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[Real name/identity: N/A
[Designated name: Unit 757 "Nitrus" or "Nitro"
[Gender: Male
[Age: 15
[Height: 5.2
[Weight: 105 lbs
[Species: night fury droid
[Structure model type: night fury droid V2.0
[Unit type: entertainment and vehicle technician
[Core type: core shard-orange type
[Abilities: excellent driver, enhanced running and flying velocity, reaction speed and maneuvering.
[Armaments: arm-integrated lux blades that are used for offense and defense, NOS boost engine.
[Other modes: NRG mode, NOS Booster Burst mode.
[Special modes: Limiter-release NOS Booster Burst mode, N_I_T_R_O mode.
[Origin location: US Gründer Industries

[Family: N/A
[Friends: Jay, Pixel, Tide.
[Backstory: Nitro was a unit created specifically for veichle repair and maintenance, but later on began to start having an interest in popular vehicle racing competitions. And, since his interest was related with repair and maintenance involving machinery, Nitro pursued his desire to compete with the best of the best with not a single trouble. On occasions he gets involved with very important companies that have admired his aptitude. Nitro is considered the best robot mechanic and sports racer in the nation up to day. Other than that, he is a valiant and encouraging image to both people and nfd units that have some difficulty to choose their personal careers or dreams.
[Personality: Nitro is a very brave and energetic nfd unit, not a bit shy to look for new competitors to challenge him in both personal, air, ground and water vehicle racing. Sure, sometimes he can be a little bit too energetic and ignorant because of his likes, but he's calm for most of the time and likes for others to share their interests to him.
[Likes: racing, competing with others, fair races, speed, adrenaline, the thrill of velocity and high-speed turns, and known friends that he has met in previous competitions.
[Dislikes: slowness, restrictions, laziness, crashes, and those who use illegal methods to cheat in competitions(those that definitely involve harming others in the end)
[Other: don't give him too much NOS soda as a gift for celebration occasions, or he'll be bouncing across the rooms and city for hours on end.

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