering where did the guy go. Haesoo then took out her phone and called for Mrs.Park who was with her friends.

"Hello, Haesoo. Why aren't you--"

"Mrs.Park, have you seen Chairman Shim around the place?"

"Chairman Shim?"

"Yes, Chairman Shim."

"Jake Shim."

"Oh honey, I don't know who Chairman Shim is."

Haesoo got so confused. She ended the call and decided to call for Mr.Park.

"Mr.Park, did you see Chairman Shim?"

"Oh...? Chairman Shim...?"

"Yes. I want to meet him but he is suddenly lost from my sight."

"Chairman Shim? Oh. He must be with Park Hawoon."

Haesoo shook her head and decided to call for Hawoon this time.

Before she could call him, she suddenly bumped into Secretary Lee, the one who sent her home after the accident that happens on the stairs this morning.

"Secretary Lee!"

"Yes, Nam Haesoo?" Secretary Lee came towards her.

"Have you seen Chairman Shim? I want to meet him."

Secretary Lee raised his eyebrows,
"Who is Chairman Shim?"

"Your boss..."

"Did you mean Chairman Park?"

Haesoo shook her head, "Chairman Park is with Mr.Jung from SHone. He is talking---"

"No. Not that Chairman Park." Secretary Lee cut her off.

"Chairman Park. The new chairman of PJS."

"Oh, I forgot. I thought he already introduced himself to you."

"Jay Park is the new chairman of PJS. He is known as Chairman Park from now on."

Haesoo widened her eyes and became so speechless to speak.

"Jay Park? Park Jongseong?"

Secretary Lee nodded, "Park Jongseong."

"But Jay passed away two years ago."

He laughed, "What are you talking about, Haesoo?"

"He left the country secretly with his parents."

"The accident that happened to him will bring a big impact on the company. The media will wait in front of the company every day to ask about him."

"After Jay got his surgery, the hospital hid Jay far away from everyone because his parents asked them to."

"The surgery is successful."

"A day after the surgery, his parents decided to give him treatment in another country and stay there for a long time until the news about him faded away."

A tear escaped from her eyes, "Then who is Jake Shim?"

"Jake Shim? I don't know him."

At the same time, Mr.Park came toward Secretary Lee, "I think you should stay with Chairman Shim---"

He shut his mouth when Haesoo cried.

"Did you tell her about--"

"Oh, she found out about it..." He sighed.

Sunghoon and his friends came with Mrs.Park and watched Haesoo who cried in the hallway.

Haesoo fixed her eyes on Sunghoon,

"Sunghoon, why?"

Sunghoon bit his lips and took a step toward her but she avoided him.

"You hid about this from me for 2 years..."

"You told me that the surgery didn't turn out to be well..."

Sunghoon spoke up, "Haesoo---"

"You should tell me, Sunghoon."

"I wanted to, Haesoo."

Haesoo sobbed in tears.

"But I was forced to."

"It's not fun seeing you crying over him."

"It hurts me more than you expected."

"It hurts me seeing you crying and suffering because of him."

"Just if I could tell you earlier..."

"Just if I have the right, to tell the truth to you."

"You will be so happier."

"But sadly--"

"I don't have the right to do that."


"I'm sorry."

Sunghoon hugged her tightly causing her to cry harder.

"Please don't hate me for this, Haesoo."

"I can't bear losing you."

"Don't leave me because of this."

"Please. I'm begging you."

Haesoo cried, "This is hurting me so bad."

"I'm sorry for hurting you."

"This is the worst thing I have ever done to you."

"I hate myself."

"I hate myself, Haesoo."

"I never wanted to hurt you."

"Don't forgive me."

"But please don't leave me."

"Losing you will be the end of me."

Hyuri crossed her arm, "Did you know about this, Yedam?"

Yedam and the other shook their head.
"I had no idea about this."

"How about you, Soohyun?"

"My mother never told me about this. I'm so surprised..."

Haesoo held his hand tightly and brought him to the rooftop without minding people who were looking at them.

Sunghoon and Haesoo faced each other with tears keep rolling on their cheeks.

"Haesoo, I'm sorry."

Haesoo remained silent.

"Haesoo..." He held his hand.

"Do you know about Jake Shim?"

"No, Haesoo. When you told me that he has the same look as Jay."

He continued, "I was so surprised."

"Did Jay change his name? Or decide to hide his identity? I deadly thought that there's a new chairman who looks like Jay."

"I don't know that it is Jay."

Haesoo lowered her head.

"Haesoo, I'm sorry. I hate myself for hurting you---"

Haesoo went towards him and hugged him tightly.
"How can I hate you after everything you have done to me, Sunghoon?"

"If I force myself to hate you,"

"I don't think it will happen."

"Even though the truth will hurt me."

"But if it is related to you."

"Nothing is matters anymore."

"You should have told me earlier, Sunghoon."

"I will never hate you for doing this to me."

"Because you were forced to."

"You will never do that to me because you wanted to."

"I know how kind-hearted your heart is."

"I know you well."

"You should tell me the truth."

Sunghoon cried, and hugged her back.
"I felt so sorry, Haesoo."

"You have done everything to me, Sunghoon."

"I shouldn't hate you just because of your one mistake."

"So, I forgive you."

"Don't do it again after this."

"If you have something that you kept from me."

"Tell me and I'll be good."

She broke the hug and stood on her tiptoes.

"I will never hate you."

"And I forgive you, Park Sunghoon"
She patted his head gently.

Sunghoon held his shoulder and apologized for few times. He then fixed his gaze on Jay who was watching them from the edge of the rooftop.

He patted her head, "Jay is watching us."

Haesoo widened her eyes.

"I will wait for you outside."

He poked her nose and stroked her cheeks,
"Thank you for forgiving me."

He held her hand for the last time and left after taking a glance at Jay.

Jay watched Haesoo and took a step toward her.

Haesoo tucked her lips when tears rolled on her cheeks.

"You dummy," Haesoo spoke up.

"I hate you so much for doing this to me."

Jay stopped in front of her.

"Is it fun to see me crying over you?"

He reached his hand to her forehead and took off the bandage. "Does it still hurt?"

Haesoo grabbed his hand,
"At least apologize after everything you did to me."

He then leaned his face closer to her and gave a blow to her wound before applying the bandage again.

"How does it feel now?"

Haesoo sighed heavily. She took a step away and headed towards the door to leave.

"Don't leave." Jay suddenly hugged her from behind causing her to stop on her way.

Haesoo lowered her head to hold her tears.

"Can I hold your waist?" He whispered.

Haesoo slowly nodded and was surprised when he gently placed his hand on her waist. He then rest his head on her shoulder and kissed it before turning her body to face him.

"You left me two times and you seem so good with it," Haesoo spoke, didn't even tilt her head to look at him straight into his eyes.

"Who said I'm good with it?"

"Can't you see me?"

"I'm in tears right now," Jay spoke but Haesoo still didn't look at him.

Jay softly held her jaw, and stroke her cheeks.
"Look at me and you will see tears rolling on my cheeks."

Haesoo finally looked at him who was so close to her.

"Where're the tears---"

Before Haesoo could finish her words, Jay suddenly cut her off by kissing her on the lips with his hand gripped around her neck.

After a minute, he finally let go of her and stared into her eyes for a long time.

Haesoo couldn't hold it anymore.

She cried in front of him and hugged him tightly.

"At least apologize to me, bastard!"

"You always did this to me!"

"I hate you."

Jay hugged her back and chuckled as he found it funny seeing her crying.

Haesoo shouted, kept hurting him on the shoulder.



"I hate you."

She punched him in the stomach causing him to groan in pain.

"Oh god, why did you punch me in the stomach...?" Jay let go of her and groaned in pain.

Haesoo widened her eyes, "I forgot about it..."

Haesoo shook her head and approached Jay anxiously. She then placed her hand on his stomach, "Does it still hurt?"

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

She leaned her body closer to him and again, he grabbed his chance by holding her shoulder and kissing her on the kiss for a short time.


"This is not the good way to greet me."

"The way great to greet me is."

"Saying that you miss me."

"You love me."

"You want to see me."

"You want me to be with you."

"You want to get married to me."

He poked her nose, and gently wiped her tears.

"I'm so mad at you, Jay."

"You left me on purpose. Why should I greet you nicely?"

Jay cupped her cheeks,
"Why is it so hard for you to say that you love me too?"

"I love you, Nam Haesoo."

Haesoo didn't reply.
"Apologize first."

"Say that you love me first."


"What? What? I can't hear you." Jay walked around the rooftop while teasing her.

"Park Jongseong, apologize!"

"What did you say, Park Haesoo?"

Jay chuckled when she was blushing.

"Don't change the topic!" Haesoo ran towards him and bumped into him on purpose.

"What the hell is that? Why is your head so hard?!" He groaned.

"Then apologize!"

"Park Haesoo, do you want me to apologize? Oh my god, come here baby."

"What the fuck? It sounds so cringe!"

"Did you just swear in front of me?!"

"I'm learning this from you."

"Yes, but not in front of me!"

"You swore in front of me when you drunk," Haesoo spoke and immediately shut her mouth.

"I caught you again. Did you mean the night where I kissed you when--"

"Shut up!"

Jay laughed and was surprised when Haesoo ran towards him again.

Without any hesitation, he opened his arm and got ready to catch her. As soon as she got into his embrace, he immediately hugged her and spun her around.

"I miss you so much." He brushed her hair.

"I'm sorry."

"That's not enough!" Haesoo said while holding her tears.

He broke the hug, "Then how should I apologize to make you feel enough?"

He looked into her eyes and leaned his face closer again.
"Tell me."

Haesoo suddenly held his jaw and kissed him on the lips making him surprised.

"Did you just kiss me first?" He said while holding his happiness.

Haesoo lowered her head and quickly tucked her body into his embrace as she was so embarrassed to see him. Jay shook his head while smiling like an idiot. He cupped her cheeks,
"Tell me you love me too, Haesoo."


"Alright." He gave a peck on her cheeks.

"That's not enough."

"What the hell did you mean?"

Haesoo slapped him on the shoulder,
"That's not what I mean, you dummy."

"I want you to kneel in front of me for 10 minutes and apologize until your throat is dry."

Jay groaned, "I would rather do the one that crosses my mind instead of doing what you wanted me to do."

"You bastard."

Jay groaned, "When will you say that you love me too, Haesoo?"

Haesoo sighed, "Is my action not enough for you, Jay?"

"No." He smiled.

Haesoo cleared her throat, "Fine."

"I love--"

"Stop. I want to record." He took out his phone and record the moment making Haesoo couldn't hold her laughter.

"Say it."

"I love you, Jay."

"Oh no. My phone is lagging earlier. Do it again."

"I love you, Jay."

"No. It's the battery's fault this time."

"Jay, you did this on purpose."

Jay stopped recording and immediately pulled her into a deep kiss this time. He grabbed her jaw, pulled her closer to him, and tilted his head to another site when Haesoo kissed him back. He kissed her passionately and stopped to take a short breath.

He rest his nose on her and smiled.

"Are we dating now...?" Haesoo asked him curiously.

"What the fuck? Let's just get married."

"Your mouth---" Haesoo slapped him on the right cheek.

"Jay!" Yedam and his friends went to the rooftop surprisingly making Jay and Haesoo stop playing.

Jisung wiped his tears,
"I came to meet you instead of watching Jennie's performance." He ran towards Jay and hugged the guy tightly.

Haesoo chuckled when Yedam cried too.

He went towards Jay and hugged the guy more than Haesoo did.

Hyuri went towards Jay and hit him on the shoulder,
"You bastard. Stop doing that to Haesoo again."

"I will kill you after this," Jiyoon said and hit him too.

Jay groaned, "Hyuri and Jiyoon, are you a monster or something?"

Soohyun approached Jay,


"I'm happy to see you again." She held his hand and chuckled.

"I'm happy to see you happier with them, Soohyun."

Nami chuckled, "Hey."

Jay looked at Nami curiously.

"I have a boyfriend. Thanks to you. If you didn't cancel the wedding, I will never meet this guy." Nami wrapped her arm around Hawoon's waist making everyone laugh.

"Be happier with him then."

Jay wrapped his arm around Haesoo,
"I have a girlfriend too." He sticks out his tongue.

Sunghoon walked toward Jay and stopped in front of him.

They looked at each other for a long time and smiled.

"You stupid, I still hate you," Jay spoke.

"But thank you for saving my life."

"I'm a surgeon, Jay. Just expect the unexpected on me." Sunghoon replied while flexing his doctor card.

"So annoying." Jay groaned and ended up chuckling.

"I miss you, Jay." Sunghoon held his hand and they did a short hug.

"I miss you too, Sunghoon."

"Thank you for everything you have done to me."

"And also to Haesoo."

Sunghoon sighed, "I did everything for Haesoo because I love her. You don't need to thank me."

"Watch your mouth." Jay hit the guy on the shoulder.


"Let's the conflict here, should we?"

Jay responds, "I will take Buzz Lightyear."

"I will take Woody." Sunghoon chuckled.

"I'm Rex!" Yedam cut them off.

"I'm Bopeep!" Hyuri ran around them.

"Bopeep? Does that mean Sunghoon and Hyuri--"
Hyuri hit Jisung on the head.

"Stop saying something nonsense!"

Hawoon spoke up,

"Let's enjoy this night festival together."

"It almost come to the end."

"Let's watch Jennie!"Jisung ran out from the rooftop.

Haesoo just laughed and looked at Jay when he held her hand tightly.

"I will never let go of your hand again." He whispered.

"I will take care of you until the end of my life."

Haesoo held his hand back.
"Thank you for everything, Jay."

"From our high school year until now,"

"Thank you for doing everything for me."

"I appreciate you so much."

Sunghoon stood next to Haesoo,
"How about me?"

"You too, Sunghoon." Three of them chuckled.


"Oh, tell me, Haesoo! About the conversation, you had with Sunghoon that night!" Angel spoke as soon as she arrived at the park with Nami and Hawoon.

Jay looked at Haesoo in confusion,
"What is she talking about?"

Haesoo took a glance at Sunghoon making him laugh.

Jay crossed his arm,
"What's going on? Tell me."

"Nothing, Jay," Sunghoon replied.

"Justice cream accident."

Angel shook her head, "No! I heard it--"

Jiyoon suddenly came towards Angel and dragged the girl away from Haesoo, Jay, and Sunghoon.

"I don't understand, Haesoo." Jay waited for Haesoo to explain.

Sunghoon chuckled,
"It's better for me and Haesoo to keep it silent."

"I'm so curious!"

Yedam shook his head and dragged Jay to the mat after he has done serving all of the food that they bought earlier.

"Let's eat!"

"Wait, Haesoo! Come here." Jay pulled Haesoo away from Sunghoon and let the girl sit next to him instead of following Sunghoon.

Sunghoon then took a seat next to Haesoo.

"Why did you sit next to her?!" Jay pushed Sunghoon away.

"Jay." Haesoo held his hand and feed a rice cake into his mouth. "Let's eat."

"You touch her and you'll die."

Sunghoon sticks out his tongue.


Hyuri came towards them and sat between Jisung and Yedam. Soohyun greeted everyone happily and finally took a seat after a few minutes of taking some pictures of the scenery.

"Why did you wear something beautiful today?"

Haesoo asked Hyuri curiously making Jay smile and take a glance at Sunghoon.

Hyuri rolled her eyes, "Shut up."

"Park Sunghoon, is Hyuri beautiful today?"

Sunghoon swallowed the food and nodded,
"Of course."

"You bastard, don't praise me!" Yedam quickly shoved food into her mouth.

"You have been friends for a long time. Why don't you guys start dating?" Soohyun asked them curiously.

Haesoo nodded,
"I still remember when you kept asking me if I have a feeling about Sunghoon in the past."

"You were always with him too." Haesoo continued.

"I know, right? You are always with him. Why don't you date?"

Sunghoon remained silent.

"Do you like Sunghoon, Lee Hyuri?" Nami asked her curiously.

Hyuri sighed heavily,
"I never have a feeling on him."

"I will never have a feeling on Sunghoon. Believe me."

Yedam asked, "Then who is the person you like?"

"I have someone I like but I'm too scared to confess."

"It's late to confess anyway. So, I just kept it to myself."

Angel and Haesoo widened their eyes,
"You should tell me about it!"

"Who is the person?!" Hawoon and Nami asked curiously.

Hyuri sighed and put the food down.

She fixed her eyes on Haesoo.

"Haesoo," Hyuri spoke up.

Haesoo smiled.

"I liked you, Haesoo."


thank you for reading
Night Festival

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